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Turkey Procurement News Notice - 14192

Procurement News Notice

PNN 14192
Work Detail Dear readers; It is possible that the recent presidential election, which resulted in a no mistake in the synthesis prospect, could be likened to a massive bid for public services. According to this analogy; Name of Job: Government of the Republic of Turkey. Work Owner: The Turkish State. Time of Job: Five years. Legislation to which you are bound: The Turkish Constitution and other legislation related to the subject. What to Attend: Candidates and individual candidates of political parties that provide conditions for entering the tribunal. Audit of Work: Relevant government agencies, political parties, press, non-governmental organizations, citizens. Temporary Guarantee: It will not be requested from candidates of political parties! Definite Guarantee: The oath will be enough! Work Experience Certificate: It will not be searched! like finds. In this process, the participants in the tender told the tender commission (public) in writing and verbally how they would implement the management, what they did, what they would do and what they would not do ; on behalf of the commission, the Supreme Election Board (YSK) evaluated and determined the contractor who won the bid. The work will not be completed until the deadline is reached, no new tender will be required for the decision of the public concerning the administration of the state (except for the localities, liquidation etc.) . As is known, the person or entity that won an auction generally divides the sub-jobs in the auction according to criteria such as type and amount of work; These tasks are carried out by the subcontractors, persons and institutions that they have established and are responsible for (in their own responsibility) . He manages this behavior. (Performs administrative tasks such as coordination and organizing.) Although there are some general or specific current limitations on the selection and selection of subcontractors and suppliers in public procurement, it is a known fact that the original initiative is at work contractor. Selection (tender!) As they did in winning president, it makes possible to simulate the contractor winning a public tender. Here too, the President of the Republic of Cyprus will do similar things that the contractor who won the tender will do. Do what works, will help determine, ministers are directly linked to it, such as the heads of the people (authorities) will partition between; assign subordinates (subcontractors!) with their own authority, appraisal and initiative, and try to fulfill the winning bid through them. * * * * Dear readers; if in a public sale; * If the subcontractors are not well defined (competent and strong) ... * If the job is received at a lower price than the actual contractor ... * If the job is not the support of the actual boss and the relationship is further broken ... It is a fact that the subcontractor has difficulties in controlling his work. In such cases, if the control of the work is a little too difficult for the subcontractor, Chief, I can do this much. If you want more, go tell the boss! The words that are understood are words that are heard in practice and heard in the past by the author of these lines. Given the task of managing public administration or area (large, medium and small!) For management contractors (business to low-cost, except to be!) Probably would have similar situations. In the meantime, every audiences, subcontractors, bosses are the winners; it should not be forgotten that subcontractors of this day may be bosses in the future. It is known that in the new system, called Presidential Government System (CHS) or Presidential Management System (BYS) , decisions and actions to be taken using personal recognition, preference, authority and initiative will be intense. This is what they are most against. The most widespread and most important of the actions in this context will probably be related to cadre movements such as appointments of senior public administrators, removal from the post (on what is needed!) , And transfers. The President of the Republic of Turkey also expressed the importance and sensitivity of this subject with the words the new period will be the only determining qualification and merit in the appointments . (A reminder, they also stated that this was not the case in earlier periods and periods!) For example, according to the current legislation, all professors who have served as professors for at least three years, who have not completed the age of 67 and who are not obstructed by civil servants may apply to the rectorate announcement for a university. So those who fulfill these conditions are appointed to be rector (to take the tender!) . Undoubtedly, the appointing authority will not be able to appoint only the applicant (or the shot) as a rector. However, there is the authority to appoint. The other quality information and documents presented to the applicant are of value with the approval, preference and initiative of the authority. However, it is inevitable that any personal decisions, preferences, decisions and practices which are left to the initiative, are made, criticized and inconvenienced if done well. It is obvious that all the executive powers will be narrowed down if the criteria for the actions in each subject are predefined (by regulations, specifications, standards) . (It is also known that in a country, the number and variety of practices in this context is inversely proportional to the quality of democracy and justice in that country.)
Country Turkey , Western Asia
Industry services
Entry Date 24 Jul 2018

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