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Iraq Procurement News Notice - 13147

Procurement News Notice

PNN 13147
Work Detail The General Company for Iraqi Ports started the process of organizing the work of the procurement committees in coordination and cooperation with the private sector and to organize the work of the suppliers and provide justice in the competition among them through the development of the work program organizing the local purchase orders through an electronic link for this purpose. In order to find out more about this program, Captain Salem Jabbar Hussain, Assistant Director General of Iraqi Ports Company said to the new morning: In light of the guidance of the Minister of Transport Captain Kazem Al-Alami in reducing corruption, preserving public funds, maximizing imports and organizing the work of the procurement committees in coordination with the sector. And the organization of the work of processors and provide justice in the competition between them, the General Company for Iraqi Ports developed a program of work to organize local purchase orders through an electronic link for this purpose and announced the method of work of preparing materials and organizing the work. He added that the assistant director of the company in our belief in the role played by local purchases in our company in securing the inputs that will ensure the continuation of work and achieve production that enhances the revenues of Iraqi ports and to overcome the difficulties facing the work of the procurement committees and solve the problems that put our members under indictment and subject to the regulatory bodies and legal accounting in addition to The importance of preserving public money as well as preventing the negative impact on the amounts of points of incentives and profits and the rest of the financial entitlements of the hard worker who requires us as senior management insurance without any reason to reduce them, it is imperative to increase those In addition to that paragraph (VII) of the second article of the Federal Budget Regulations 2018, which necessitated the pressure of expenditure and reduce and rationalize and the goal of government departments measure and to activate the role of internal control is represented in the Audit and Internal Control Department in The Public Company And in cooperation with the Commercial Section and the financial and legal and planning and follow-up and the rest of the sections and ports of our company, and in light of that we put our development program in this regard with a sufficient wall of protection that we want to apply accurately to achieve what we referred to God Almighty and we call on all vendors fully abide by the controls and contexts and the new mechanism And create a spirit of competition that achieves the ambition of all and for which a smart display in the companys queries with the Depository Deposit Fund from the amount of two million dinars to 100 million under the supervision of the Regulatory Committee for the purchase orders formed for this purpose with r The filing of applications by a specified slot shall be permitted by the presence of all interested parties at the time specified in the advertisement for each article and order which must be accompanied by the electronic form. This form must be completed at each purchase and submitted to the competition within (admen) dedicated for this purpose. Open the window in the location Organization of work to promote and improve the work of our company The assistant general manager said that last week we met with the director of the financial department of the company, Rawhi Aziz and the officials of the people and their assistants and unit officials. The meeting dealt with the important matters related to the companys work and keen on public money on the one hand and facilitating procedures and transactions with customers, Work to promote and upgrade our company and discussed the procedures for the payment of salaries for employees for the first time in the history of ports through the smart card (Master Card) and study accurately and also to study the financial procedures and balances for the second half of this year and how to reduce For exchange and instruct the Planning Department to develop a budget planning and preparation, and to instruct the rest of the companys departments and ports to write all their needs for the next year, and put a mechanism in preparing the answers to the Audit Court and not to delay the nomination of each division one accountants to be responsible for the preparation of answers pertaining to his division. The Assistant Director General said that the meeting confirmed the work of the electronic warehouse system and the training of accountants to deal with it and documenting in their computers and other procedures that will achieve this mechanism financial benefits for the company and the selection of optimal materials after it proved successful by applying the first phase of it and we are now launching the final program, Competition and transparency in work and reduce manipulation of public money.
Country Iraq , Western Asia
Industry services
Entry Date 07 Jun 2018

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