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Ireland Procurement News Notice - 1306

Procurement News Notice

PNN 1306
Work Detail The National Rehabilitation Hospital (NRH) has sought expression of interest this month (August 10) for the construction work of the planned 120-bed ward building at the Dublin hospital. The proposed accommodation, including en suite bathroom facilities, at Dún Laoghaire will comprise a gross floor area of approximately 17,000 square metres, with the works to be carried out on the active hospital campus site starting on January 30 next. No end date has been provided for works during which hospital activities must remain uninterrupted under the contract, which is not subject to renewal or variations. The NRH reserves the right to carry out the works in phases or as one overall project. The fit-out of a number of the wards/departments only may be phased. According to the NRH, the new build will provide direct linkages to the existing hospital buildings and will include demolitions and associated site works.
Country Ireland , Northern Europe
Industry Construction
Entry Date 02 Sep 2016

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