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Brazil Procurement News Notice - 13048

Procurement News Notice

PNN 13048
Work Detail Selective process launched does not provide quota increase, only the replacement of temporary workers with contracts close to the term The Paraná government intends to temporarily hire more than 1,000 agents from public jail to work in prisons, jails and police stations in nine regions of the state. The hiring, however, does not mean contribution in the number of servers. The new workers will only replace the temporary agents who now work in the system and whose contract is ending. The announcement of the simplified selection process was launched on Monday (4), by the Secretary of State for Public Security (Sesp). According to the document, the government intends to hire up to 1,156 professionals - 982 men and 174 women. The selection will be made through curriculum analysis and proof of qualifications. Contractors are expected to start work on July 21. The contract will last for one year and may be extended by one more. Error loading player: Network error The vacancies will be distributed among the following administrative regions: Curitiba, Ponta Grossa, Guarapuava, Londrina, Cornélio Procópio, Maringá, Umuarama, Cascavel and Francisco Beltrão. Subscriptions can be made free of charge by the Sesp website . The salary is R $ 1,447.65, for 40 hours a week of work. DEATHS AND SUPERLOTATION: ?Why Curitiba can not empty police garrisons? It does not solve, says union The Union of Correctional Agents of Paraná (Sindarspen) issued a note stating that the hiring of 1,156 temporary agents does not solve the shortage of workers. According to the entity, Paraná has 3,200 career prison guards - hired through a public tender - and 1,1 thousand chain agents hired through PSS, many of which, crowded in the chains. According to the union, the announced contract will only replace the current temporary workers whose contract expires in July. Sindarspen acknowledges what he calls the current managements effort to try to solve years of abandonment of the penitentiary system, but emphasizes that this hiring does not mean an improvement in the current prison situation in Paraná, because there will be no increase in the number of workers.
Country Brazil , South America
Industry Legal
Entry Date 05 Jun 2018

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