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Croatia (Hrvatska) Procurement News Notice - 12762

Procurement News Notice

PNN 12762
Work Detail The reconstruction of the Pejacevic Castle and the City Park, the arrangement of the Small Park, the arrangement of bicycle traffic in the city center, the construction of a new Educational, Educational and Rehabilitation Center and the three-part school sports hall are just some of the projects that show that this year Virovitica is one of the largest construction sites in this part of Croatia. Otherwise, the City of Virovitica in cooperation with the VTA Development Agency is currently implementing 24 European projects with a total value of 135 million kuna. Along with the above mentioned projects, a continuation of one of the largest projects, not only in the area of ??Virovitica, but also in the whole of Virovitica-Podravina County, will be followed soon, namely Improvement of water infrastructure infrastructure of Virovitica II agglomeration. phase. Namely, the investor, the city-based company Virko, has published the Procurement Document on Procurement for the Wastewater Treatment Plant of Virovitica, an estimated value of HRK 60,000,000.00 without VAT, on the Public Procurement Electronic Procurement Office. - This is the second phase of the Aglomeracija Virovitica project, which is worth about HRK 200 million (1st and 2nd Phase). In the preparation of the tender documentation, along with Virk as the holder of the investment, were also involved Croatian Waters, the Central Finance and Contracting Agency of EU programs and projects and contract consultants. We expect more than 10 tenderers from all over Europe, said Deputy Mayor Damir Marenic, adding that the town of Virovitica is almost 100 percent covered by drainage and by building a wastewater treatment plant we will finally have our own high-purity treatment plant complete drainage and wastewater treatment. The subject of the procurement includes design, licensing, construction, supply and installation of equipment, commissioning, testing, completion of the tests and disaster response period for the waste water treatment plant total capacity of 26,000 ES for Virovitica agglomeration. According to Director Virgo Margarete Pticek, it is about the third stage of purification including mechanical purification, septic tank filling station, biological purification, nitrogen and phosphorus removal and processing of surplus biological sludge and its processing at the site. The project also includes infrastructure facility facility design. - Among other things, the construction of the plant includes the preparation of terrain and all the auxiliary facilities, such as auxiliary and control buildings, management tools, landscaping, procurement and supply of all utility services. There is also the construction of access roads and other cable and piping infrastructure, internal traffic areas, water supply ..., said the director of Virgo Margaret Pticek. Recall, last year, the EU project Improving water infrastructure infrastructures of Virovitica agglomeration - Phase I was put in place and a sewage system was set up in Virovitica suburban settlements, ie it was brought to every family home. About 36 kilometers of sewerage network in Virovitica, Špišic Bukovici and Brezik, 13 pumping stations and 14 measuring control rods have been created that will contribute to water supply regulation, ie reduced losses. The entire project is co-funded from two programming periods: from the Operational Program for Environmental Protection 2013-2017. (Phase I) of the Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020 (Phase II)
Country Croatia (Hrvatska) , Southern Europe
Industry Water & Sanitation
Entry Date 18 May 2018

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