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Slovenia Procurement News Notice - 12679

Procurement News Notice

PNN 12679
Work Detail In the Biotechnical Center Naklo, 850 meals are prepared daily, they try to buy as much local food as possible, but this is not always easy The Naklo Biotechnology Center (BC Naklo) once in the public procurement of foods acts as a provider, and secondly as a buyer. How they find themselves in both roles, we talked to Irena Gril , who runs a business education center and participates in public procurement procedures. Under the roof of BC Naklo, there are secondary and higher professional schools and an inter-company training center. Students, as well as adults, are trained for various occupations in the field of food production and processing, as well as nature protection. They are not only taught by theory, but also by practice. They have their fields and milk processing They have their own ecological estate processed by students and students, and a dairy workshop where they prepare for the preparation of dairy products. Cows from our estate give about 150,000 liters of milk per year, which our students turn into yogurt, cottage cheese, butter and cheese, and all of them have an ecological certificate, says Irena Gril. They are not a classic food producer, as their main goal is to teach people how to work good, quality and safe dairy products. To get as much experience as possible, they work a lot of different products, but its not easy to cover costs, adds. Milk is also not bought from other organic farms, because their own milk is sufficient for practical learning and nutrition for students and students. Milk products also drive to schools and kindergartens »Milk and dairy products with an ecological certificate, which we do not consume ourselves, are sold to various customers, including schools and kindergartens through tenders. We do not produce other products - from crops to vegetables and herbs - so much that we can offer them to other public institutions, we sell surplus as much as in the school shop, explains Grilova. BC Naklo has its own kitchen where approximately 850 meals a day are prepared for students and students, and there are three different menus available. When preparing meals in the kitchen, they also use crops from a school organic farm. We buy most of the foods we need to prepare meals through public procurement; We have a call for two years. After all, we have not had a call for a valid amendment to the Public Procurement Law of the Public Procurement Law-3, says Grilova.
Country Slovenia , Southern Europe
Industry Food & Agriculture
Entry Date 14 May 2018

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