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United States Procurement News Notice - 1244

Procurement News Notice

PNN 1244
Work Detail Insperity Inc (NYSE:NSP) institutional sentiment increased to 1.43 in 2016 Q2. Its up 0.79, from 0.64 in 2016Q1. The ratio is more positive, as 113 institutional investors increased or started new positions, while 79 sold and reduced equity positions in Insperity Inc. The institutional investors in our partner’s database now own: 17.19 million shares, down from 17.45 million shares in 2016Q1. Also, the number of institutional investors holding Insperity Inc in their top 10 positions increased from 2 to 7 for an increase of 5. Sold All: 15 Reduced: 64 Increased: 62 New Position: 51.

Insperity, Inc. provides an array of human resources (HR) and business solutions. The company has a market cap of $1.43 billion. The Company’s HR services offerings are provided through its Workforce Optimization and Workforce Synchronization solutions (together, its professional employer organization (PEO) HR Outsourcing solutions), which encompass a range of human resources functions, including payroll and employment administration, employee benefits, workers’ compensation, government compliance, performance management, and training and development services. It has a 24.42 P/E ratio.

About 21,985 shares traded hands. Insperity Inc (NYSE:NSP) has risen 53.72% since January 25, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 38.16% the S&P500.

Analysts await Insperity Inc (NYSE:NSP) to report earnings on November, 7. They expect $0.63 earnings per share, up 31.25% or $0.15 from last year’s $0.48 per share. NSP’s profit will be $13.52 million for 26.43 P/E if the $0.63 EPS becomes a reality. After $0.36 actual earnings per share reported by Insperity Inc for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts 75.00% EPS growth.

According to Zacks Investment Research, “Insperity, Inc., formerly known as Administaff, Inc., is engaged in providing an array of human resources and business solutions. Services offered by the Company includes Workforce Optimization in the marketplace, MidMarket Solutions, Performance Management, Expense Management, Time and Attendance, Organizational Planning, Employment Screening, Recruiting Services, Retirement Services, Business Insurance and Technology Services. Insperity, Inc. is headquartered in Kingwood, Texas.”

Springbank Value Partners Lp holds 7.09% of its portfolio in Insperity Inc for 54,390 shares. Value Holdings Lp owns 129,959 shares or 6.44% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Starboard Value Lp has 4.09% invested in the company for 1.50 million shares. The Ohio-based Winslow Asset Management Inc has invested 3.55% in the stock. Copper Rock Capital Partners Llc, a Massachusetts-based fund reported 468,990 shares.

Ratings analysis reveals 100% of Insperity Inc’s analysts are positive. Out of 3 Wall Street analysts rating Insperity Inc, 3 give it “Buy”, 0 “Sell” rating, while 0 recommend “Hold”. NSP was included in 3 notes of analysts from February 16, 2016. Roth Capital maintained the shares of Insperity Inc in a note on May 3 with “Buy” rating. First Analysis upgraded Insperity Inc’s stock on February 16 to “Overweight” rating.

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Country United States , Northern America
Industry Financial Services
Entry Date 02 Sep 2016

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