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The public bidding grew 38% in 2017 to 8.309 billion euros, and public procurement rose 32% to 4.755 billion, although in both cases se figures represent third part of volume of 2007, before crisis, according to data of ASOCI Construction companies and Infrastructure concessionaires (Seopan). The president of Seopan, Julián Núñez, welcomed increase in investment in general budgets of State presented yesterday and, in particular Ministry of Development, which grows 13.7%, but stressed that it is insufficient to alleviate deficit of 114,000 million euros of priority infrastructures. This is a tipping point, but we are in investment levels equivalent to those of 1999, he said during Seopan press conference to take stock of 2017 sector and prospects for 2018. The employer details that infrastructure related to mobility and transport are most lack of investment presented, estimated at about 85 billion. Then, water related, with an investment of 12 billion inferior to necessary, hospital facilities and educational centers (10.5 billion), environmental actions (6.5 billion) and logistics (700 million). Núñez drew attention that while spending on pensions, health and education has grown 70%, 53% and 29%, respectively, investment in public works remains almost in historical lows after four years of Falls (2011/2016). For this reason, employer has called for a large national pact of infrastructures between different political forces, based on projects of public-private collaboration, to alleviate this deficit that, at current investor rate, it would take 40 years to resolve in terms of Transport and hydraulic infrastructures, and 136 years of environmental issues. The companies associated to Seopán, mainly large construction firms and concessionaires, recorded an increase in national activity of 0.3% in 2017, up to 4.296 billion euros, motivated by rise in residential building of 41%, which contrasts With fall of civil work (-2%). Direct employment fell by 7.2% to 18,199 jobs. Toll Maintenance at AP1 Seopan advocates to keep toll on AP-1 because, in his opinion, it would make no sense for Spanish taxpayers to pay ir maintenance and improvement due to ir high use by foreigners. The grant of AP-1 (Burgos-Armiñón) expires on November 30 and, for now, executive has only advanced that will not extend contract with current concessionaire and that highway reverts to state without clarifying its future model of management. We have sent a proposal to ministry that is based on maintaining pricing model, said president of Seopan, Julián Núñez, who although he has not detailed proposal has hinted that goes through full collection of toll except Regular resident users, who would have a high bonus. The European Commission would not allow discrimination by nationality in payment of tolls, said Núñez, who, however, has insisted on importance of subsidizing regular users as compensation measure for grievance of having to pay when in Or high-capacity roads are not paid for. The AP-1 is a strategic axis for Spain that connects with Portugal and France and by it spend daily an average of 20,000 vehicles, with a high percentage of foreign vehicles: 30% in average of year and 50% in summer, according to Seopan. The employer considers that road requires investments worth more than 300 million for its maintenance and improvement, with works such as completion of third lane or reinforcement of safety in tunnels. |