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United States Procurement News Notice - 11200

Procurement News Notice

PNN 11200
Work Detail North Augusta City Council passed resolutions for four future projects at its meeting Monday night, as well as two ordinances and a permit for a POW/MIA remembrance walk. The first resolution authorized the city to enter into a contract with Clean Energy Collective, or CEC Development, LLC to enroll in the SCE&G Community Solar program. A motion passed unanimously, with approval subject to revisions to the contract as deemed appropriate by the city administrator and city attorney. All councilors were present at the meeting. A resolution was also passed authorizing the city to accept a bid from Beams Contracting, Inc. for the Greeneway-Bergen Road tunnel crossing project. The bid was for a total of $724,615.82 and the funds are allocated from the Capital Projects Sales Tax 2, or CPST, fund, the CPST 3 Fund, an S.C. Department of Transportation grant and the Capital Projects Fund, according to the city council meeting agenda. Councilman Fletcher Dickert made a motion that $90,371 that is set to come from the CPST 3 fund be combined with the $339,120 from CPST 2, stating that taxpayers deserve to see some benefit from the CPST 2 program. His motion was seconded by Councilman Bob Brooks. Only Dickert and Brooks were in favor of the motion. A motion to fund the project as it was stated in the resolution, with funds coming from both CPST 2 and 3 funds, as well as an S.C. DOT grant and the capital projects funds, passed unanimously, with Councilman David McGhee recusing himself from the vote because of family relation. Resolutions for the city to enter into two contracts with bidders for public safety projects were also passed. The first authorizes the city to enter into a contract with Duraclean Systems of North Augusta, Inc. for asbestos and mold remediation at the Public Safety Headquarters. Duraclean submitted a bid for the project totaling $52,300, according to the city council meeting agenda. It was the only bid submitted. A motion to accept the resolution was passed, with only Dickert opposing. He said in the meeting that he strongly supported Public Safety, but said I do not think we are being good stewards of the taxpayers money when taking action on something with only one bid. Council members discussed the citys project procurement policy. Mayor Robert Pettit said in the meeting he thought members were all good stewards of the money entrusted to the city. A motion to enter a contract with Fleetcare of Augusta for replacement of an engine in a 1993 E-One Fire Pump Unit at $32,320.32 also passed, with Dickert opposing. He stated the same reason for opposing, stating that its a hard pill to swallow to vote on something with one bid. At the end of the meeting, Councilman Kenneth McDowell requested a complete review of the project procurement policy in a future study session. Ordinances were passed for the adoption of the 2017 Comprehensive Plan for the City of North Augusta and to grant easements to SCE&G for placement of facilities related to the construction of Riverside Village at Hammonds Ferry. The easements would allow SCE&G to replace, relocate and maintain both underground and overhead electricity lines. A permit was also granted for a POW/MIA remembrance walk on Sep. 15 held by American Legion Post 71. The city also recognized the Employee of the Quarter for April, May and June: Larry Bryant, ESO for the Water Production Division of the Public Services Department. A vote for the appointment of citizens to certain boards and commissions was withheld by Mayor Pettit until the next meeting.
Country United States , Northern America
Industry Services
Entry Date 09 Aug 2017

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