Contract For Operation Of Rake Movement And Unloading Of Coal From N-Box And Bobr Wagons For Two Years At Chp, Ktps-2 Maximum possible expenditure value in two years and is inclusive of labour charge (i.e. skilled/unskilled workers) and all applicable benefits & allowancesfor 65 nos. workers (as per enclosed Annexure) who are under party’s pay role structure (At present situation43 nos. Ex railway employee,01 no. site–in –charge & 21 nos. skilled workers) and includingO.T charge (Maximum 15 hrs/head/month for only 21 nos . skilled workers), night shift allowances (maximum 09 nights/head/month for only 21 nos. skilled workers), cost for PF & ESI as required for smooth execution of the job but excluding profit and overhead 3 Maximum possible expenditure value in two years and is inclusive of labour charge (i.e. skilled/unskilled workers) as calculated on the basis of wage (Basic + DA) as on 01.07.2024 and all applicable benefits & allowances as per MOS dtd. 04/10/2021 for 5 nos. workers and includ-ing O.T charge (maximum 15 hrs/head/month), night shift allowances (maximum 09 nights/head/month) but excluding profit and overhead 4 PART B 5 Maximum possible expenditure value in two years for the overhead charge and the charge of all types of consumables, tools & tackles, safety PPEs required by all workers (65 no workers under company’s pay role and 5 no MOS covered workers) and including all other incidental charges required for smooth execution of the job 6 PART C 7 Profit for two years only on PART A
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General Manager (KTPS)
KTPS,Mecheda,Purba Medinipur, PIN-721137
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