Annual Maintenance Of Pressure Parts Of Unit-3 And 4 Boilers During The Year 2025-26-1 Conveyance for HP welder and crew from Dr. NTTPS to Dr. M.V.R. RTPP and back to Dr. NTTPS. 2 Transporting of tools and tackles, erection, shifting and dismantling of scaffolding and platform and cleaning the area after completion of work and including opening and closing of all manhole doors of the boiler during shut down. 3 Labour charges for replacement of eroded / defective Water wall Tubes & Screen Tubes with spool pieces by H.P. Welding. 4 Labour charges for replacement of eroded / defective Economizer LTSH, PSH, FSH, Reheater coils, SH Hanger Tubes and SH side wall tubes with spool pieces by H.P. Welding. 5 Labour charges for erection of temporary platform just above “S” panel and dismantling the same after completion of work and closing the elliptical doors. 6 Labour charges for transportation, assembly of pneumatically operated sky climbers and dismantling the same after completion of works. 7 Labour charges lowering /lifting of coils of Economizer, LTSH. 8 Labour charges for fin welding of water wall tubes. 9 Metal buildup on eroded pressure parts for a length of 150x30x3.15 mm by H.P. Welding. 10 Attending of steam leaks out side boiler Like Pin Holes, Eroded Bends in valves and soot blowing drain lines.
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