tender for Pasture Development Work In Gram Panchayat Kotdisunda - 1 Grass seed sowing work by tractor and cultivator 2 Labour for spraying grass seed 3 Supply of grass seed 4 150 cm high fencing of precast R.C. pale 15cm tapered to 10x10cm al top placed at wvery am eport 200m in ground embedded in coment concrete 1:3.6 (30x30x45cm) corner and every tenth posts to be strutled with same R.C. posts provided with 6 horizontal lines and two diagonals of black barbed wire between the two posts filed and fixed with G.1. staples including earth work in excavation etc, complete Chapter 89 item no 19.58 PWD BSR 2019 5 1 Digging of Pil-Excavatin including leading disposal and dressing of excuavated earth within initial lead of 50m lift ip to 1.5 in dry or moist including dressing of excavated area dewatering wherever required complete in all respect (Item No. 1 Chapler-V part A) 6 Cholorophyriphos 20 Ec (Item no 1.4.5 H-2 PWD BSR 2019) 7 Manure Supply item no 1-2 pwd bsr 2019 8 Manure Supply item no 1-2 pwd bsr 2019 9 Manure Supply item no 1-2 pwd bsr 2019 10 Supply of Forestry PP (Neem, Karanj, Shishag, Desi Samul etc.) from 3 feet Plants up to the height of the rope and peat in large bags (Including 10% wastage) at the rate of Rs. 11 Supply of fruit bearing plants. Plants in big bags at the height of 3 to 5 feet at the rate of Rs. 10% wastage (Grafied) 12 Work of calling plants from the nursery to the plantation seal for a distance of up to 30 km and loading and unloading the saplings (as per forest bar liem no. 2.C.3) (Up to 3 km Rs. 1.49 per plant and Rs. 0.06 per kg per km additional rate) 13 Planting trees in normal land Item no 158 (b) 14 Making a pit of at least 50 cm depth Item no 162 (a) 15 Providing water to the plants. 15 litres per plant. Item no160 16 Transportation of water for 3 km. Tractor Tanker capcity 4000 lirs (Three round) 17 Weeding and digging of plants upto 15 cm depth and 45 cm radius (Item no-161) 18 Supply of dry manure including loading unloading transportation & stacking at site llem no 1.1/H-1 PWD BSR 2019 12 19 Chowkidar -2 20 Digging of soil upto 1.5 depth in foundation, trench, drain, tamping the bottom, pouring water, beautifying the sides, taking out the excavated soil,2B 21 Laying 40 mm drainage in cement concrete foundation or floor. Stone aggregate (crusher broken)/brick soil of nominal size, put in cement-sand mixture in the ratio of 1 cement : 4 sand : 8 aggregate and crushing, including wetting. 10A 22 Laying of stone in foundation and plinth in cement-gravel mixture, including closing of side cracks and wetting etc. 29B 23 Foundation and plinth first class brick masonry in cement-gravel mixture 1:6 or 1:8, including closing of side cracks and wetting. 20A 24 Cement plaster on wall by mixing cement-gravel in the ratio of 1:6, scraping the joints and including regular wetting for 14 days. 77B 25 Iron work in grills/gates etc. including cutting, mounting and fixing of flat cones, T and channel etc. 63 26 Supply and pouring of cement concrete 1:2:4/1:1.5:3 mix in reinforced cement concrete, pressing, levelling and levelling of surface with 1:3 cement mortar etc. in roof slabs, eaves, beams, lintels etc. including scaffolding but cost of steel and shuttering separately. 13B 27 Additional amount in masonry work in superstructure upto 4.5 m height from plinth level. 22 28 Supply of stone lintel and fixing it in the mortar used in masonry. 36B 29 Supply and installation of stone parapet of 30mm to 40mm thickness with pressure stone in cement mortar 1:4, making 7.5 cm circle of cement concrete 1:3:6 at joint of wall and parapet etc. (This cost includes cost of pressure stone). 43A 30 Supply and cutting, bending, setting and fastening of iron for RCC work. 61 31 Centering" Shuttering (planks and trusses) for laying RCC roof, slab, balcony, lintel etc. upto 4.5 meter height and removal etc. as per specifications. 93A 32 Supply of 15 cm high stones for dry trench under floor and complete trench work. 65 33 Putting 40 mm nominal size stone aggregate (crusher broken)/brick soil in cement-sand mixture in the ratio of 1 cement : 4 sand : 8 aggregate and crushing in cement concrete foundation or floor, including tamping. 10A 34 Laying unpolished rough Kota stone directly 20 mm thick by leveling it on top of cement mortar 1:4 and filling joints with cement mortar 1:3 70B 35 Supply of chiseled stone niches, stands and applying cement mortar in 1:3 ratio. 38C 36 Whitewashing work in 3 layers to give even shade on new/old work, rubbing, surfacing etc. including complete scaffolding. 80A 37 Supply and fixing of 22 gauge plain GI sheet double leaf door in 25X25X3 mm angle iron frame along with fittings like argal sliding bolts, latches and holding strips etc. 85A 38 22 gauge plain GI sheet Supply of sheet made window including all frame of 25 X 25 X 3 mm iron cone, 10 mm grill with angle, 2 latches and 4 strips. 87A 39 Fixing of steel doors and windows to walls including lugs in cement concrete 1:3:6 (cost of window/doors not included). Analysis for door of size 1 x 2 m. Cement concrete 1:3:6 quantity 0.01 cum89 40 Asbestos cement pipe with grip strip for storm drain and filling of cement mortar 1:2 for jointing. 193A 41 1.5 sq. mm. FR PVC insulated copper conductor for light point/fan point/exhaust fan point/call bell point through single core cable, modular switch, modular plate, suitable GI box and 1.5 sq. mm. FR PVC insulated copper conductor Medium grade PVC conduit wiring in surface/open space as required with earthing with single core cable 94 42 Construction of tube well 100 Metre depth and above in all type of rocks by DTH system and over burden, to accommodate casing pipe of following size in all types of soils and over-burden including lowering of casing pipes, but excluding cost of casing pipes as per IS : 2800 (Part-I & II) 1979 specifications. The work would be completed after obtaining sand free water. The tube-well should have a throughout bore as per nominal dia of casing pipe. 125/150 mm dia nominal bore [ Item No 2.1.1]Soils&overburden 43 Supply of RRW M.S. Black casing pipe ISI marked (IS : 427121992 of grade FE410 of following sizes.at the site of work NB of pipe -125/150 ,OD 140.80-138.50,Th5.0 Mass kg/Mtr 16.80 [ Item no 2.11.1] 44 S/F of Tubewell cover for m.s. sheet (6 mm Thick) with nut & bolt complete for casing size. 200 mm dia as per PWD BSR 45 Providing and Fixing of SPV Submersible Pump 5 HP DC up to 20 mtr Head 46 Additional Cost for Head over 20 mtr (For 75 mtr Head) 47 Auto Tractor For 5 HP Pump 48 SPV Domestic Lighting System (37 WP/40 AH batrry 9 Walt X 2 Fixture) 49 Providing and Installation of Drip Irrigation System for horticulture plantation in 5 ha. Area (Spacing of 5X 5 m) (As per Approved ) 50 Dressing of land surface by cutting average soil upto 15 cm and removing vegetation and small plants and lifting of debris and rubble upto 1.5 m and spreading it upto 50 m distance. 1B 51 Earth work in rough (borrow area) excavation for embankment in hard soil, Morrum of highly weathered strata dry or moist, including dewatering laying in 20 cm layers (before 2 compaction) and breaking of clods, sorting of grass, pebbles etc. and dressing ITEM NO. 3 (Approved by ZP order no. 2477-80 date 23.02.2015) WRD BSR 2014 Chapter no V Item по.17 52 Laying and supplying of quarry rubble containing 40 per cent stone spall or gravel or ghadala, sprinkling of water and ramming with mortar. 124 53 Compaction of earth or highly weathered strata a. by manually or plain roller, (density 90% of Proctor) (As per item no.20 of Chapter V-A from WRD BSR 2020) 54 Supply and pouring of reinforced cement concrete of cement concrete 1:2:4/1:1.5:3 mix, pressing, tamping of roof slabs, eaves, beams, lintels etc. and levelling of surface with 1:3 cement mortar etc. including scaffolding but cost of steel and shuttering separately. 13B 55 Supply and cutting, bending and fixing of iron for RCC work and fastening work including fittings. 61 56 Centering "Shuttering" (Platform and Casting) for laying RCC roof, slab, balcony, lintel etc. upto 4.5 m height and removal etc. as per specifications. 93A 57 Foundation and plinth first class brick masonry in cement-gravel mortar 1:6 or 1:8 including closing of side cracks and watering. 20A 58 Additional amount for masonry work in superstructure upto 4.5 m height from plinth level. 22 59 Rough troweling of stone, sill and coping in cement mortar 1:4 and supply. 37 60 Cement plaster on wall in 1:4 ratio of cement-gravel mixture including scraping of joints and regular watering for 14 days 76A 61 Cement concrete 1:2:4 mixture of 1 cement 2 gravel 4 stones or bricks in 12 m of nominal size mixed with aggregate, pouring, ramming, compacting and tamping etc. 14 62 Supply of stones for trench work in cement mortar of Veddha stones in 1:6 mortar, supply of other construction material, laying trench in cement mortar, filling the empty space between two stones with cement mortar upto full height, disposal of excess soil taken out from pit upto 50 m. 149B 63 Cement concrete 1 cement : 2 gravel : 4 stones in aggregate ratio of 1 cement : 2 gravel : 4 stones with aggregate of 12 mm nominal size including pouring, ramming and compacting etc. 16 64 Stop Cock Brass 400 gm, 15 mm nominal bore (Item no 2.8.1 5-18 PWD BSR 2019) 65 P&F bib cock (IS 8931 mark) superior quality of approved make P.V.C. heavy duty 15 mm nominal bore (Item no 2.7.2 5-18 PWD BSR 2019) 66 16 Providing and fixing Full way Valve (15778 Mark) or wheel valve of approved Gun Metal 32 mm nominal bore 2.15.4 S-21 PWD BSR 2019) 67 Providing and fixing Gun Metal Non-return Valve or Check valve (IS: 778 Marked) of approved make, superior quality. 32 mm. nominal bore (Item no 2.16.4 a 5-22 PWD BSR 68 Providing and fixing G.I. pipes (External work) with G.I. fittings (IS: 1239 Mark) including trenching & refilling earth etc. 32 mm dia nominal bore A Class (Item no 2.2.4 5-15 PWD BSR 2019 69 Contengency