INCREASING CAPACITY OF 33/11 KV SUB STATION ZAIDPUR FROM 2X10 MVA TO 2X10+5 MVA DISTT BARABANKI- 1 SafeLoading, Carriage and then safeunloading of the following material from Store Centres Under the jurisdiction of EEESD Ayodhaya to dump site proper stacking. 2 33 KV Bus Isolator 3 33 KV Post Insulator/Pin insulator 4 33 KV Lightening Arrestor 5 90 lbs rail Pcs for T/F ( 44.64 Kg/m) 6 33 KV VCB 800A, 750 MVA 7 Singe T/F control pannel 8 C.T. O/D 33 KV CTR 200/100/1-1A 9 11 KV Incoming switch gear 600/300/5A, 350 MVA 10 11 KV Out going switch gear 200/100/5A0250MVA 11 11 KV 3 Core Cable 3x300 mm XLPE 12 11 KV Cable 3x185 sq. mm XLPE 13 11 KV cable jointing kit indoor 3x300 XLPE 14 11 KV cable jointing kit outdoor 3x300 XLPE 15 11 KV cable jointing kit indoor 3x185 XLPE 16 11 KV cable jointing kit outdoor 3x 185 XLPE 17 24 Volt Battery set 18 24 Volt Battery charger 19 ACSR Dog Conductor 20 M.S. Channel 125x65 (for Structures) 21 M.S. Angle 75x75x6 (for Structures) 22 ST Pole 11Mtr 23 M.S.Angle iron 65x65x6 bracing 2700 mm 24 11 KV Top channel 100X50X2240 mm 25 Dropper channel 26 11 KV Polymer pin insulator 27 11KV Disc insulator polymer 45 Kn 28 Stay wire 7/10 29 6 SWGWire 30 Plinth of 5 MVA, 33/11 KV T/FsConstruction of Plinth of size 3.46x3.46 Mtr for5 MVA T/F having not less than 0.4 Mtr above ground level. The work includes Excavation of foundation, Base concreting in C.C. 1:6:12 ratio ( cement,fine sand and Brick ballast) 1ST Class bricks work in cement mortar of ratio 1:4 foundation, C.C. in 1:4:8 ratio( cement, fine sand and brick ballast) and RCC working ratio 1:2:4 ( cement, coarse sand and stone grit of 20 mm gauge) using MS Bars of 10 mm Dia (Tor) in reinforcement including its cutting, bending and binding in required shape. The work also includes laying of 2 Nos. 3.46 mts long each rail pieces complete with cutting, welding and proper fitting etc. The plinth will be made as per Drawing and shall be plastered/ finished on Top and Side of the plinth. (All the material will be supplied by the Contractor except rail Piece) 31 H.T. Cable LayingLaying & dressing of 11 KV, 3x300 and 3X185 XLPE cable underground from 05 MVA T/F to 11 KV incoming switchgear in the trench 450mm wide, 900mm deep, providing 150mm fine sand cushion bench and 150mm fine sand cushion above the cable. The cable shall be duly protected by 1st class bricks two either side and third on top of the cables, laid in series one after the other, the work includes supplying offine sand and bricks, refillingand rammingof the left out soil, closing the trench and leveling. Spare cable shall be left and buried in the trench in the safe of rings at both ends. Cable laying work includes unrolling, cutting, meggering and sealing both end of the cable.(All the material will be supplied by the contractor) 32 Erection and Installation of 33/11 KV 05 MVA TransformerDragging of 33/11KV 05 MVA T/F from Dump site to road site and shifting of the T/F from road site to new constructed plinth distance about 150mtr ,along with loading, unloading and carriage, fixing and fitting of all the accessiories and filling of T/F oil to the desired level and insuring that there is no leakage. Erection and installation of 33/11 Kv, 05 MVA Transformer in a leveled position on the plinth. 33 Installation of Post Insulator Installation ofpost insulator on the post insulator structure . The work includes fabrication for proper fixing if required. 34 Installation Of CT Installation of CTs of ratio 200/100/1Aon the CTs structure. The work includes fabrication for proper fixing if required. 35 Installation of Lightening ArrestorsAssembling and installation/ mounting of Lightening Arrestors on the L.A. structure/ complete with making earth connection ( Separate ) and line connections. The work includes fabrication for proper fixing if required. 36 Installation of Switchgears in Control roomShifting carefully and safely 11 Kv incomingSwitchgear, 11 KV outgoing Switchgear and 11 KV Bus Coupler from out side of the switch gear room, as per direction of Engineer Incharge, Placing and fixing of switchgear on foundation providing nuts & bolt of proper size in proper position and alignment and mountting of P.T. on incoming S/G. 37 Installation of Bus Isolators Assembling and installation of Bus isolator on the Isolator structure , adjusting of opening mechanism in proper alignment and grising and oilingso as to ensured smooth operation of the same. In case of line Isolator proper operation of earth links shall also be ensured. The work includes fabrication for proper fixing if required. 38 Installation of 33 KV VCBInstallation of 33 KV 750 MVA 800 Amp VCB on 33 KV VCB structure along with earthing by G.I. strip 50x6 mm size with main earthmat of Switchyards complete in all respect including commissioning. 39 Fixing and making Bus Bar connection in between I/C and O/Gswitchgears after cleaning and tapping with H.T. tape, Empire tape and PVC tape properly providing and fixing of 6mm thick bakelite seperators and plugging of all opening and holes with plastic compound. complete work including cost of all materialStrictly to the satisfaction of site incharge. 40 Installation of Heat Shrinkable Type cable jointing kits indoor and O/D end TerminationJoint suitable for 11KV 3X300 & 3X185 XLPE cable confirming to IS ESI-09-13-IS-13573 of 1992 amendment I&II VDE-0278 of latest version there of if any. 41 Fabricatin Of CTStructure Fabrication of CT Structure as per drawing No. RES 39 Digging of two Nos. Pits of size 1.075 x 0.9 x0.3 Mtr providing stone pad at the bottom of the pit and grouting of two legs of the above structure in CC ( cement, coarse sand and stone grit of 20 mm gauge) of ratio 1:4:8 in block of 1.075 Mtr X 0.93 Mtr x 0.3 Mtr including supply of all T&P complete in all respect. The work includes dragging, Shifting upto 40 Mtr. Raising and erecting the two legs with Top frame above structure"s in properallignment level and plumb. Plinths of all the structure shall be properly finished with champering of edges etc. (All the material will be supplied by the contractor except Steel Section) 42 Lightening Arrestor/ Post Insulator StructureFabrication of 1 No Lightening Arrestor structure& 1 set of Post Insulatorstructure per drawing No. RES 39 Digging of two Nos. Pits of size 1.075 x 0.9x0.3 Mtr providing stone pad at the bottom of the pit and grouting of two legs of the above structure in CC ( cement, coarse sand and stone grit of 20 mm gauge) of ratio 1:4:8 in block of 1.075 Mtr X 0.9 Mtr x 0.3 Mtr including supply of all T&P complete in all respect. The work includes dragging, Shifting upto 40 Mtr. Raising and erecting the two legs with Top frame above structure"s in properallingment level and plumb. Plinths of all the structure shall be properly finished with champering of edges etc.(All the material will be supplied by the Contractor except steel) 43 BusIsolator StructureFabrication of isolator structures 3.5mtr in height as per drawing No. RES 39 Digging of two Nos. Pits of size 1.075 x 0.9 x0.3 Mtr providing stone pad at the bottom of the pit and grouting of two legs of the isolator structure in CC ( cement, coarse sand and stone grit of 20 mm gauge) of ratio 1:4:8 in block of 1.075x0.9x0.3 mtr 0.3 Mtr including supply of all T&P complete in all respect. The work includes dragging, Shifting upto 40 Mtr. Raising and erecting the two legs with runner of isolator in proper allingment level and plumb. Plinths of the Isolator structure shall be properly finished with champering of edges.(All the material will be supplied by the Contractor like M.S Flat etc. except steel) 44 Plinth for 33KV VCBConstruction of plinth of size 2.0x1.5x0.9 (Mtr) suitable for erection of super structure for 33 KvVCB including grouting of Anchor bolts in proper allingment and level. Scope of work includes excavation of foundation base concreting in CC 1:6:12( cement, fine sand and brick ballast) 1st class brick work in cement mortor of ratio 1:4 CC in Ratio 1:4:8 and RCC work in ratio 1:2:4 ( Cement, coarse sand and stone grit of 20 mm gauge) as per Drawing 45 11 KV Cable stand StructureFabrication & erection of 11 KV Cable Stand made of 02 No. M.S chanel 125x65x6 mm 3 Mtr. Jointed to each other by M.S Channel horizontally and also jointed to each other by means of 05 No. M.S Strip (m.s flat) 50x6 mm of size 200 mm long each by welding at actual distance interval as per norms. And grouting in block of 300x300x700 completely providing 02 no. cable clamps also and eathing by G.I strip 50x6 mm size with the earth mat of switchyard both side of legs and provideing clamps , post/ pin insulator for holding cable. (All the materials will be arranged by the contractor such that clamps nut bolts and civil materials except M.S channel.) 46 Construction of 11 KV Double poleSafe Dragging/ Loading - unloading from dump site to pit site and Fabrication & erection forDouble pole for 11 KV feederon 11.0 Mtr ST Pole with fitting of necessary clamp & other acessories like 1 No Top channel,Bracing angle 1 set., Disc insulator 3 No. and pin insulator 3 no. as per norms. (Contractor shall provide , necessary clamps, Disc Fitting, Nut - Bolts etc.) 47 Provding, fixing and mounting of following equipments(All the material will be supplied by the contractor) 48 11 KV TPMO switch with holding clamps and fixing of chanel of M.S chanel 100x50x6 mm & handle of TP must be G.I pipe. 49 11 KV Fuse set with holding clamps and proper size of fixing channel. 50 Grouting of following structure by digging of pit 1.83 Mtr deep for 11 Mtr STP,with 1:4:8 Ratio cement, sand & first class brickballast0.285 cu mtr for 11 mtr STP, plinthing 0.3 Mtr above G/L and proper plastering. 51 Providing and fixing of earth rod for earthing of support by G.I. Wire 6 SWG as per norms. (All materialwill be arranged by the contractorLike earth rod except 6 swg wire) 52 Nozeling and grouting of stay set. (All the civil material and stay set will be arranged by the contractor except Stay wire) 53 Painting of StructurePainting of 11 Mtr ST Pole with one coat of ready mixed primer and 2 coats of AL.Paint of good quality including cost of material, Labour and T&P complete in all respect. 54 Neutral standFabrication and grouting of M.S Channel 125x65 mm L shape & in proper size and allignment to provide support for the two separate earthing strips for pwer T/F neutral including supply & fixing of two No.Flexible copper bonds for neutral earthing. (All the materials will be arranged by the contractor such that clamps nut bolts and civil materials except M.S channel.) 55 Hoisting of 11 KV Cable on existing/erected support with provision of MS Pipe 150 mm dia 3 mtr long suitable for 3x185 sq mm cable fixing of proper support and its clamping , providing long barral lugs 6 nos and P.G. Clamps & "Y" shapejumpering properly and 02 nos. supporting angle 65X65X6, 2800 mm as per RESSPO Norms. (All material will be supplied by the contractor like MS Pipe , P.G. Clamps, Al. Lug And Supporting Angle 65X65X6, 2800 mm). 56 Hoisting of 11 KV Cable on existing/erected cable stand and on 11 KV incoming must be with proper size of G.I clamps ( In case of cable stand 02 clamp per cable and 01 no. clamp in case of incoming). The neutral of 11 KV cable inserted into lug must be tightend with the earth with the help of nut & bolt. In the case of cable stand All the phase of the cable must be connected with the P.G clamp to bus bar which must be made by cable size 11 KV 3x300 XLPE sq. mm. If it is double circuit cable hoisting, second circuit cable hoisted from the other side of the cable stand and same clamping would be done. 57 Supply & Laying of 6x2.5 armoured. control cable from power T/F to controle board in the ground as per RESPO Norm with proper connection VCB, CT & Control Pannel with T/F to battery and battrey charger, Bucholz Relay, low higher and winding temperture protection alarm etc with including all the civil material. 58 Supply & Laying of 4x2.5 armoured control cable from power T/F to controle board in the ground as per RESPO Norm with proper connection VCB, CT & Control Pannel with T/F to battery and battrey charger, Bucholz Relay, low higher and winding temperture protection alarm etc with including all the civil material. 59 Supply & Laying of 2x2.5 armoured. control cable from power T/F to controle board in the ground as per RESPO Norm with proper connection VCB, CT & Control Pannel with T/F to battery and battrey charger, Bucholz Relay, low higher and winding temperture protection alarm etc with including all the civil material. 60 Special Earthing by way of boring and lowering of "B" class G.I. pipe 50 mm Dia 20mtr longfrom ground upto the water level andit will be connected to the G.I. strip 50X6 mm ( Providing & laying of G.S. strip including cutting, welding, bending etc.) for equipments(L.A,T/F,C.T., VCB.etc). The earth strip will be welded to the G.I. Pipe. The work also includes Cap & Clamps for pouring water, the cost of all material with all labour & T&P etc. Complete in all respect. (All the material will be supplied by the contractor) 61 Delta type Earthing of Power T/F Neutral Earthing of Power T/F Neutral by providing 03 No. of "B" class G.I. pipe 50 mm Dia 20 feet longfrom ground upto the water level The work also includes Cap & Clamps for pouring water, the cost of all material with all labour & T&P etc. Complete in all respect and arrangement of G.I Pipe like delta it will be connected to eachother and Providing and laying G.S. strip 50 x 6 mm including cutting, welding, bending etc. complete in all respect.(All the material will be supplied by the contractor) 62 Construction of control cable trench of 200 mm wide and 300 mm deep with MS strip at a distance of 1mtr. With brick work 1:4:8 in foundation 12 mm thick plaster of 1:4 cement coarse sand for finishing along with MS strip. (All the material will be supplied by the contractor) 63 Construction of trench cover of 600 mm long and 75 mm thick for cable trench Including cost of material, labour and T&P. (All the material will be supplied by the contractor) 64 Painting ofAll switchyard Sub Station Structures (Old+New+fencing) with one coat of ready mixed primer and 2 coats of AL.Paint of good quality including cost of material, Labour and T&P complete in all respect. 65 Battery and Battery charger 66 Installation of 24 Volt Battery 200 AH ( 01 set=12 Nos, 2 Volt each with ISI 1651, IS nomenclature T 200 P) With its proper connection. 67 Installation of Input voltage 230 V, AC one phase 50 hertz, output 24 Volt , 40 Amp DC Battery charger with its proper connection. 68 Chemical and acid resistance cabinet which must be FRP materials. Stand / cabinet for battery set for proper stacking and storage (All the materials will be supplied by the contractor) 69 Earthing of battery charger connected with 25x6 G.I strip 70 33 KV Bay Bus Bar & Stringing.Stringing of 33KV Bay Bus Bar by using and laying of ACSR Dog Conductor/panther including making Vertical/Horizontal (Y-shape) jumperconnection through PG clamps and connecting all the equipments ( Bus isolator, P.I. , C.T. , VCB, L.A & T/F) with each other through connecting clamps.(All the material will be supplied by the contractor) 71 Shifting carefully and installation ofSingle/double Transformer Control pannel in control roomand earthing of pannel on side and do proper connection. 72 Digging and locating the earth mat and do outdoor Structures earthing by G.I Flat. 50X6 mm the job include cutting, bending. (All the material will be supplied by the contractor.) 73 Commissioning and testingof 5 MVA T/F and its eqipments installed in switchyards and 11 KV Incoming and Outgoing Pannels complete in all respect upto energising 74 Providing of Rubber matting one side chequered and other side plane size1800x900x12 mm 75 providing of Hand gloves As per IS 4770 and tested potential 33 Kv. 76 Received back materials which is replaced and left over after erection it will be deposited to the respected to store centre in which the project location comes under. 77 Bus Bar ExtensionExtensio of bus bar by Digging of 2 Nos Pits of size 2.2mt x1.4mt x 0.75Mtr providing stone pad at the bottom of the trench and grouting of the two legs of the Bus Bar Gantry in CC ( cement, Coarse sand and stone grit of 20mm gauge) in the ratio 1:3:6 including supply of all T&P shuttering etc. in a block of size 2.2 mtx1.4 mtx0.75 mt. The work consists of dragging , shifting up to 40 mtr raising and erecting the two pre fabricated legs of Bus Gantry in proper allingment level and plumb. Both the plinths of the termainal gantry shall be properly finished with champeringof edges. The work includes fabrication of Bus Bar Gantry 6.23 MtrLong as per RESPO drawing no.38 ( Set of 2) (All materialsprovided by the contractor except dog conductor , steeland disc insulator .) 78 Breaking the concrete fencing/ Boundary wall in the switchyard of sub. Station for moving 05 MVA Transformer in switchyard after complition the work covered and restore the wall