Tender For Feeder Segregation Of 11 Kv Feeders In Sanchor Circle Under Rdss, Development Of Decentralized Solar Power Plant In The Vicinity Of 33/11Kv Ss On Ham Model, Network Management Of 33/11Kv Ss, Its Downstream Network And All Connected Consumers For10 Yr, Supply of material for feeder segregation work in Sanchore Circle under Revamped Reforms-Linked Results-Based Distribution Sector Scheme(RDSS) Sl. No. Item Description 1 Important Note: Please see the sheet 8 of this XLS file for break up of quantity of items mentioned in column No. 3. 2 Supply of PCC Poles, 9.0 Mtr. long working load, 200 Kg 3 Supply of 11 KV double pole line structure set with clampsas required made from M.S. channel 100x50 X6 mm ISMC [9.56 kg. per mtr] ISA M.S. angle 65x65x6 mm & 50x50x6 and M.S. flat 50x6 mm, weight(101.383 kgs.) Approx (All galvanized as per relevant IS) 4 Supply of 11KV top hamper made of MS Angle (65x65x6 mm & MS Channel 100x50x6 mm))weight (2.825 Kg) Approx.(All galvanized as per relevant IS) 5 Supply of 11KV V Cross Arm (Wt. 8.874 Kg) made of MS Angle 65x65x6mm with clamp made of MS Flat 50X6 mm,weight (1.09 Kg.) Approx(All galvanized as per relevant IS) 6 Supply of 1.4 Meter Channel 100x50 mm Bracket Wt. 13.38 Kg with Clamp made of MSflat 50x6 mm Wt. 1.142 Kg (All galvanized as per relevant IS) 7 Supply of 11 KV Composite Polymer Pin Insulator 8 Supply of 11KV T & C Type composite disc polymer Insulators (1 polymer Disc Insulator + 1 Hardware complete including all accessories like hardware fitting (as per latest specification and drawings adopted and approved by NIGAM) 9 Supply of Galvanized Stay set of 1.8 m long, 16 mm diameter solid GS stay rod & 300x300x4 mm anchor plate 10 Supply ofHT Stran/Guy Insulator for Stay set 11 Supply of Stay Wire 7/10 mm size (1 set = 5.508 Kg) for stay set 12 Supply of Stay Clamp, 1 set, 02 Nos. of clamps made ofMS Flat 50x8 mm(Wt. 2.386 Kg.) suitable for 9 Mtr. PCC pole, WL-200 Kg(All galvanized as per relevant IS) 13 Supply of overhead ACSR Rabbit [50 Sqmm(6+1) /(3.35+3.35)] Conductor 14 Supply of 8 SWG(4mm dia) GI Wire for continuous earthing of 11 KV Line hot dip (Galvanised) 15 Supply of Galvanised M.S. Rod 20 mm dia electrodes having 3 Meter length(1 Nos.), Galvanised Earthing clamp of M.S.Flat of size 50x6 mm 220 mm length One welded with earth electrode and loose to be bolted(Set of 2 Pieces), Galvanised Bolts, Nuts and Spring washers(2 sets) and G.I.Wire Size 8 SWG having length 15 Meter(1 Nos.) 16 Supply of 11 KV Danger plate of size 200 X 250 mm with GI clampmade of GI flat of size 25 mm x 3 mm length 711 mm with 2 No. HEX Bolt set Nut and Bolt of size 6 mm x 25 mm complete in all respect 17 Supply of PG clamps (Rabbit to Rabbit) made of aluminumalloy as per IS:617-1994. All ferrous metal part intended for outdoor use except those made of stainless steel shall be protected by hot dip galvanizing in accordance with IS 2633-1986(latest amended) 18 Supply of M.S, Nuts & Bolts, size, 16 mm (Galvanized as per relevant IS) of assorted size as per requirement 19 Supply of 11 KV, 3Cx185 Sqmm Aluminium conductor Screened Cross linked Polyethylene (XLPE) Insulated Armoured Shielded PVC Sheathed cable of rated voltage 11 KV (earthed system) conforming to IS:7098 (Part-II/1985) with latest amendment 20 supply of Heat Shrinkable Type Outdoor termination Kit for 11 KV 185 SQ. MM 21 Supply of Heat Shrinkable TypeStraight through joint for 11 KV 185 SQ. MM 22 Supply of MS Flat 50x6 mm for Misc. work(Galvanized as per relevant IS) 23 Supply of Aluminum Lug, 50 Sqmm 24 Supply of 33 KV 45 KN B&S Type Composite Polymer Insulator 25 Supply of Hardware Set For B&S type Disc 26 Supply of 11 KV HG Fuse set with 6x24 KV PI ( 1 Set=3 Phases/6x24 KV PI) 27 Supply of ACSR DOG[100Sqmm(6+7) /(4.72+1.57)] conductor 28 Supply of PG clamps for Dog conductor 29 Supply of 11 KV Bay Structure:Channel Size of 75x40x6 [ 6 nos of 3750 mm ( Total size 22.5 mtr. = 6x3.75mtr) & 2 nos of 3400mm (Total size6.8 mtr. = 2 x 3.4mtr.)]& 100x50x6 [6 nos of 3750 mm (Total size 22.5 mtr. = 6 x 3.75 mtr)] Approx Weight424.30 Kgs.[(22.5mtr.+6.8mtr.) x 7.14 Kgs. Per mtr = 209.20 kgs.) + (22.5 mtr. x9.56 kgs. per mtr. = 215.1 kgs.)(All galvanized as per relevant IS) 30 Supply of 9 KV-10 KA Station class lightening arrestor(LA) 31 Supply of 9 KV-10 KA Distributionclass lightening arrestor(LA) 32 Supply of 11 KV CT/PT set, 200/5 Amp. 33 Supply of HT TVM Static Meter with DLMS protocol category-B 34 Supply of PVC Insulated Un-Armoured Non-FRLS Copper Control Cable, Size 4Cx4 Sqmm 35 Supply of CTPT Structure Set: Channel Size of 100x50x6 mm ( 2 Nos. of1500 mm length, wt. 28.68 Kg), Angle Size 50x50x6 mm(4 Nos. of 3600 mm length, wt.-64.80 Kg),Angle Size 45x45x6 mm(2 Nos. of 1600 mm length, 2 Nos. of 1500 mm length, 4 Nos. of 1100 mm length, 6 Nos. of 500 mm length, 4 Nos. of 600 mm length, wt.-54.40 Kg), TotalWt.-147.88 Kg (All galvanized as per relevant IS) 36 Supply of MIP Meter Box for Meter with TTB 37 Supply of 36 Feet long. Lattice Structure for single circuit line With01 Nos. of 33 KV Channel Cross Arm (100x50 mm) and 1 Nos. of Top hamper(Flat 50x10 mm) with 48 Nos. ofNut & Bolts.(M 16x45) Weight(449.85 kg) Approx.(All galvanized as per relevant IS) 38 Supply of M.S. Angle (2x1.83 M),65x65x6mm, 10.614x2=21.228 Kg (Approx) (1set= 2 Nos) for Guarding of line (All galvanized as per relevant IS) 39 Supply of Clamp made of M S Flat 50x6 mm(1set= 2 Nos) (0.555*2= 1.110 Kg Approx) for Guarding of line. (All galvanized as per relevant IS) 40 Supply of Eye Hook 300x16 mm (75% Thread with Nut of Suitable Size), Wt-0.530 Kg(Approx.) for Guarding of line. (All galvanized as per relevant IS) 41 Supply of 11 KV 100 Amp. Drop out cum isolator with 5.0 Amp.fuse & 12 KV solid core insulators including nut, bolt & washers with GI clamp for mounting on pole as required as per technical specifications, approved drawings and scope of work. 42 Supply of 11 /0.4 KV 25, KVA, Al wound, Completely Self Protected (CSP), CRGO/ Amorphous Core conventional outdoor type distribution transformers with all fittings and accessories and first filling of transformer oil alongwith MCCB. Protection on LV side, with having provision of LT Bushing Box confirming to technical specification &Star-1 Rating, BIS certified Energy Efficiency level 1 as per IS:1180 (Part-I):2014 43 Supply of LT XLPE Insulated Aerial Bunched Cables size3CX25+25 Sq.mm with Bare Messenger Wire Suitable for Working Voltage up to & including 1100 Volt 44 Supply of Sub-Station Structure for mounting of 11/0.4 KV Dist. Trf.(166.746+52.766=219.534 Kg) for rural type (Galvanised as per revelant IS) 45 Supply of 11 KV GO double break without EB Isolator (with9 x 24 KV Post Insulator ) 400 Amp. 46 Supply of Anchring Assembly(AA) NFC type for fitting onto a pole for anchoring the dead end of a length, or for a major change in direction consist of one wedge type anchoring clamp, one Aluminium alloy pole bracket, stainless steel atrap of 1.5 meter and two buckle for fixing the pole breackets with strap 47 Supply ofSuspension Assembly(SA) NFC type for supporting a length of ABC at an intermedeate pole length, with small angle of deviation consist of one wedge type anchoring clamp, one Aluminium alloy pole bracket, stainless steel atrap of 1.5 meter and two buckle for fixing the pole breackets with strap 48 Supply of LT insulation piercing connectors NFC Type A (main to tap) (main 16-50 mm2, Tap off 2.5-16 mm2) 49 Supply of NFC Type Insulation Piercing Connector B Type, suitable for LT XLPE Insulated AB Cable with bare messenger of following type & Size: Main Cable of 16-50 Sq.mm , Tap-off Cable of 16-50 Sq.mm and End Cap suitable for Sealing Branch of 16-50 Sq.mm. 50 Supply of 6.35/0.24 KV S/s Structure for single phase transformer (Approx weight -36.054 KG) (All galvanized as per relevant IS) 51 Supply of LT XLPE Insulated Aerial Bunched Cables size 1CX25+25 Sq.mm with Bare Messenger Wire for LT Over Head Lines Suitable for Working Voltage up to & including 1100 Volt 52 Supply of 12 kV Vacuum Circuit breaker Kiosks with current transformers, Potential transformers, protection relays, metering instruments etc.Complete with all accessories