Tender For Provn Of Earthing Pits And Misc E&M Works At Afs Patiala Under Ge (Af) Ambala; 1 M&L drilling perfectly vertical bore hole of a diameter suitable to receive 100mm nominal bore MS casing pipe upto 30 mtr depth below ground level including material, transporting, lowering & fixing of 100mm nominal bore MS casing plain pipe (ISI marked, medium class, in 6 mtr length with socket) inside the bore hole and all works pertaining to drilling such as transportation, installation & removal of drilling machine etc. in all type of soil / rock. In addition to above ISI marked hollow copper earth electrode with outer dia 60mm and thickness of pipe 1.6mm duly filled with CCM (Cristal Conducting Material) with making inter-connection each electrode upto 30 mtr long and bore filled back with charcoal dust, common salt, magnesuim sulphate in alternate layers. Terminal of electrode connected with copper strip 32mm x 6mm 7.5 mtr long including brazing work for connection with copper electrode and testing point and GI Pipe 40mm dia medium grade 7.5 mtr long for protection of copper strip and to be connected with existing earth pits at different location including PCC 1:3:6 C-1 pit & RCC 1:2:4 B-1 coverincluding testing on completion including taking down / dismantling of existing copper earthing/chemicals complete all as specified & directed. 2 Notes for BOQ item No. 1: (i) The contractor shall give a written guarantee of five years for maintaining the earth resistance less than 1 Ohm after certified date of completion. A Security deposit against Guarantee of earthing resistance shall be submitted by contractor @ 5% of work done amount.(ii) Earthing shall be tested after completion of work by the contractor in presence of Engineer-in-charge, user and proper record shall be maintened duly signed by all concerned.After testing if the desired earth resistance of less than 1 Ohm is not obtained, the earthing shall be redone at no extra cost to Govt. till desired result is obtained.(iii) Copper strip and GI pipe for protection upto 7.5 mtr included in quoted rates and beyond 7.5 mtr same shall be measured and paid seprately.(iv) Quoted rates are deemed to be inlcuded of all type of tools and plants and all above aspects. 3 M&L in replacement 32mm x 6mm copper strip as earth continuity conductor or main earthing lead fixed to wall on batten or recess or chases or buried in ground or drawn in conduit/pipe or fixed to poles or any other indicated situation for loop earthing etc. complete all as specified & directed. 4 Excavation in trenches, not exceeding 1.5mtr wide & not exceeding 1.5mtr in depth; for foundation, laying/taking out pipes/cables etc. or for shafts, wells, cesspits, manholes, pier holes, etc. not exceeding 10sqm on plan & not exceeding 1.5mtr in depth and getting out, in soft/loose type of soil complete all as specified & directed. 5 Returning filling in including spreading, leveling, watering and well ramming in layers not exceeding 25cm thick each in soft/loose type of soil complete all as specified & directed. 6 Removal of excavatedsurplus soil to a distance not exceeding 50 mtr & depositing where directed at a level not exceeding 1.5 mtr above the starting point complete all as specified & directed. 7 M&Lun-reinforced precast concrete cable cover, Class HVP type-1 with peak, size 300mm x 180mm x 40mm, laid flatfor protection of cable, adjacent to each other, perpendicular to central axis of cable complete all as specified & directed. 8 M&LSand cushioning with fine dry sand to cable with a layer of sand 8 cm thick before laying the cable and 15 cmthick after laying the cable (punned down to 18 cm thick after laying and stretching of cable) complete all as specified & directed. 9 M&L boring/auguring hole by any means using necessary tool & plants below existing PCC/road/hard standing etc., to insert 80mm bore/dia GI pipe for protection of electric cable, boring should not be below than 600mm from GL complete all as specified and directed.Note: GI pipe shall be measured & paid separately. 10 M&L GI pipe 80mm bore, medium grade for cable protection as in crossing under road/path, under floor/plinth protection or fixed to wall/pole with suitable size of flat iron clamps complete all as specified & directed . 11 M&L GI pipe 100mm bore, medium grade for cable protection as in crossing under road/path, under floor/plinth protection or fixed to wall/pole with suitable size of flat iron clamps complete all as specified & directed . 12 Material, labour & testing of XLPE insulated, screened, PVC bedded, galvanised steel strip or wire armoured, electric power cables (heavy duty) with aluminium conductor, 11000 volts earthed grade, size cross sectional area 95 Sqmm, 3 core, ISI marked, conforming to IS-7098 (Part-II), laid as in trenches or fixed along the wall/pole or passing through pipes/ducts etc., complete all as specified & directed.Notes: (i) Cable shall be of manufacturing date not earlier than Feb 2025. All the cable shall be embossed with year of manufacturing, meterage at every metre, in addition to its own standard markings as per IS i.e. Size, voltage etc. (ii)Excavation & earth work, sand cushioning, protection pipes, end termination joints & protection covers shall be measuredand paid separately. 13 M&L cable jointing kit for 11 KV (Earthed) grade cable for outdoor termination, heat shrink type joint complete with jointing material and accessories suitable for 3 core XLPE armoured aluminium conductor cable of size 95 sqmm complete all as specified & directed. 14 Disconnecting and taking out/down serviceable 11KV, HT UG cable from trenches/duct/on HT poles of nominal cross sectional area from 95 sqmm complete allas specified & directed.Notes :- Earth work (if any) shall be measured & paid separately. 15 For Credit Schedule refer Tender documents. The amount of Credit schedule shall be deducted from total quoted amount of BOQ to arrive Contract sum.