special Repair To Bldg No P-33 Or Md Accn At Ebs Hisar Under Ge (W) Hisar-- 1 Taking down chowkats or frame with shutter, without taking off shutter from the frames not exc 1.5 Sqm each complete all as specified and directed. 2 Taking down chowkats or frame with shutter, without taking off shutter from the frames area exc 1.5 sqm but not exc 4sqm each complete all as specified and directed. 3 Taking downshutters of any description area exc 1.0 sqm but n exc 2.0 sqmcomplete all as specified and directed. 4 S&F pressed steel frames 105 x 60mm for doors with one or more rebates including necessary fixing lugs, hinges, lock strike plate, etc., complete all as specified and directed. 5 S&F pressed steel frames 125 x 60mm for doors with one or more rebates including necessary fixing lugs, hinges, lock strike plate, etc., complete all as specified and directed. 6 M&L for Cement concrete 1:3:6 type C1 (20mm graded stone aggregates) for filling of pressed steel frame and hold fast block cutting etc complete all as specified and directed. 7 S&F 35mm thick factory made plain framed, paneled shutter made of 2nd class HW (Bonsum/Hollock) of 35 mm thick(two panels)with lock rail and panel of 12 mm veneered particle board with commercial veneering on both faces.The size of rail and styles as per IS: 1003 (Part-I), kiln seasoned and chemically pressure treated complete all as specified and directed. 8 S&F 35mm thick glazed and skelton shutters open rebated and prepared to receive gauze etc (without sash bar) edges of framing plain, chamfered or rounded, fitted with cut and mitred breds for securing glass etc sizes of members of shutters as specified in SSR Pt-I Sec 8 Clause 8.20(a) in 2nd class hard wood complete all as specified and directed. 9 M&L preparation of new wooden surface of any description and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint over one coat of pink primer, over 10cm width or girth complete all as specified and directed. 10 Taking down window chowkats or framewithout taking off shutters (with or without glazingand ventilator) not exc 1.5 Sqm each complete all as specified and directed. 11 Factory made Steel windows/ventilators (Box type),with side hung shutters including projecting type hinges with steel handle and steel peg stay complete with glazing bars dovetailed or welded including one shop coat of Zinc chrome primerincluding making good disturbed surfaces of walls, complete all as specified and directed. Notes:- (i) The rate quoted by the contractor are deemed to be included for one shop coat of red oxide zinc chrome primer on steel windows. Nothing shall extra paid on this account.(ii) Detail of box window shall be given on drawing no TD/2013/01 Sheet 1/3,2/3,3/3(iii) Glass pane/ wire gauze shall be measured and paid separately. 12 Factory made Steel windows/ventilators (Box type),with side hung shutters including projecting type hinges with steel handle and steel peg stay complete without glazing bars dovetailed or welded including one shop coat of Zinc chrome primerincluding making good disturbed surfaces of walls, complete all as specified and directed. Notes:- (i) The rate quoted by the contractor are deemed to be included for one shop coat of red oxide zinc chrome primer on steel windows. Nothing shall extra paid on this account. (ii) Detail of box window shall be given on drawing no TD/2013/01 Sheet 1/3,2/3,3/3(iii) Glass pane/ wire gauze shall be measured and paid separately. 13 M&L Mild steel bars as in window guard bars including necessary welding and a shop coat of zinc primer , confirming to Fe-310-O or Fe-410-O complete all as specified and directed. 14 M&L for preparation of new untreated steel or iron surfaces of any description and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint over a coat of red oxide primer complete all as specified and directed. 15 M&L for preparation of old steel or iron surfaces of any description and applying a coat of synthetic enamel paintcomplete all as specified and directed. 16 S&F forStainlesssteel wire cloth 0.36mm nominal dia of wire and average width of aperture 1.40mm and fixed with stainless steel wirestaples complete all as specified and directed. 17 S&F in frame,30 mm thick factory made solid PVC Moulded Door Shutter with Wood Free EPS, with 2,4 or 6 raised panel design with 2mm thickmoulded PrelamPVCsheet on front & back face and all as spd in SSR complete all as specified and directed. 18 S&F solid PVC door frame of size 50mmx47mm made out of 5mm thick PrelamPVC sheet reinforced with MS square tube fixed in opening as per specifications and making good the plaster of wall in CM 1:6 complete all as specified and directed. 19 S&F for 1mm thick factory made pressed steel shutter fixed with 1.25mm thick pressed steel frame of 105 x 60mm outer frame and as reqd for cupboards (consisting two shutters) and including 06 Nos hinges of size 100mm long and Godrej pattern three way locking system with suitable shape & size 12mm dia MS rod & 01 Nos chromium plated handle of size 150mm long with & including two coats of shop spray synthetic enamel painting over a coat of red oxide primer as colour approved by GE complete all as specified and directed. Note : 1 Cupboards frame to be fixed with 06 Nos nuts & bolts of dia 12mm & 150mm long at vertical outer edge of cupboards brick wall / concrete surfaceincluding making good the distrubed surfaces complete all as specified and directed. 2 Outer to outer frontface area shall only be measured for payment purpose 3 the contractor shall provided the seperate locking system for cupboard of each individuals in Barrack ,the above quoted rates shall be inclusive of this. 4.For measurement purpose only opening out to outr will be measured. 20 S&F 100 mm extruded aluminium alloy handles ,fabricated type complete all as specified and directed. 21 S&F 150 mm extruded aluminium alloy handles ,fabricated type complete all as specified and directed. 22 S & F Aluminium anodised barrel tower bolt of extruded section 200mm long complete all as specified and directed. 23 S&F 250mm long aluminium alloy, anodised, sliding door bolt with hasp, staple (bolt type) and fixing clips of sheet, cast or extruded sections and fixing bolts and sliding bolts of extruded sections or cast aluminium alloy complete all as specified and directed. 24 S&F Butt hinges 125mm, medium weight complete all as specified and directed. 25 S & F mild steel 25 mm dia drapery rod, decorative type, with PVC coating and fixed in repairs complete all as specified and directed. 26 S & F MS bracket, decorative, superior quality, suitable for 25 mm dia drapery rods, complete all as specified and directed. 27 S&F for 140mm long floor door stopper of aluminium alloy body and ongue, anodised, with hard drawn steel spring, fixed in floor complete all as specified and directed. 28 S&F 300mm long mild steel ordinary rat tail rod pattern springs, including roller and roller plate in repair complete all as specified and directed. 29 Demolition of Stone slabs and tiles of any description or thickness infloors, aprons etc complete all as specified and directed. 30 M&L Machine cut kota stone slab flooring 20-25mm thick over cement screed base laid and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of the slab including rubbing and polishingincluding 15 mm thick screed bed in cement mortar 1:6 for laying floor finishes complete all as specified and directed 31 M&L Kota stone slab 20-25mm thick in riser of steps, skirting, dado and pillar laid over cement screed and jointed including 10mm thick rendering in cement mortar 1:4backing coat for fixing complete all as specified and directed 32 M&L, 20mm thick granite stone slabs table rubbed and polished as in cooking plate forms/ cill over and including 15 mm thick screed layer in CM 1:4, laid and jointed with grey cement slurry mixed with pigment to match the shade of stone complete all as specified and directed. 33 Dismantling floor, hearth or wall tiling including cement mortar bedding (but not backing), removing serviceable tiles to store and rubbish off the premises complete all as specified and directed. 34 M&L non-skid Ceramic coloured tiles 7 to 8mm thick (square/ rectangular), area of each tiles exc 0.18 Sqm but not exceeding 0.38 sqm, in floors etc. set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match including 15 mm thick screed bed in cement mortar 1:6 for laying floor finishes complete all as specified and directed. 35 Description all as per item No 34.00 above but in skirtingover and including 10mm thick backing coat in cement mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and directed. 36 M&L Non - skid coloured Ceramic tiles 7 to 8 mm thick (square/ rectangular) area of each tile exceeding 0.11 sqm but not exceeding 0.18 sqm, in floors etc. set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match including 15 mm thick screed bed in cement mortar 1:6 for laying floor finishes complete all as specified and directed. 37 M&L Glazed ceramic coloured tiles (Designer) in vertical surface 350x 250x 7 mm/ 450X 350X 7mm thick set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or colour cement to match including 10mm thick rendering in cement mortar 1:4backing coat for fixing wall tiles complete all as specified and directed. 38 Demolition ofcement concrete infloors and pavings not exceeding 15 cm thickness. (Below or above ground level) complete all as specified and directed. 39 M&L 40mm thick Cement concrete type B-1, 1:2:4 (20mm graded aggregate) in floor complete all as specified and directed. 40 Supply only liquid type water proofing compound complete all as specified and directed. 41 Treatment of sunken floor slab compraises of the following specifications and complete all as specified and directed :- (i) M&L for cleaning the sunken/lowered portion of RCC slab surface (including vertical total depth plus skirting height) of floors by wire brush, chisel out any mortar sticking to the surface and brooming completely.40mm thick avg PCC 1:2:4 type B-0 using 12.5mm graded stone aggregate as in padding conc to achieve proper slope including cutting holes in bricks or RCC wall for spout. (ii) Rendering of uneven surfaces with 6mm thick CM 1:4 mixed with liquid water proofing compound @ 200ml per 50 Kg beg of cement consumed.Fill it with water and check dampness and seepage. Where dampness/seepage is noticed, nozzles shall be fixed and grouting carried out (fixing of nozzle and grouting & WPC will be measured and paid separately). (iii)All junctions points of side wall where CI/GI pipes are passing through shall be sealed with epoxy puty.(iv)After drying putty, wash the slab and sides of sunken portion with water and make it clear and clean. (v) M&L for applying two coats of polymer modified cementious water proof coating as per manufacturs instruction to bottom and vertical sides up to finished floor level+100mm height.The thickness of two layer shall be 1mm.When the second layer is still sticky, coarse sand spray shall be carried for the vertical and bottom surface of the sunken portion all as specified and directed. (vi)GI pipe 50mm dia medium grade 50cm long laid on each sunken floor as spout complete all as specified and direced by EIC. (vii)Plaster the bottom and sides up to bottom of the skirting with minimum 20mm thick CM 1:4 mixed with liquid water proofing compound @ 200ml per 50 Kg beg of cement consumed as per manufacturers specification including rounding of corners and junctions sloping towards spout. (WPC shall be measured and paid separately)(viii)Allpipes laid in sunken portion shall be covered with 50mm thick PCC 1:3:6 type C-1 all round after painting with anticorrosive paint.Note :-(i) Test the water proofed area (ponding test) by filling water for at least 72 hours and tested for leakage seepage and to the entire satisfaction of GE. The treatment shall be carried out by authorised applicators of chemicals. Cost of testing is included in the rates quoted above.(ii) All debries obtained from site will be thrown away out side MD land by contractor at his own expense.(iii) For payment purpose the plan area of sunken floor shall be taken into accounts. 42 M&L cement concrete 1:3:6 type C2 using 20 mm graded stone aggregate as in plinth protection, 75 mm thick, finished even and smooth without using extra cement, incl making joints 12 mm wide to the full depth of PCC at every 3 mtrs and at every change of direction and filling the same with and incl bitumen and sand 1:3 by weightcomplete all as specified and directed. 43 Demolition of Brickwork built in cement mortar including all quoins, arches, pillars, etc, but excluding ashlar facings, dressed stonework and precast concrete articles complete all as specified and directed. 44 M&L Brickwork with subclass ‘B’ old size bricks, straight or curved on plan exc 6m mean radius built in CM 1:6 complete all as specified and directed. 45 M&L Rough cast plaster as specified .(Rendering coat not less than 10mm thick in C:M 1:3 , while it is still in plastic state the rough cast mixture consisting of crushed stone or fine gravel agg size 6 to 12mm mixed with coarse sand and cement in the ratio of 1:1:1 shall be applied and finished even) on external wall complete all as specified and directed. 46 M&L for 15mm thick rendering in cement mortar (1:4) on fair face of brick walls / concrete surfaces external surfaces of any description mixed with WPC @ 200ml per 50 Kg bag of cement used and finished even and smooth w/o using extra cement complete all as specified and directed. Note : WPC will be measured and paid separately. 47 M&L Rendering 15mm thick on fair faces of brick work or concrete surfaces in CM 1:6 is to be finished even and smooth (without using extra lime or cement) complete all as specified and directed. 48 M&L for 10mm thick rendering in cement 1:3on fair faces of concrete surface with finished surface even and smooth in ceiling/ RCC water tank & sunshade, chajjas etc complete all as specified and directed. 49 Taking down cement plaster on brick or stone walls, etc. including raking out joints, hacking for key, scrubbing down with water, of any description etc complete all as specified and directed. 50 M & L for preparation of newly plastered surface of wall and applying two coats of OBD over one coat of 1mm thick wall care putty on wallcomplete all as specified and directed. 51 M & L for complete removal of existing treatment of old surface of wall and applying two coats of OBD over twocoat of 1mm thick wall care putty on wallcomplete all as specified and directed. 52 M&L for preparation newly plastered surfaces of wall and applying three coats of white wash complete all as specified and directed. 53 M&L for preparation of old surfaces of wall and applying two coats of white wash complete all as specified and directed. 54 M&L for preparation newly plastered surfaces of ceiling and applying three coats of white wash complete all as specified and directed. 55 M&L for preparation old surfaces of ceiling and applying two coats of white wash complete all as specified and directed. 56 M&L for Complete removal of existing treatment, washing down and stopping of distempered and painted surfaces by using electrical operated grinder and M&L applying two coats of exterior emulsion paint of make : weather coat of Berger / apex utima of Asian paints / Xtrapremium of Shalimar , over and incl of a coat of exterior wall primer over two mm thick acryllic wall care puttyas aprproved by Manufacture complete all as specified and directed. NOTE: The work under this item shall be carried out by contractor from authorised applicator of manufacturer. The contractor shall also stand for gaurantee of the quality and finish of work under this item for period for a period of five years from certified date of completion of complete work for which an amount Rs 20/Sqm of quantity of work done under this item shall be retained in final bill.This amount shall be returned only after completion of gaurantee. 57 M&L for preparing newly plastered surface and applying two coats of exterior emulsion paint of make : weather coat of Berger / apex utima of Asian paints / Xtrapremium of Shalimar, over and incl of a coat of exterior wall primer over two mm thick acryllic wall care putty as aprproved by Manufacture complete all as specified and directed.NOTE: The work under this item shall be carried out by contractor from authorised applicator of manufacturer. The contractor shall also stand for gaurantee of the quality and finish of work under this item for period for a period of five years from certified date of completion of complete work for which an amount Rs 20/Sqm of quantity of work done under this item shall be retained in final bill.This amount shall be returned only after completion of gaurantee. 58 S&F in repair ,PVC Low Level cistern 10 ltr capacity ,valveless,syphonic action type with float ,handle ,incl 32mm dia pipe of polyethylene of low or high density or PVC & bracket complete all as specified and directed. 59 S&F in repair vitreous china squatting pan ORISSA pattern size 580mmx440kmm, white with integral foot rest including PVCP or S trap andconnection to trap includintg cement concrete, with PVC valveless, syphonic action type flushing cistern, low level, white with inlet, ball valve, float and handle including brackets and including flush pipe of polyethylene or low or high density or PVC 32mm dia, for low level cisternetc. including making good to floor, complete all as specified and directed. 60 Taking down eaves gutter or RWP of any description complete all as specified and directed. 61 S&F, 110mm dia PVC rain water pipe single socketed with rubber joint, jointed with solvent joint fixed to wall complete all as specified and directed. 62 S&F, 110mm dia PVC bend of any radius including benching in Cement concrete 1:3:6 where required and finishing ,complete all as specified and directed. 63 S&F110 mm bore PVC (SWR) pipes single socketed, in any length with rubber ring joints, fixed to walls & floors with necessary MS clampscomplete all as specified and directed. 64 S&F75 mm bore PVC (SWR) pipes single socketed, in any length with rubber ring joints, fixed to walls & floors with necessary MS clampscomplete all as specified and directed. 65 S&F 110 mm PVC (SWR) access door bends any radiuscomplete all as specified and directed. 66 S&F 75 mm PVC (SWR) access door bends any radiuscomplete all as specified and directed. 67 S&F 110mm PVC (SWR) junction single,(Single T) equal or unequal provided with access door complete all as specified and directed. 68 S&F 75mm PVC (SWR) junction single,(Single T) equal or unequal provided with access door complete all as specified and directed. 69 S&F 110mm PVC PVC (SWR) vent cowl complete all as specified and directed. 70 S&F, PVC Nahani trap 75mm bore with grating incl jointing with solvent cementfixed in cement concrete type B1 (1:2:4) complete all as specified and directed. 71 S & F CP Peg Set of 6 , Solid Body, 200 mm to 300mm lengthand complete all as specified and directed. 72 S&F in repair vitreous china flat back type Wash HandBasin, white of size 550 x 400 mm including bracketscomplete all as specified and directed. 73 S&F in repair stainless steelsink without drainage board made of stainless steel of 1 mm thick for kitchen with plugs, washer and watesincluding bedding in cement morter to dwarf wall or including fixing cantilever brackets and connecting union to pipe over all size 495mm x420mmandbowl size 410mm x 330mm x 160 mm, complete all as specified and directed. 74 S & F in repair CP Pillar taps 15 mm dia long size, cast copper alloy, with capstan heads, fancy type, chromium plated, screwed down high pressure, with or without lettered ‘Hot’ or ‘Cold’ with long screwed shanks and fly nuts, screwed for iron pipe 15mm bore all ascomplete all as specified and directed. 75 S & F in repair brass chromium plated waste coupling 32mm dia complete all as specified and directed. 76 S&F in repair PVC connection 15mm dia, 600mm long complete all as specified and directed. 77 S & F in repair PVC waste pipe for 32 mm dia of standard length complete all as specified and directed. 78 S&F in repair 15 mm dia CPAngle Cock, cast copper alloy, screwed down, high pressure, screwed both ends for iron pipe or for unions 15mm bore all ascomplete all as specified and directed. 79 Supply and fixing in repair 600mm X 450mm bevelled edge mirror of selected quality mounted on plastic frame covered back with commercial and fixed on wooden plug with chromium plated brass screws and cup washer complete all as specified and directed. 80 M&L for GI tubing 15mm bore fixed to walls, ceilings or laid in floors medium grade withconcealed including taking down of existing pipe line completeall as specified and directed. 81 M&L for GI tubing 20mm bore fixed to walls, ceilings or laid in floors medium grade withconcealed including taking down of existing pipe line completeall as specified and directed. 82 S&Fin repairs 15mm bore CP Bib taps Long Body Half turn/Quarter turn , cast copper alloy fancy type chromium plated and fixed complete all as specified and directed. 83 S&F in repair 15 mm dia CPConceled Stop Cock, cast copper alloy, screwed down, high pressure, screwed both ends for iron pipe or for unions 15mm bore complete all as specified and directed. 84 S&F in repair brass chromium plated shower rose 125mm size fitted to steel pipe or union complete all as specified and directed. 85 S&F Rotational Moulded polyethylene Water Storage Tanks Three layers in white colour(cylindrical vertical with closed top) 1000 ltrs capacity hoisted and fixed in posn all as specifiedincl Dismantling of existing tank complete all as specified and directed. 86 S&F ,20mm bore ball brass valve, high pressure with polythene float and fly nut completescrewed for iron pipe or brass ferrule complete all as specified and directed. 87 Demolition of Brick tiles or terracing tiles, single layer on roofs complete all as specified and directed. 88 Demolition Mud in roofs, any thickness, including plastering and leeping (completely removed including rubbing, washing, brooming and clean) and removing debris to MD land upto total distance 1.5 Km complete all as specified and directed. 89 M&L Providing, cement concrete Type B0 1:2:4 (12.5mm graded aggregate) in roof kerbs/Padding in slope 1:40, rounded or chamfered on edges with mixing of water proofing compound complete all as specified and directed. Note : Water proofing compound will be paid seperately. 90 M&L for applying roof treatment on top of roof with APP based polymericmembrane (not less than 3mm thick , weight not less than 3.5Kg per Sqm, reinforced with polyster non-woven fabric (weigthing not less than 150 gm/ Sqm )laid by torch application method with side overlap 75mm and on end 100mmas per manufactures instructions over a coat of hot paving bitumen of grade 30/40 conforming to IS 73 @ 1.2 Kg/ Sqmover a coat of bituminous primer conforming to IS -1984 @ 0.40 Kg /Sqm and and applying two coats of aluminium paint over APP membrane over and incl 15mm thick screed bed or bedding layer in cm 1:3 using liquid WPC as per manufacture instruction over RCC roof/PCC complete all as specified and directed. 91 M&L Cement concrete tiles 25cmx25cmx22mm thick machine pressed with grey cement and no pigment, set jointed and pointed in neat slurry on roof, cut and polished with grey cement and no pigment over 20mm thick bedding of cement mortar 1:4complete all as specified and as directed. 92 M&L for 100 mm thick Cement concrete type D 2, 1:4:8 (using 40 mm graded granite stone aggregate) in sub base of flooring/ hard standing complete all as specified and directed. 93 M&L for Chequered cement concrete tiles 20 cm x 20 cm x 25mm thick, set jointed andin grey cement no pigment over 15mm thick screed bed in CM 1:6 complete all as specified and directed. 94 M&L for colouredChequered cement concrete tiles 20 cm x 20 cm x 25mm thick, set jointed andin grey cement and pointed with pigment over 15mm thick screed bed in CM 1:6 complete all as specified and directed. 95 Excavating in trenches, not exceeding 1.5m wide and not exceeding 1.5m in depth for foundation, etc or not exceeding 10 Sqm on plan and not exceeding 1.5m in depth for shafts, cesspits, manholes, pier holes, etc and getting out in soft/loose soil complete all as specified and directed. 96 Returning, filling in excavated approved soil, including spreading, levelling, watering and well ramming in layers not exceeding 25cm each complete all as specified and directed. 97 Removing excavated soil not exceeding 50m and depositing where directed at a level not exceeding 1.5m above the starting point complete all as specified and directed. 98 Demolition and breaking up drain pipes (salt glazed ware AC or RCc) set in cement mortar 150 mm dia complete all as specified and directed. 99 M&L for Concrete bed to drain pipes 150mm bore including packing under and haunching against the sides of pipes after they are laid and tested in cement concrete 1:4:8 type D2 using 40mm graded stone aggregate for NP2/PVC pipes complete all as specified and directed. 100 Supply and fixing Reinforced concrete pipes, 150mm dia class NP2, laid and jointed complete with collars laid in trenches or in floors complete at site andas specified and directed. 101 M&L for PCC 1:4:8 type D2 using 40mm graded stone aggregate as in foundation/ filling/ mass concrete complete all as specified and directed. 102 M&L for precast cement concrete 1:2:4, type B-1 using 20 mm graded stone aggregate as in landings, cover slabs (for manholes etc.) shelves and similar articles with plain faces and set in cement mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and directed. 103 S&F TMT bars 10mm dia and over in reinforcement, cut to length, bent to shape required including cranking, bending spirally or hooping for columns, hooking ends and binding with MS wire (annealed not less than 0.9mm dia) complete all as specified and directed. 104 Description all as per item No 103.00 above but 6-8mm dia in stirrrups, spaeers and binders etc complete all as specified and directed. 105 Demolition of reinforced cement concrete of any description and in any position not otherwise specifically provided for all as specified and directed. 106 Removing all disintegrated and loose concrete of any thickness including plaster if any in roof slab, removing all loose rust / scale from exposed reinforcement bars by using wire brushes and sand paper including cleaning of exposed surfaces of reinforcement with protective anti corrosive epoxy bonding chemical (make : Pidilite) and tied reinforcement bars / IRC fabric 50mm x 50mm x 12gauge if reqd to reinforcement concrete bonding primer uniformly to exposed surfaces and applying cement mortar 1:3:1 with MPC (1 Part cement : 3 Part Sand : 1 Part 6mm coarse aggregate) to an average thickness not less than 20 mm and removing debris outside MD landcomplete all as specified and directed. Note : The cost of IRC 50mm x 50mm x 12 gauge or reinforcement bars shall be measured and paid separately. 107 Supply only IRC 50mm x 50mm x 12 gauge weld mesh cut to length bend to shap required and tying with and including annealed mild steel wire not less than 0.9mm or fixing with galvanised steel staples fixed to steel members with nut and bolt or fixed to RCC work or ceiling surfaces complete all as specified and directed. 108 Demolition of RCC Roofs, floors (other than ground floors), beams, staircases, landing, chajjas upto three storey , Balcony RCC Wall, RCC water Tanks, parapet RCC Wall, and similar suspended work and making good the disturbed area in CM 1:3 complete all as specified and directed. 109 M&L for cutting holes in brick walls built in cement mortar /concrete for inserting support for chajjahs/ cooler plateforms / cooler standetc and making good dismantled portion in cement mortar 1:3 or PCC 1:2:4 type B1 as required super ficial area of cutting nexc 100sqcm complete all as specified and directed. Note:-cutting of holes shall be carried out by core cutting machine 110 S&F mild steel joist ,channel ,angle ,tee fixed independently without connection plates etc (cut to ordinary length i.e. within 20mm of the length indicated ) as in frame for sheeting in chajjah complete all as spd and directed. 111 S&F prepainted galvalume alumimium zinc coating GI based plain steel sheet 0.50 mm thick of any color having tensile strength of 550 MPA as a roof covering /Cladding to wall and in Chajjah , Fixed with self tapping screw complete all as specified and directed. 112 Taking down carefully copper/ Aluminium point wiring ( light, fans, socket, power socket) complete including taking out existing unserviceable terminal boxes and conduit with switches/sockets/fan regulators and fittings such as ceiling roses, pendants, tube lights fittings lamp holders, brackets light fittings, rectangular blocks DB MCCB etc and making good disturbed surface of wall/ floor etcto matchwith the existing the surface etc complete all as specified and directed. 113 Material and labour for point wiring with 1.5 sqmm (22/.3mm) PVC insulated and unsheathed FRLS single core multistranded copper conductor for one light/fan/bell point in and including PVC rigid non metallic concealed conduit 19/20 mm dia medium duty, ISI marked to beterminated & including pressed modular steel boxes & cover plate of module as required on site.including 1.5 sqmm (22/.3mm) PVC insulated and unsheathed FRLS single core multisrtanedcopper earthcontinuity conductor controlled by one switchand/or one regulator complete including repairing the surfaces in Cm 1:3 and finishingthe surface as per existing treatment complete all as specified and directed. 114 Description all as per item No 113.00 above but One three pin 5 Amp socket outlet point on independent board controlled by one nos, one way switch on independent board complete all as specified and directed. 115 Description all as per item No 113.00 above butOne three pin 5 Amp socket outlet point on same board controlled by one nos, one way switch on same board complete all as specified and directed. 116 Description all as per item No 113.00 above but point wiring with 2.5 sq mm single core FRLS cables and earth continuity wire with 2.5 Sq mm single core cable for one 3 pin 15 Amps socket out let point controlled by one nos, one way switch on independent board complete all as specified and directed. 117 S&F Modular switch 1 way 6A 1 module Single pole, one way, 230 volts complete all as specified and directed. 118 S&F Modular switch 1 way 16A 1 module complete all as specified and directed. 119 S&F Modular socket 6A -2/3 pin combined 2 module type 230 volts AC complete all as specified and directed. 120 S&F Modular socket 6A/16A -2/3 pin combined 2 module type AC complete all as specified and directed. 121 M&L Buzzer, Ding Dong AC 230 volts, single pole ISI Marked completed all as specified and directed 122 Supply and fixing modular bell push 6A 1 module complete all as specified and directed. 123 S&F Modular lamp holder, insulated body with back plate suitable for batten fittings and complete all as specified and directed. 124 Supply and fixing LED light fitting mirror type with high out put diffuser 2 feet, 10 watt 220 V AC decorative type with driver holder and LED lamp including connecting up with three core flexible copper conductor cable of suitable size complete all as specified and directed. 125 S&F Modular ceiling rose surface bakelite 65mm x 50mm, 3 terminals with back plate etc complete all as specified and directed. 126 S&F modularfan step regulator 120W-2 module suitable for 1200/1400 mm sweep ceiling fan etc complete all as specified and directed. 127 S & F for wall mounted LED tube light fitting 20 watts batten not less than 120 lumen/watt for surface mounted, high transmissitivity diffuser, high lumen outputboxtype fitting, 230 volts and intregrated electronic driverconnector block etc complete with all accessories internally pre wired andnecessary mounting arrangements, provision of new 3 core multistrandedcopper conductor of size 23/0.193 from ceiling rose to fitting complete all as specified and as directed. 128 S&F Sheet metal enclosure distribution board SPN,8 way, double door powder coated, protection class IP-42 suitable for mounting MCB DBs confirming to IS-13032, IS-8632,BS5484 with min 200 Amp raiting copper bus bar complete all as specified and directed. 129 Supply and fixing in repair MCBs SP6 to 40Amps, B-curve, 240 volts, 10 KA rupturing capacity, IS-8828 marked, of the under mentioned type and rating and fixing in DBs (DBs Catered separately in this schedule) complete all as specified and directed. Note:Make of the MCB should be the same as that of DB 130 Supply and fixing in repair MCBs SPN 40 Amps,240 volts, 10 KA rupturing capacity, IS-8828 marked, of the under mentioned type and rating and fixing in DBs (DBs Catered separately in this schedule) complete all as specified and directed.Note:Make of the MCB should be the same as that of DB 131 S&F Sheet metal enclosure distribution board TPN, 4way, double door powder coated, protection class IP-54, isolated neutral bar, mechanical impact strength IK 09 suitable for mounting MCB & /MCCB DBs confirming to IS-13032, IS-8632,BS5484 with min 200 Amp raiting copper bus bar and grouting, fixing on wall with nut bolts wasshers properwithpcc works complete all as specified and directed. 132 Supply and fixing TPN63 Amps,415 volts, 16 KA rupturing capacity, IS-8828 marked, of the under mentioned type and rating and fixing in DBs (DBs Catered separately in this schedule) complete all as specified and directed.Note:Make of the MCCB should be the same as that of DB 133 S & F in repair for Energy saving new generation environmental friendly long life versatile pressure die cast aluminium IP 66 for security light fitting luminaire with high power LEDs as light source not less than 120 lumen/watt and electronic driver of capacity 25/35 watts with pre wired andnecessary mounting arrangements and provision of 1.5 sq mm three core copper conductor cable multi stranded from ceiling rose to light fitting including 40 mm dia GI pipe medium grade bracket 1.5 mtr long bend to required shape with clamps, nut, bolts complete all as specified and directed. 134 Taking down old unserviceable submain wiring including fitting & fixtures and making good of the surface to match with the existing complete all as specified and directed. 135 M & L forSub main wiring with approved colour coding as per IS with two single core PVC insulated FRLS cable with stranded copper conductor of size 6 Sq mm nominal area and drawing into suitable size of PVC non metallic rigid heavy duty PVC conduit of white/ ivory colour and its accessories ISI marked heavy duty of suitable sizeincluding concealed in wall etcone run of PVC insulated with 6.0 Sqmm (nominal area) stranded copper conductor FRLS cable as earth wire complete all as specified and as directed. Note:- Two runs of 6 sqmm cable for phase, one run of 6 sqmm cable for earthing and one run of PVC conduit will be measured as one unit. 136 M & L for earthing complete with galvanized steel earth plate electrode 60 cm x 60 cm x 6 mm thick buried directly in ground vertically (earth pit not less than 2.25m deep below ground level) with top edge of the plate not less than 1.50 mtr deep below normal ground level, connecting to GI earth wire 4mm dia by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts, and washers of galvanized iron or steel including 15 mm dia. medium grade protection pipe for earth lead complete with charcoal and common salt including watering arrangement with galvanized iron pipe light grade 20 mm dia, PCC Chamber, CI frame and cover, MS funnel with wire mesh all as shown in electrical plate no 3 of SSR part I including excavation and earthwork in any type ofsoil/strata and testing on completion. Note:- GI earth wire 4 mm dia and 15 mm dia protection pipe upto 7.5 mtr from earth plate is deemed to be included in rate quoted.