Supply And Installation Of Science Laboratory Equipment In Government Schools Of Telangana State-1 Test tubes 2 Spatulas (Steel)3 Capillary Tubes 4 Watch Glasses - 4''5 Glass rods 6 Reagent bottles 125mm 7 Funnels -3'' B/S/G 8 Water baths (Copper)9 Burettes - 50ml 10 Pipette 20mL11 Conical flasks - 250mL B/S/G 12 VOLUMETRIC FLASK 500ML13 Measuring jars 500mL 14 Measuring jars 50mL 15 Measuring jars 20mL16 pH Paper 17 Pipette stand18 Bunsen burner 19 Tripod stand 20 Test tube cleaning brushes21 China dishes - 3" 22 Structure of Atom23 Electrolyser 24 Burrete Stand with Fisher hook (clamp) steel 25 Beakers 100 ml26 Beakers 250 ml 27 Beakers 500 ml28 Test tube stand 29 Droppers 30 Test tube holders 31 Thistle funnel 32 Delivery tubes L shape 33 Delivery tubes U shape34 Rubber corcks 35 Wire gauge 36 Separating funnel 250 ml 37 Boiling test tube38 Wash bottles 1000 ml 39 Motor with pestle medium size 40 Pair of tongs v41 Deflagrating spoon 42 Diamond model 43 Graphite model 44 NaCl model45 Double side opened glass tube CHEMICALS 1 SODIUM BI CARBONATE 2 SODIUM HYDROXIDE FLAKES 3 SULPHUR POWDER 4 UNIVERSAL INDICATOR SOLUTION5 ACETIC ACID GLACIAL 6 MAGNESIUM OXIDE LIGHT 7 Manganese Dioxide 8 Nitric Acid 9 Calcium chloride fused 10 Calcium Nitrate11 Acetic acid glacial 12 Calcium hydroxide 13 Acetone 14 Aluminium Nitrate 15 Aluminium Sulphate 16 Potassium Dichromate17 Potassium Permanganate 18 Potassium Ferrocyanide 19 Magnessium sulphate 20 Manganese Sulphate 21 Manganese Chloride 22 Zinc Sulphate 23 Sodium Carbonate 24 Sodium Hydroxide Pallets 25 Methyl Orange Soln 26 PHENOLPHATHALEIN SOLN. 27 TESTING SOLUTION (T) 28 HYDROCHLORIC ACID29 SULPHURIC ACID 30 AMMONIA SOLUTION 0.91% 31 LITMUS PAPER BLUE 32 LITMUS PAPER RED 33 PLASTER OF PARIS (PRACT) 34 ZINC METAL GRANULAR35 MAGNESIUM (METAL) RIBBON 36 LEAD NITRATE 37 BARIUM CHLORIDE 38 SILVER NITRATE N/50 SOLUTION 39 IODINE SOLUTION 1% 40 COPPER SULPHATE41 AMMONIUM CHLORIDE 1 Battery Eleminator 2 Ohm's Law Apparatus3 P N Junction Apparatus4 NEWTON'S COLOURED DISC 5 PARALLELOGRAM APPARATUS 6 RESONANCE APPARATUS7 SPRING CONSTATNT 8 RESISTANCE BOX 500 OHM9 RHEOSTAT 12" 10 Vernier Calipers11 Screw Gauge 12 Spheres set of 6 13 PRISM14 Half meter scales 15 Meter scales 16 Galvanometer17 Voltmeter 18 AMMETER19 Plug keys 1 WAY 20 Plug keys 2 WAY 21 Concave lens 22 CONVEX LENS 23 Concave mirror24 Convex mirror 25 Plane Mirror26 Glass slab 27 Magnet kit 28 Commutators 29 Drawing Board 30 Sloated Weight 31 V - stand (lens holder ) 32 Plano convex lens34 Lens holder 35 Periscope 36 Kelidioscope37 Clamps 38 Electric generator model 39 Magnetic compass big40 Copper wire 24 gauge 41 Iron fillings powder 42 Series combination of resistors (set) 43 Parallel combination of resistors (set)44 Multimeters 45 Copper plate (electroplating )46 Calorimeter 47 Six maximum - minimum thermometer 48 Clinical thermometer 49 Celcius thermometer50 Helical Spring (Slinky ) 51 Tuning Fork (Box) 52 Gold leaf electroscope53 AC DC Dynamo 54 Inclined plane 55 Battery holders 56 Overflow jar57 Electric switches 58 Spring balance 59 Optical fiber model 60 Electronic weighing machine61 Spirit lamp 62 Lactometer 63 Pascals law apparatus 64 Cells 1.5 v65 Cells 9V 66 Rechargable Cells 67 Human eye model68 Lattice crystal structure of NaCl 69 Rectangular glass plates 70 Cylinders (for vernier callipers) 71 Weighing box (physical balance )72 Split cork 73 Cotton thread 74 Stop watches 75 Quill tubes 76 Strong Thread (nylon ) 77 Thin mirror strip (Concurrent forces ) 78 Specific gravity bottle (50ML) 79 Capillary Tubes ( surface tension ) 80 Spirit level 81 Cork to hold capillary tube 82 Drawing pins (boxes ) 83 Rubber Hammers 84 Connecting Wires85 High Resistence 86 Meter Bridge Set 87 Transistor Set 1 Microscope 2 Plant Cell , animal cell 3 DNA Model 4 Human Torso5 Human Skeletal System 6 Plastic Trough 7 Dissection Box8 Typical Flower plant with Floral parts 9 Human Excretory System 10 Embryonic Development System 11 L, U, shape delivery tubes12 Test tube 13 Dropper 14 Tripod Stand 15 Spirit 16 Digital Thermometer17 Clinical Thermometer 18 Magnifying Glass 19 Spirit Lamps 20 Rubber cork (Single Hole, Double Hole)21 Watch Glass 22 Slide box 23 Cover Slips 24 Compound microscope25 Petridish Biology Consumables 1 Methylene Blue 2 Glycerine 3 Iodine 4 Benedict's reagent5 Litmus Paper 6 Ethyl Alcohol 7 Blood Testing Kit 8 Liquid Paraffin wax 9 Nitric Acid (HNO3)1 Amoeba 2 Euglena 3 Paramecium 4 Chlamydomonas 5 Spirogyra 6 Nostoc 7 Nerve cells 8 T.S. of Compact bone 9 T.S. of Cartilage 10 Straited Muscle 11 Unstraited Muscle 12 Columnar Epithelium 13 Squamous Epithelium 14 T.S. of Intestine 15 T.S. of Testis 16 T.S. of Ovary Specimens 1 Euspongia, Sycon2 Aurelia 3 Taenia solium 4 Planaria 5 Ascaris - Male and Female 6 Earthworm 7 Leech 8 Prawn 9 Pila 10 Unio 11 Silk moth 12 Life Cycle of Silk Moth 13 Asterias 14 Shark15 Murrel Fish Charts Autonomous Nervous System Mitosis Meiosis Sense organs5 Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cell 6 Fertilisation in plants 7 Life cycle of Flowering Plants 8 Biologists 9 Biogeochemical Cycles (Water, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Carbon Cycle) 10 Cardiac Cycle 11 Blood Cells 12 DNA Structure 13 Plant Tissues 14 Animal Tissues 15 Human Evolution Chart
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