Tender For Construction Of 30000 Litres Over Head Tank At Ward No 12 Nadu Nanthankulam Servey No 144/2 Inthisaiyanvilai Town Panchayat; 1 Earthworkexcavationanddepositingon bankwithaninitialleadof10m andliftof 2m in the following classification of soils as directed by TWAD Board officers. Hard stiff clay,blockcotton,hardredearthshales, murram,ordinarygravel,stoneyearthand earthmixed withsmall sizebouldersfor foundation SS 20B 2 First depth of 2m 3 Second depth of SDR 2-3m 4 Plain Cement Concrete 1:4:8 (one cement, foursandandeighthardgranitebroken stone of 40mm size ISS gauge ) for levelling course of foundation including mixing, placing, ramming,finishing curing etc. complete in accordance with specification and as directed by the TWAD Board Officers 1.5m to 4.5m Below GL 5 Reinforced Cement Concrete 1:1½:3 Mix (One part cement, one and half part sand and three part of aggregate)using 20mm size ISS HBG metal machine crushed from approved quarry including cost and conveyance of all materials to site, loading and unloading charges and labour charges for mixing, laying and curing but excluding cost of reinforcement etc.Complete with std.Specifications.(Using Vibrator) 6 For items 1.5m to 4.5m below GL 7 For items 0 to 1.50m below GL 8 For items 0m to 4.5m above GL 9 For items 4.50m to 7.32 m above G L 10 For items 7.32m to 10.98 m above G L 11 For items 10.98m to 14.64 m above GL 12 For items 14.64m to 18.30m above G L 13 Centering for soffits of RCC members includingshuttering,struttingtothe centeringandprovidingsupportsetc. completeforthefollowingmembersusing MSsheetsofsuitablesizeofBGo10 stiffenedwithweldedMSangleofsize 25x25x3mm for boarding laid over I type of M.S. Truss of size 25x25x3mm spacing at about 90 cm C/Cand supported by 40mm GIPipe(medium)spacingat75mmc/c etc., complete complying with standard specifications forvariousheightsandas directed by the TWAD Board Officers. The centeringshouldbe removedafterthe specifiedstripingtimeoftheconcreteas per IS-456/1978. 14 PLANE SURFACES 15 Up to3.30m ht from GL 16 Below G.L. 17 Above GL to 3.30 m(B1)@2.865m 18 5.30m to 6.30 m(B2) @ 5.73 m 19 8.30 to 9.30 m(B3) @ 8.595 m 20 11.30 to 12.30m above G L 21 Curved Surface 22 0 to 3.30m 23 Square column 24 Below G.L. 25 0 m to 3.30m above G L 26 3.30 to 4.30m 27 4.30 to 5.30m 28 5.30 to 6.30m 29 6.30 to 7.30m 30 7.30 to 8.30m 31 8.30 to 9.30m 32 9.30 to 10.30m 33 10.30 to 11.30m 34 11.30m to 11.45m 35 Exterior Emulsion paint Two coats with good quality of approved Emulsion paint including cost of all materials to site and all labour charges for mixing applying and proper curring etc., Complete as per Standard Specificationsfor 10 sqm 36 Supplying,cutting,bending,tying, fabricatingandplacinginpositionofsteel rodsforallRCCworksincludingcostof steel and binding wire etc.The steel should conform to the relevant ISspecificationand supplied with test certificate (Fe.415 grade asperISspecificationNo.1786/1985and as amended from time to time) for delivery atsiteofworkincludingloading,freight, unloading, stacking, transit insurance charges, taxes etc. complete. 37 Fabrication,supply,deliveryandfixingof outsideMSLadderof45cmclearwide madeoutof50mmx50mmx6mmMS angle for both sides and for steps at 30cm C/C welded jointed etc ., for I staging from GL to 1st level brace (weight 4.5kg/m) IInd andIIIrdstaginguptofloorslabandIVth staging from floor slab to roof top. Supply, delivery andfixing of 32 mm GI pipes mediumforhandrailsfromIstagetoIVth stage.RCCM30GrademixforLanding slab 5 nos. atGround Level- 1No. and aboveGroundLevel-4Nos.Supplyand fixingof32mmGIpipemediumforhand railsfortheLandingslab.Supplyingand fixing of MS Base plate of 100mm X 100mmX6mmthickforfixingAnchore fastener bolt for fixing of hand rails at Landing slab and MS Ladder providing locking arrangements with two coats of approved enamel paint over one coat of red oxidepaintasperapprovedTypeDesign and as directed by TWAD board officers. 38 ProvidingandfixingRCCinsideaccess ladderofapprovedpatternanddesignin RCC 1:11/ :3 (One cement and one and half 2 sandandthreeHBGstoneof20mmsize ISS gauge) 0.40m width, 0.10m thickness, 0.12mbreadthforsidepost,0.05m thickness 0.12m breadth for steps with suitableinclinationincludingcostof cement,reinforcementcentering,finishing, curingetc.,completeandasdirectedby TWAD Board Officers. 39 Supply,deliveryandfixinginpositionof 0.60x0.60 m C.I manhole frame and cover heavydutyapprovedpattenattheroof slabandasdirected.themanholeframe and cover should of light etc., complete and as directed by the TWAD Board Officers. 40 Earthwork excavation for in all soils and sub soils in hard stiff clay, stiff black cotton, hard red earth, shales, murram, gravel, stoney earth and earth mixed with small size boulders and to full depth as may be directed,except in hard rock,requiring blasting including shoring and shuttering and bailing out of water wherever necessary,refilling the sides of foundation with excavated earth or sand in layer of not more than 15cm thick.well rammed and consolidated and depositing on bank with initial lead and lift of 10m & initial lift of 2m and depositing the surplusr earth within the compound in places shown by the departmental officers with iniital lead and lifts,clearing and levelling the site etc., complete as per SS20B and as directed by departmental Engineers(TNBP No.17,23,24). 41 Refilling the excavated earth to pipe line trench including all charges etc., complete. 42 Towards labour charges for erection ofsubmersible pump set without panel board etc., completein its position 43 Supply and delivery of 4.00 sqmm copper cable 44 Supply and delivery of MS Kiosk of size 0.75m x 0.45m x 0.75m made up of MS angle of size 50mm x 50mmx 4mm alround covered with 16 gauge MS sheet and kiosk door made up of MS plates of size 25 mm x 3 mm including cutting, welding, grinding, locking arrangements and labour charges etc.,