tender for Nrs Medical College And Hospital Regular Maintenance And Repair To Different Buildings Within The Compound Under Jurisdiction Control Of Nrs Hospital Sub Division P W Dte During The Year 2024 2025 Section I R And B Works-= 1 Stripping off worn out plaster and raking out joints of walls, celings etc. up to any height and in any floor including removing rubbish with in a lead of 75 m as directed. . 2 125 mm. thick brick work with 1st class bricks in cement mortar (1:4) in ground floor. 3 (a) Applying 2 coats of bonding agent with synthetic multi functional rubberemulsion having adhesive and water proofing properties by mixing with waterin proportion (1 bonding agent : 4 water : 6 cement) as per Manufacturer"sspecification [Cement to be supplied by the Department] 4 Cement concrete (1:1.5:3) with graded stone chips 5.6 mm size with hexagonal square mesh wire netting, I.R.C. fabric mesh or X.P. M. fitted and fixed after tying the existing reinforcement on concrete without distributing the same and with proper scarping and cleaning the reinforcement and disturbed concrete with wire brush etc. after applying a coat of cement including the cost of wire netting I.R.C or X. P. M. & cost of all handling and scaffolding complete as per direction of Engineer-in -charge. 5 a) 20 mm thick 6 Plaster ( to wall, floor, ceiling etc.) with sand and cement mortar including rounding off or chamfering conrners as directed and raking out joints including throating, nosing and drip course, scaffolding/staging where necessary (ground floor). [Excluding cost of chipping over concrete surface]. 7 (i) with 1:6 cement mortar. 8 (b) 20 mm. thickplaster. 9 (ii) With 1:4 cement mortar . 10 (c)10 mm. thick plaster. 11 Artificial stone in floor, dado, staircase etc. with cement conctrete (1:2:4) with stone chips laid in panels as directed with topping made with ordinary or white cement (as necessary) and marble dust in proportion (1:2) including smooth finishing and rounding off corners includingraking out joints or roughening of concrete surface and application of cement slurry before flooring works, using cement @ 1.75 kg./sq.m. all complete including all materials and labourIn ground floor. 3 mm. thick topping (High polishing grinding on this item is not permitted) with ordinary cement.Using grey cement. 12 (ii) 25 mm. thick. 13 Supplying, fitting, fixing marble slab/tiles of 15mm. to 18mm. thic knessin floor, lobby, stair, landing & treads etc. over 20 mm (av.) thick base of cement mortar (1:2) laid with white cement slurry @4.4 kg/sq.m before placing marble & jointed with white cement slurry @ 2.0 kg/sq.m with necessary pigments including grinding and Granite polishing as per direction ofEngineer-in-charge in Ground Floor. {White cement and Pigment to be supplied by the Agency} 14 (a) WithMakrana plain pink /Adranga pink / Garbh Gulabi/Udaypur pink / Udaypur Green / Black Bhaslana. 15 (iii) Area of each Slab/tile exceeding 0.60 sq.m. butnot exceeding 1.00 sq.m. 16 Supplying,Fitting & fixing 1st quality Ceramic tiles inwalls and floors to match with the existing work & 4 nos. of key stones (10mm) fixed with araldite at the back of each tile & finishing the joints with white cement mixed with colouring oxide if required to match the colour of tiles including roughening of concrete surface, if necessary or by synthetic adhesive & grout materials etc. 17 (B) Wall With Sand Cement Mortar(1:3)15mm thick & 2 mm thick cement slurry at back side of tiles using cement @ 2.91 Kg/Sq.m. & joint filling using white cement slurry @0.20kg/Sq.m. 18 (a) Area of each tile upto 0.09Sq.m. 19 (i) Coloured decorative. 20 (A) Floor With Sand Cement Mortar (1:4) 20 mm thick & 2 mm thick cement slurry at back side of tiles using cement @ 2.91 Kg/Sq.m & joint filling using white cement slurry @ 0.20 Kg/Sq.m. 21 (a) Area of each tile up to 0.09Sq.m. 22 (i) Coloured decorative. 23 Supplying and laying true to line and level Double Charge Vitrified Tiles of approved brand conforming to IS 15622: 2006(Group B I a) and tested as per IS 13630:2006 (relevant parts)[Non-modular sizes for tiles with Water Absorption (av.) ≤0.08 %] in floor, skirting etc. set in 20 mm thick sand cement mortar (1:4) bed prepared after application of slurry using 1.75Kg of cement per Sqm over the base and 2mm thickc ement slurry using cement @2.91Kg./sqm at the back side ofthe tiles and laid over the mortar bed using 0.2 kg/sqm of White cement used for joint filling with approved pigment as directed and removal of wax coating of top surface of tiles with warm water and polishing the tiles using soft and dry cloth upto mirror finish complete including the cost ofmaterials, Iabour and all other incidental charges complete true to the manufacturer"s specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge. (Note: This work should not be executed without specific permission of SuperintendingEngineer 24 (a) ln Ground FIoor:(size not Iess than 600mmX 600 mm X 9.5mm thick) 25 A) Supplying & laying of approved brand of scratch proof,semi flexible P.V.C. blended homogeneous marble Vinyleflooring in tiles conforming to IS:3461, fixing with synthetic acrylic adhesive after preparing the floor, levelling & smothaning when necessary with suitable putty, as per the design & instruction of the Engineer-in-charge.2 mm thick 26 Supplying, fitting & fixing Zn-Al alloy (55% Al & 45% Zn) coating of 150grams per sq. metre (followed by colour coated on both side) steel sheetwork having minimum yield strength of 550 Mpa of trapizoidal profile ofapproved make as per IS: 15965: 2012 and IS: 14246: 2013 (excludingthe supporting frame work) fitted and fixed with 55 mm & 25 mm selftapping screw, EPDM Washer 16 mm dia & 3 mm th. washer etc.complete with 150 mm end lap and one corrugation minimum side lap.(Payment to be made on area of finished work). In roof With .5mm thick sheet. 27 M.S. works in brackets made from flats, angles, tees etc. to sizesspecialy bent, twisted, forged; making holes drilled and fitted torafter of trusses with necessary bolts, nuts, washer or screws etc.(length of straight not less than 230 mm) (To be used for repair works only) 28 (a) M.S. orW.I. ornamental grill of approved design joints continuously welded with M.S., W.I. flats and bars for windows ,railing etc. fitted and fixed with necessary screws and lugs in ground floor.(Add extra @1% for each addl. floor up to 4th floor and @1.25% for each addl. floor above 4th floor). 29 (i) Grill weighing above 10 kg./sq.m.and up to 16kg/sq.m. 30 Collapsible gate with 40 mm.X 40mm x 6 mm.Tee as top and bottom guide rail, 20 mm,X10 mm,X2 mm. vertical channels 100 mm. apart in fully stretched position 20 mm. X5 mm.M.S. flats as collapsible bracing properly rivetted and washered including 38 mm. steel rollers including locking arrangement, fitted and fixed in positionwith lugs set in cement concrete andincluding cutting necessary holes, chasing etc. in walls , floors etc. and making good damages complete. (Add extra @1% for each addl. floor upto 5th floor and @1.25% for each addl. floor above 5th floor.)In ground floor.. 31 Welding in M.S. structural work with gas or electric: 32 (a) Tack weld point 33 (b) Continuous weld. 34 Renewing bottom rail or top runners of collapsible gate includingmending good all damages. 35 Reparing collapsible gate by cutting out all rivets as necessary reassamblingall members including welding pieces of channels,sraightening bent bars and rivetting with new rivets and fitting inposition and painting two coats. 36 Easing and oiling, cleaning collapsible gate and repairing tolocking arrangements. 37 Easing and oiling, cleaning rolling shutters excluding repair toinside locks. 38 Labour for taking out rolling shutter (only shutter portion), dismantling by parts for repair(or replacement of damaged parts only),rehanging and re-fitting the same in position after necessary repairs (excluding the cost of supply of new parts). 39 Renewing profile of rolling shutter including fitting, fixing complete as per existingsize and shape. 40 Renewing one point steel (oxidised) handle of steel door andwindows as directed including painting complete. 41 Wood work in door and window frame fitted and fixed in position complete including a protective coat of painting at the contact surface of the frame excluding cost of concrete, Iron Butt Hinges and M.S clamps. (The quantum should be corrected up to three decimals). 42 (d) Sal : Local. 43 Supplying, fitting and fixing fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) Composite doorframe as per approved section with glass fibre reinforced plastic moulded skinsand a special sandwich core, so as to impart monolitaheic composite structure asper approved technology of Department of Science and Technology (DST) tosafisfy IS: 4020 door testing performance criteria.. 44 (i) 66mm x 90mm 45 Supplying solid flush type doors of commercial quality, the timber frame consisting of top and bottom rails and side styles of well seasoned timber 65mm wide each and the entire frame fitted with 37.5mm wide battens places both ways in order to make the door of solid core and internal lipping with Garjan orsimilar wood veneers using phenol formaldehyde as glue etc. complete, including fitting, fixing shutters in position but excluding the cost of hinges and other fittings in ground floor 46 (b) 32 mm thick shutters (single leaf) 47 Supplying, fitting & fixing fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) Composite doorshutters as per approved design with glass fibre reinforced plastic moulded skinsand a special sandwich core, so as to impart monolitaheic composite structure asper approved technology of Department of Science and Technology (DST) tosatisfy IS:4020 door testing performance criteria.In ground floor. 48 (i) 32 mm thick 49 (A) Wood work in posts, post plates, rafters, battens, truss members, purlins etc. fitted and fixed complete (excluding the cost of bolts,paints but including the cost of nails, screw etc.)(The quantum should be corrected up to three decimals). 50 (ii) Sal :Local. 51 Supplying fitting and fixing I.R.C. fabric mesh with covering battens includingcost of screws etc complete (excluding the cost of battens).In ground floor. 52 (a) 50mm x 25mm x 2.7mm x 2.7mm. 53 supplying, fitting and fixing M.S. clamps for door and window frame made of flat bent bar , end bifurcated with necessary screws etc. by cement concrete (1:2:4) as per direction . ( cost of concrete will be paid separately). 54 (a) 40mm x 6mm, 250mm Length . 55 Iron butt hinges of approved qualityfitted and fixed with steel screws, with ISI mark. 56 (vii) 100 mm x 58 mm x 1.90 mm. 57 (v) 75 mm x 60 mm x 3.15 mm. 58 (a)Supplying "Godrej"mortice lock chromium plated with latch and keys 4 levers, including fitting and fixing complete. 59 (ii) Anodised aluminium floor door stopper. 60 (i) Hydraulic door closer of approved quality as per I.S.I. standard fitted and fixed complete :. 61 (a) Heavy type (I.S.I. size 3). 62 (b) Medium (I.S.I. size 2). 63 Anodise aluminium barred/tower/socket bolt (full covered) of approved manufactured from extruded section conforming to I.S.204/74 fitted and Fixed with cadmium plated screws:. 64 (iv) 150 mm long x 10 mm dia. bolt. 65 (iii) 100 mm long x 10 mm dia. bolt. 66 Anodise aluminium Aldrop/Slidingbolts of approvedquality manufactured form extruded section conforming to I.S. specifictation (I.S.2681/66) fitted and fixed complete. 67 (i) 250 mm x 16 mm dia. bolt . 68 Anodised aliminium D-type handle of approved quality manufactured from extruded section conforming to I.S. specification (I.S.230/72) fitted and fixed complete:. 69 (a) With continuousplate base (hexagonal/round rod). 70 (vi) 150 mm grip x 10mm dia rod. 71 (a) With continuousplate base (hexagonal/round rod). 72 (ii) 100 mm grip x 10 mm dia rod . 73 Repairs to automatic door closer including replacement ofdamaged main spring , oiling and adjusting as necessary including taking out and refitting the same. 74 Labour for taking out door and window frame including shutter for repair or replacemnt of different part of the frame and refixing the same including mending good alldamages complete.(Concrete and brick work for mending damage will be paid separately). 75 (a) up to area 2.5 sq.m. 76 Renewing 12 mm. thick louver of fixed louvered shutter to match with the existing on e including necessary railing pieces:. 77 (a) sishu,gamar,Champ,badam,bhola, mogra,Hallak, . 78 Supplying, fitting and fixing of false ceiling framework with powder coatedexposed G.I. grid suspension system (T-Grid T 2430/1510 or having loadcarrying capacity with mid span deflection not exceeding 1/360 span with hangerspacing of 1200mm c/c ) consisting of Main Runner 3600 mm long, Cross Tee1200 mm / 600 mm long and Wall Angle. The Wall Angle shall be fixed on PVCDash Fasteners on the perimeter of the wall by steel screws with distance 300mmc/c. The Main Runners to be placed @ 1200 mm. The Cross Tee 1200mm will beinserted in the pre-cut slots of Main Runner at regular interval of 600 mm to forma modular grid of 1200mm X 600mm. Additional Cross Tees of 600 mm shall beplaced perpendicular to the Cross Tee 1200 mm long to finally form a grid of 600mm X 600 mm. Grid of module size 600 mm X 600 mm shall be supported by 6mm dia G.I. wire from purlins / soffit. all complete as per drawing & directions ofEngineer-in-charge. 79 Supplying,fitting & fixing in position suspended false ceiling with frame work ofaluminium hollow section of size 50mm X 25mm (2.0mm thickness) combined withaluminium corners of size 38mm X 25mm, suspended by aluminium hollow tubesection of size 38mm X 25mm having size of 600mm X 600mm ceiling withaluminium composit panels (ACP) - Interior grade of thickness 3.0mm comprisingof proctective film, polyester coating, primer, aluminium coil, adhesive film,polyethylene core again with one layer adhesive film, aluminium bottom coatingand finally service coating as per manufacturer"s specification finished withaluminium screw and silicon sealent complete in all respect including allincidental charges etc. as per direction of Engineer-in-charge 80 (a) Supplying, fitting & fixing High Pressure steam Cured Non Asbestos fibrecement standard ceiling board (Density > 1300Kg per Cu.m.) of size595mmX595mm conforming IS 14862 and type B, catagory III of ISO 8336, tested as perAS-1530 Part 3 and BS-476 Part 4,5,6,7 & 8, should be placed in the Gridmodule to form a false ceiling. All complete as per drawing & direction ofEngineer-in-Charge. (Jointing should be done by Elasto jointing compound andtop finished with putty as specified by manufacturer)False ceiling with 81 (i) 4mm thick Fibre Cement Standard ceiling board. 82 Supplying, fitting and fixing boiling water resistant ply conforming to IS: 303-1989 bonded with phenol formaldehyde sythetic resin of approved make and brand fitted and fixed as per design as per approval and direction of Engineer-in-Charge.[ excluding the cost of supporting frame work and teak wood batten/ipping ]in ground floor. 83 (i) 4 mm. 84 (iv)12 mm. 85 Supplying fitting & fixing in position 9 mm thick Heavy Duty Cement board - Type-A (High Pressure steam cured, tested asper AS-1530 part 3 & BS-476 Part 4,5,6,7 & 8, density >1450kg/m3, Bond strength 15 N/sqmm fire resistant, termite proof, moisture resistant) reinforced with cellulose fibre manufactured through autoclaving process as per IS : 14862 &ISO 8336, with fibre cement screws in partition excluding cost of supporting structure as per drawings and direction of Engineer-in-Charge complete. (Note: The Item -26 under Section - U(Page - 247) can be used as supporting structure for internal partition ). 86 Supplying fitting , fixing decorative lamination conforming to IS-2046 : 1995 as per approved make, brand , finish and thick ness with fitting, fixing the same on Particle / MDF / Ply Boards with recommended / approvedadhesive with proper clipping the sides for better attachment as per direction of Engineer-in-Charge. The rate includes the cost of labour, adhesive and all incidental charges thereof.in ground floor Glossy/Matt/Suede excluding surface texture of metallic lustre. 87 (i) Thick ness of laminate 1.5mm. 88 Acrylic Distemper to interior wall, ceiling with a coat of solvent basedinterior grade acrylic primer (as per manufacturer"s specification)including cleaning and smoothning of surface.Two Coats 89 (b) Rendering the surface of walls and ceilingwith white cement based wall putty of approved make and brand (1.5mm thick). 90 Supplying fitting and fixing in position fibre glass panes of approved quality with resin, nail, clip etc.as per IS: 12866-1989. (in all floors.for internal wall & upto 6 m height for external wall).. 91 (c)2.0 mm. thick.(3.36 kg/sq.m). 92 Supplying and affixing optically clear polyester sun control windowfilm having acrylic pressure sensitive adhesive on one side & an acrylicabrasion resistant coating on the other, with composition of infraredabsorbing carbon & free from any optical defect. The filmcharacteristics should conform to ASTM E308, ASTM E903, ASTME84 and ASHIRAE. The film should be pasted after preparatory workswithout any cracking, delamination, bubbling, discolouring andvariation in total transmission of light across the width at any portionalong the length doesn"t exceed 2% over the average includingscaffolding & relevant others to complete in all respect as permanufacturer"s specification & direction of Engineer -in-Charge.(Note: This work should not be executed without specific permissionof Superintending Engineer) 93 (b) Superior Quality : Film Thickness - 2.0 Mil, Glare Reduction >75%, U factor < 1.03, Emissivity < 0.70 94 Supplying best Indian sheet glass panes set in putty and fitted and fixed with nails and putty complete (In all floors for internal wall & upto 6m height for external wall ). 95 (ii) 4 mm. thick. 96 Supplying profiles of requredsection made of Aluminium Alloy extrusions conforming to IS:732-1983 and IS:1285-1975; Annodized (with required film thickness and specified colour/natural) matt finished conforming to IS: 1868-1983 for fabrication of composite door, sliding & casement windows, partitions, formed of basic sections of any ISI embossed/ certifiedmake and brand as per direction of Engineer-In- Charge . (Payment will be made on finished length of the work). 97 (A) In 10-12 Micron thickness Annodizing film. 98 (I) NaturalWhite. 99 (j) Fixed partitions. (Unsupported length of Vertical members upto 1.5 mtr. Height of both ends of vertical members restrainedbut panels more than0.9 Sq.m.). 100 (i) Top bottom & side member. 101 (A) In 10-12 Micron thickness Annodizing film. 102 (I) NaturalWhite. 103 (j) Fixed partitions. (Unsupported length of Vertical members upto 1.5 mtr. Height of both ends of vertical members restrainedbut panels more than0.9 Sq.m.). 104 (ii) Intermidiate member. 105 (A) In 10-12 Micron thickness Annodizing film. 106 (I) NaturalWhite. 107 (j) Fixed partitions. (Unsupported length of Vertical members upto 1.5 mtr. Height of both ends of vertical members restrainedbut panels more than0.9 Sq.m.). 108 (iii) Glazing clip. 109 Labour charge for fabrication and installation of composite door, window, partitions made from annodized extruded alloy aluminiumsection for the following units:-. 110 (D) Partly glazed and partly panelled partition or fixed glazing made of extruded and anodised alloy aluminium sections, fabricationsafter cutting to proper shape and size , drilling and aligning fitted with inbuilt locking arrangement cutting the glass / board (prelaminated / particle / block) to requisite shape and size moulding the edges fitted and fixed the glazing clip and dry set neoprine / EPDM gasket , along with all other necessary arrangements for fixing the partition to wall ,floor , beam ,columns polysulphide sealant for water proofing if necessary complete in all respect as per drawing and specification and directions of the Engineering in charge. The rate includes the hire charge of all tools and plants, adhesive, joineries such as screw , fastener but excludes the cost of extruded aluminium sections, EPDM gasket, glass, board,glazing clip, locking arrangement, etc. 111 (1) For partitions using sections of size:. 112 (a) 63.50mm x 38.10mm. 113 Labour charge for fabrication and installation of composite door, window, partitions made from annodized extruded alloy aluminiumsection for the following units:-. 114 (B) Partly glazedpartly panelled of fully glazed single leaf aluminium swing door made of extruded and anodisedalloy aluminium sections, fabrication, including cuttingto proper shape and size, drilling and aligning, fitted with heavy duty hydraulic action floor sping placed in the floor with mending damages, with top pin assembly of approved make and brand, fitted with in built locking arrangement, flush bolt, glazing clips and all other necessary fittings, fixtures, adhesives and joineries , cutting glassof approved make to requisite shape and size fitting with dry set neoprene or EPDM gasketing, cutting to requisite shape and size panel board (prelaminated / particle block ) fixing them with glazing clips as per drawing , specification and direction of Engineer-in-Charge. 115 Labour charge for fabrication and installation of composite door, window, partitions made from annodized extruded alloy aluminiumsection for the following units:-. 116 (A) Glazed aluminium sliding windows made of extruded and anodized alloy aluminium sectios , fabrications, including cutting to proper shape and size, drilling and alinging of window and shutter frame fitted with in built locking arrangements, sliding rollers and other necessary fittings, fixture, adhesives and joinerires along with extruded neoprine or EPDM gasketing in between window frame and masonary work (walls, column, beam, lintels etc.), as well as between glass and shutter frame for fixing glass, & poly sulphate sealant and in between shutter and window frame where necessary including cutting to requisite sizeand fixing glass as per drawing, specification and direction of EIC. The rate incluides the hire charges of all tools and plants, including all incidental charges, adhesive, joineries such as screw, cleat angle etc. But excludes the cost of extuded aluminium sections, glass, neoprene /EPDM gasketing, locking arrangement and rollers. 117 (i) 2 track sliding window. 118 Supplying 4 lever mortice lock or any approved make and brand as per direction of the Engineer-in-Charge.. 119 (ii) 100 mm. 120 Supplying, Aluminium Grill with F channelframe of approved make and brand having ultimate tensile strength of 19 Kg/Sq.m. and modulus of elasticity 7000 kg/ sq.m., with 15micron anodising fitted & fixed with necessary screws etc. complete as per direction of Engineer-in-charge.Grill made with 10 mm wide and 5.2 mm thick aluminium sheet having expansion width of 66.00 mm and weight not less than3.26 Kg/Sq.m. 121 Clearing compound premises of shurbs, plants, jungles etc.by cutting and removing as directed (Specific permission ofEngineer-in-Charge prior to execution will be necessary).(Payment to be made on area cleared) 122 Uprooting and removing plants from the surface of walls parapet etc. and making good damages.Repairing of damages to be paid separately. 123 (a) Small plant of girth of exposed stem upto 75 mm. lift upto 6 mtr. 124 (b) Medium size plant of girth of exposed stem above 75 mm. but not exceeding 150 mm. lift upto 6 mtr. 125 Making one set of scaffolding only for replacing glass panels, painting,uprooting plant and another repairing works of building and S&P works for external works only with 10 cm. dia bamboo as main posts at the rate of 1 metre centre to centre and 7.5 cm. dia bamboo ties @ 0.75 metre apart fitting and fixing with necessary coir, nails etc. as per direction of the Engineer-incharge.(This item should be executed only after prior approval of the Engineer-incharge).Firstly, one number to be paid and then labour rate for shifting up tofurther nineteenth (19) times @ 10% each time to be considered. If necessaryfurther after twenty times of total use, another one number new and labourrate for shifting to be considered accordingly. 126 15.0 metre height 127 Shifting Charges