Tender For Operation & Maintenance Of Tube Well, Pump Machinery, Pipeline At Kharia Meethapur, Jetiwas, Barn ... in India
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tender For Operation & Maintenance Of Tube Well, Pump Machinery, Pipeline At Kharia Meethapur, Jetiwas, Barna, Harsh And Beenjwadiya - 1 Maintenance Of Tubewells Which Includes Round The Clock Monitoring Oftubewells Of All Sizes, Completerepairs /Rewind
Tender For operation & maintenance Of Tube Well, Pump Machinery, Pipeline At Kharia Meethapur, Jetiwas, Barna, Harsh And Beenjwadiya - 1 Maintenance of tubewells which includes round the clock monitoring oftubewells of all sizes, completerepairs /rewinding ofsubmersible pumpsets including cost ofmaterial components required to repair pumpsets, starters, meters etc. of electric panel of tube wells, Lowering and unlowering of pumpsets complete in all respect, maintenance of log-books & Histroy sheetas directed by Engineer-in-charge for tubewell per month. 2 16.0 HP to 25.0 HP 3 Running expenditure of pumphouses which includes completeoperation of pumpmotor , maintenance of log-books as directed by Engineer-in-charge, general upkeeping of premises, security arrangements, Regular chemical dosing in CWR, cleaning and desilting of SR/CWR/SUMP once every six months, daily valve operation under the Campus of pump house and all other works as mentioned in scope of work in tender document for per pump house per month. (excluding repairing of pumping machinery etc.) 4 Upto 100 HP (20 HP - 1 Nos.) 5 Maintenance of pipelines irrespective of size & materialwhich includes Repairing of Bursts & leakages pollution control, survey & removal of choking, disconnection of illegal connections,Collection & recording minimum 10 nos. residual chlorine samples during daily supply timings, interconnections and all works related to pipeline network in existing distribution /rising main pipe lines of all sizes by digging out suitable size of pit in soft and loose soil/ hard soil including cutting of Black top, WBM & CC top of road of any size at work site. This will also include cutting of pipe ends, fixing of pipe piece with jointing material to make repair leak proof and refilling of pit by excavated sand by ramming it at sides of pipes and upto ground level.For entirejobcontractorwillusetheir own T & P. Contractor with his own resources shall arrange de-watering,JCB & Tractor compressor if any and restore any amenity at his own cost damaged while performing the work in this item. The work includes daily patrolling and repair the leakages within stipulated time and complete maintenance of pipe line network of rising and distribution pipeline network within the scope of work for per km pipe line per month. Jointing material shall be provided by the department.Minimum labour for a following kms pipelines to be deployed. 6 1 km to 50 km -one fitter-II & one beldar 7 Daily/ periodical operation ofvalves at supply times for specified by department per sluice valve per month. (Valve rod and cap to be arranged by contractor) 8 80-300mm
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