Tender For Ht Line Construction And Transformer Installation At Kallar Under Es Peermade- 1 HT line construction and Transformer Installation 2 Loading HT PSC pole from the stacking place and unloading the same atwork site (transport by vehicle). 3 Additional rate for excavation of one Pit for HT Pole/HT Stay in SoftRock 4 Fitting and providing one HT Fly stay for 11kV pole using HT PSC poleincl. digging & back filling pits. 5 Fitting one Additional 75x40mm, 1.8m Channel cross arm in existingsingle pole incl. conveyance of materials 6 Fitting and erecting one HT DP using PSC pole in position incl. fitting 2channel cross arms, digging & back filling pit, drawing earth leads. 7 Additional rate for providing one disc set on any type of HT pole formaking cut point. 8 Fitting one Additional V cross arm in existing single pole incl.conveyance of materials. 9 Fitting one Additional 2.4m/3m Channel cross arm (100x50x6mm), inexisting 11kV DP incl. conveyance of materials. 10 Conveyance of one km 11kV line materials from section store/stackingplace to the work site (excluding poles). 11 Transporting poles by hired vehicle to a distance beyond 5km andcarrying upto 4 poles. (Running km). 12 Dismantling (without damage) one LT PSC/RCC pole after disconnectingstays, strut etc. and stacking the same. 13 Dismantling one damaged LT PSC/RCC pole after disconnecting stays,strut etc. and stacking the same. 14 Transferring LT 3ph 4/5 wire OH line to newly erected HT/LT pole andrefitting all items to the new pole 15 Fitting and erecting one HT PSC Pole in position incl. fitting cross arm,digging & back filling pit, drawing earth leads. 16 Transporting poles by hired vehicle to a distance upto 5km and carryingupto 4 poles excluding loading & unloading. 17 Additional rate for excavation of one Pit for HT Pole/HT Stay in HardLaterite 18 Additional rate for excavation of one Pit for HT Pole/HT Stay in Laterite. 19 Fitting and providing one HT Stay for 11kV pole incl. digging & backfilling pit. 20 Stringing of one km 11kV line with ACSR Raccoon (3 conductors) incl.cutting and removing tree branches wherever necessary. 21 Fitting 5 channel cross arms, AB switch, DO fuse, LA, HT & LTconnections on existing DP, 3 LT fuses. 22 Transporting Transformers by hired vehicle upto 5km and upto 2 No. of63 to 250kVA Transformers / RMUs excluding loading & unloading. 23 Transporting Transformers by hired vehicle to a distance beyond 5km andupto 2 No. of 63 to 250kVA Transformers / RMUs (Running km). 24 Providing Transformer fencing , using 50x50x6mm Angle iron, 40 x 6mm MS flat and 8 mm MS rod as specified, incl cost of transportation &foundation 25 Providing yard metalling with 6mm & 40mm thick blue metal asspecified after constructing a curb wall. 26 Drilling hole of various sizes on existing Channel/Cross Arm. 27 Erecting one 100kVA Transformer to existing DP and giving connections,incl. loading & unloading, excluding transportation. 28 Fitting and providing one Strut using HT PSC pole incl. digging & backfilling pit. 29 Fitting one set AB switch and giving connection 30 Providing one Earth using earth pipe incl. digging & backfilling pit andsupply of charcoal, salt, sand etc. 31 Additional rate for excavation of one Earth Pit (2.5m depth) in Laterite 32 Additional rate for excavation of one Pit for Coil Earthing in Laterite 33 Providing one Coil Earth using GI earth wire, digging separate pit atstandard distance away from the pole/structure & backfilling
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