Tender For Consumables For Indo-Us Tb Project_Dept. Of P&Sm-Reg. 0.5ml Micro Tube Rack 0°C Mini Cooler (Blood Collection tube) 0 deg * C Mini Cooler (Thermo conductive rack) (1No/pk) 0 deg * C Mini Cooler 15ml 1% Dithiothreitol (DTT)-IG 1% Dithiothreitol (DTT)-5G 1.5ml Float Rack-8 Places 1°C cooler (Capacity 1 or 1.8) 10ml Syringe with Needle 10ml Syringe with Needle (22 * 1 / 6) 15ml Centrifuge tube (500Nos / P * k) Sterile 15ml Centrifuge tube Amber Conical Bottom 18G Needle 1 xphosphate buffered saline Ca& Mg free (500ml) 1x Tris EDTA-PH-7.0 2ml Screw Cap Micro Tube Conical Bottom 20ml Syringe 2Ltr Plastic Beaker 3% Hydrogen Peroxide Solution 50ml Centrifuge tube (500Nos / P * k) 50ml Centrifuge tube (500Nos/Pk) Racked Sterile 50ml Centrifuge tube large volume wire racks 50ml Vacuum filter/Storage bottle system (12Nos/pk) 8 Channel Multi Pipette (Variable) Increment Iul with Digital Display 8 Channel Multi Pipette (Variable) Increment Iul with Digital Display 8 Channel Multi Pipette (Variable) Increment Iul with Digital Display A7250: N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine (10gm) Absolute Alcohol-500ml Absorbent Cotton Roll Acetic acid glacial Aluminum Foil Aluminum Weighing boat (100Nos/pk) Amber Narrow Mouth Bottle 30ml Amber Narrow Mouth Bottle 8ml (72Nos/Pk) Antiseptic Urinary Towelette Apron (White Lab Coat) Full (Medium) Apron (White Lab Coat) Full (Small) Apron (White Lab Coat) Half sleeve (Medium) Apron (White Lab Coat) Half sleeve (Small) AST 2 Tube Carrier set, (Pack of 3) AST 5 Tube Carrier set, (Pack of 3) AST Carrier Rack 8 set AST Carrier set-5 Tube Auto Clave Label Autoclavable biohazard bags or specimen 12X24 inches (100 Nos/Pk) Autoclavable biohazard bags or specimen 19X24 inches (100 Nos/Pk) BD Serum Vacutainer-4ml BD Serum Vacutainer-6ml BD Vacutainer EDTA tube-4ml (CBC and HbA1C) BD Vacutainer Trace Element Plastic (100/Pk) BD Vacutainer K2 EDTA Trace Element Plastic (100/Pk) BD Vacutainer K2 EDTA Good 1000 ID VAL 4 /14 23Gx3/4"x12 (0.6x19mmx305mm) (50N0s) Beaker 1000ml (20 per case) Beaker 100ml (20 per case) Beaker 500ml (40 per case) Biohazard waste container- 51.tr Blotting Paper Sheet Bottle with screw cap 1000ml Bottle with Screw cap 500ml Bottle with Screw cap 100ml Bottle with screw cap 50ml BP Handle-Long & medium Carbol fuchsin (ZN, Strong) Carbol fuchsin Practical grade Card Board Cryo Box 36 Places for 15ml Centrifuge Tubes (8Nos/Pk) Card Board Cryo Box 81 Places for Iml/2ml Vials (8Nos/Pk) Card Board Cryo Box 100 Places for 1ml/2ml Vials (8Nos/Pk) Card Board Cryo Box 25 Places for Iml/2ml Vials (8Nos/Pk) Cedarwood oil Cello Chiller Box (31, 81, 121, 141, 201) (without tap) CHAMP Autoclavable variable volume pipetter (20-200ml) Chromotrope 2月 Collapsible space saver rack (2 Nos/p Combilok (4 Nos/pk) Conical centrifuge tube rack (1/pack) Conical Flask 100 ml Conical Flank 150 ml Conical Flask 250 ml Conical Flask 50 ml Conical Flask 500 ml Couplin jar Places-10 Corning 2ml External Threaded Polypropylene Cryogenic Vial Self-Standing with Round Bottom (500/Pk) Cover Slip, Rectangular-22muns40mm Cover Slip, Square-22mmx22mm Cryn Apron 42" Crye Cube Box 100 Places (4Nes/Pk) Cryo Cube Box 25 Places (8Nos/PL) Cryo Cube Box 50 Places (Nou/Pk) Cryn cube box 81 places (4Nus/pk) Crye Cube Box 81 Places (4Nos/Pk) Cryo Marker CryoPure tubes, 2ml white, Internal Thread CryoPuns tubes, 2ml white, Internal Thread Cryo Racka, (50 place) Cryo tags (1.50x0.75) Cryo vials 1.8-2ml (300Nos/pk) (self-standing with exturnal thread) Cryo viala 1.8-2ml (500Nos/pk) (self-standing with Internal thread) Cryogenic Barcode Label 1"x1" Cryogenic permanem Marker Blue Cryo Vials 1.0ml, Star Foot (300Nos/k Cryo Vials 1.llml, Star Foot, External Thread(500Nos/P) Cryo Vials 1.8ml, Star Foot, Internal Themail (1000Num/Pk) Cryo vials 18 (Star Foot, Internal thread) (500Nos (pk) Cutarub D.P.X. mountant (Liquid) Dextran Di ethyl Ether Digital Thermometer (Dual Sensor) Digital Therscometer (Single Sensor) Digital Vemier Caliper Digital Weighing Scale Dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) Di-Sodium hydrogen phospitate Disposable Alcohol Swaps/ Wipes Disposable Gloves (Non-Sterile) (Large Size) Disposable Gloves (Non-Sterile) (Medium Size) Disposable gown Disposable Hemocytometer Disposable Mask Disposable membrane filter 0.22um Disposable Plastic Test Tubes (500Nos/Pk) Disposable Plastic Test Tubes Cap (300Nos/Pk) DL-DDT DM50 Cell culture grade DMSO Cell culture grade IMSO Cell culture grade 6 ELISA Plate Flat Bottomed (50Nos/PK) Fetal bovine serum, USA origin, sterile-filtered, suitable for cell culture. Fetal Bovine Smum-500ml, Heat Inactivated Ficoll/Histopaque at a grade of 1.077 (sterile filtered) 100 ml. Ficoll/Histopaque at a grade of 1077 (sturile filured) 500 ml. Filter Paper24x24 Inches Forceps (Autoclavable) (12Nes/Pk) Forceps: SS 4" Forceps: $8 6" Formaldehyde 51. Formaldehyde solution molecular biology» 500ml Freezer thermometer Funnel (90mm) (12 Nos/pack) Gmaze Pack Sterile (7.5x 7.5cm) Glass test tube with culture 30ml (100/case) Glass test tube with culture 60ml (500 case) Glaas test tubes Glucometer Glucose Strip Glycerol, A.R. Graduated Pipette 10ml (20Nos/pk) Gradiasted Pipette 2ml (20Nos/ pk) Graduated Pipette 5ml (20Nos/ pk) Orviner's Vacuette Serum Gel 5ml, Screw cap Handy Pipette Aid- 10ml (4Nos/ Pk) Handy Pipette Aid-25ml (4Nos/ Pk) Hbalo test Kits Hemocytometer Robem Silverlite Hi Indicator pH Paper Range: pH5 Hi Indicator pH Paper Range: pH 6.5 Hi-Flexi Loop 2 sterilized Flexible HIV Microlisa Kit generation Ag & Ab Ice Pack Appros. Size 150mmx150mm. (Medium) Ice Pack Approx. Size 150mmx150mm. (Small) Immersion Oil Immersion Oil Insulin Syringe lodine resublimed so-Propyl alcohol Junior 4-way tube rack (5 Nas/pk) Labelling tape Vellow3/4" 12.7 Meters Large volume wise racks for 16mm tubes Lens Cleaning Paper: 100 sheet pit Light green Light green SF yellowish Lugol's iodine Laria Broth L.J. Medium Slant-108 LJ. Medium Slant-258 Malachite Green Broth Malachite Green Oxalate Maxiamp 0.1ml Low Profile Tube Strips with Cap Material: PP Autoclavable Clear, FLAT Maxlamp PCR Tubes, Material: PP Autoclavable, TYPE: FLAT 0.2ML McCartney Bottle waluminum cap Measuring cylinder 1000ml (4Nos/Pk) Measuring cylinder 100ml (6Nos/Pk) Measuring cylinder 500ml Measuring cylinder 50ml Mercuric Chloride Methanol 2.5L Methanol 500ml 8/14 MGIT 7 ml tube (expisy at least 9 months from date of supply) 100 viets MGIT 960 Second Line drugs (Amikacin) MOTT 960 Second Line drugs (Capreomycin) MGIT 960 Second Line drugs (Kanamycin) MOIT 960 Second Line drugs (Levofloxacin 240) MGIT 960 Second Line drugs (line Zolid 240) MGIT 960 Second Line drags (Moxifloxacin) MGIT 960 Second Line drugs (Ofloxacin) MGIT 960 SIRE Kit -40 teat Micro AMP Optical & Tubestigator Micro AMP Optical & Cap strip Micro AMP PCR Tubes 0.2ml flat cap Micro Centrifuge tube screwcap self-stand 2ml- (500/Pk) Micro centrifuge tube 0.5ml (1000Nos/pk) Micro centrifuge tubes 1.5ml (500Nes/pk) Micro centrifuge tubes 2ml (500Nos/pk) Micro filter tips Sterile 1000µl (500Nos/pk) Micro alides standard Plain Thickness Micro test plate -96 wells, U-Bottom (50Nos/Pk) Micro tip box 0.2-10 µl -96 Pince (10Nos/Pk) Miern tip box 2-200 µl -96 Place (10Nos/Pk) Minu tip box 200-1000 µl -96 Place (10Nas/Pk) Micro Tips 10 µl (1000Νοι ΡΚ) Micro Tips 10µl XL/20 µl (1000Nes/Pk) Micro Tips 200 µl (1000 Nos Pk) Micro Tips 200-1000 µl (1000Nos/Pk) Micro Tube Bos, Places: 81,0.2ML. Micro tube tough spot (Fits 1.5 to 2.0 ml) Micropore Microscopic Slide Tray, Plates 20 Middlebrook ADC growth supplement Middlebrooks 7H10 Agar Base Middlebrooks 7H9 Broth Base Millex-Gv3mm Durapore PVDF 22UMNS 250PK Millex-Gv3mun Durapure PVDF 22UMNS 50PK Min.-Max. Time Stamp Thermometer Dual Digital Sensor MPT64 Antigen Kin-25T Mr. Frosty Freezing container N95 3M 8511 NIΟΝΗ Μ N953M Aura Mask 9332A+Respirator N95 Particulate Respirator N95 Mask N95 respirator with filter changeable Needle cutler & Destroyer Non-Absorbent Cotton Roll Non powdered Nitrile gloves (Large) Non powdered Nitrile gloves (Medium) Non powdered Nitrile gloves(small) Nutrient Agar OADC supplement OADC suppiament and PANTA 100 test Ordinary Filter Paper 46 x 57mm One step Anti-HIV-1&2 Test Kit One Touch Pen Type Lancet Parafilm 4" X 125" (1No/ pack) Parafilm Dispenser Pasteur pipettes 1ml(sterile) (500Nos/pk) Pasteur pipettes 3m)(sterile) (500Nos/pk) Paxgene Blood RNA Tubes (100/T%) Paxgrue DNA IVD Blood Collection Tubes (100/Pk) Paxgene Box PP, J6Places for 15ml Tubes (4Nos/Pk) Pétri Dish Material: PP Autoclavable, 50MM Petri Dish Material: PP Autoclavable, 75MM Petri plates 90mmx14 (480packed in sleeve of 20) Phenol Crystal. A.R. (500G) Phosphate Buffer p17.0 Phosphate Buffer p(7.2 Phosphotungstic acid extrapure Pipette Storage Rack with Magnet Pipemor Stand (No/Pk) Pipettor Stand Vertical (1No/Pk) Plasma Tube 900SP Units for Lithium Heparin-Spray Coated Plasma Tube 90USP Units for Lithium Heparin Spray Coated 6ml Plasma Tube 90USP Units for Sodium Heparin Spray Coated 10m Plasma Tube SUSP Units for Sodium Heparin Spray Coated 4mi Plazma Tube 90USP Usits for Sodium Heparin-Spray Coated 6ml Poly wire Rack 20mm diameter 24 plases (4No 1) Poly wire Rack 25mm diameter 40 places (4Nos/pk) Poly wire Rack 30mm diameter 40 places (4Nos/ pk) Pulygrid micro tube stand (4Nos/pk) Polygrid miern tube stand (4Nos/pk) Polygrid Test tube stand (4 Nos/pk) Polywire Half Rack-16mm-36 Places (4Nos/Pk) Polywire Half Rack-20mm-20 Places (4Nos/Pk) Polywire Half Rack 50ml-30mm-9 Places (4Nos/Pk) Potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate Pavidone lodine Solution (5%)- 100ml Pregnancy Test Kit Purified Protrin Derivative-PPD (STU) PZA Drug, 50 test PZA Medin, 25 Test QIAMP Fast DNA stool mini kit Qualitative Filter Paper Grade-601, Dia/Size in com Racked Sterile Filter Barrier Tips 1000 μί Racked Sterile Filter Barrier Tips 1000 XL l Racked Sterile Filter Barrier Tips 20μ. Racked Sterile Filter Barrier Tips 2001 RNA Later Red Screw cap and Spatula Sterile 120ml (300/Pk) Reagem Reservoir 75ml (12 Nos/pk) Rectangle Steel Tray Reversible Rack with Cover- 96 Places-0.5 or 1.5ml (4Nos/Pk) RPMI 1640 With L-Glutamine (100ml) RPMI 1640 With L-Glutamine (500ml) RPMI-1640w/ImM Sodium pyruvate, 2mM L-Glutamine, 4.5gms Glucose Per litre and 2.0gms Per litre Sodium bicarbonate w/e HEPES buffer RPMI-1640w/ ImM Sodium pyruvate, 2mM L-Glutamine, 4.5gma Glucose Per litre and 1.5gma Per litre Sodium bicarbonate w/o HEPES huffer Rectangle Steel Tray Reversible Back with Cover 96 Places-0.5 or 1.5mil (4Nos/Pk) RPMI 1640 With L-Glutamine (100ml) RPMI 1640 With L-Glutamine (500ml) RPMI-1640w/ ImM Sodium pyruvate, 2mM L-Glutamine, 4.5gm Glucose Per litre and 2.0gms Per litve Sodium bicarbonate wo HEPES buffer RPMI-1640w/ ImM Sodium pyruvate, 2mM L-Glutamine, 4.5gmm Glucose Per litre and 1.5gms Per litre Sodium bicarbonate w/o HEPES buffer Sample Container 30ml (1000Nos/Pk) Sample Container 120ml Sterile Individually Wrapped Scintillation Vial 20ml (100Nas/pk) Sequence Detection Primer 10K. P Moles Serological pipettes sterile Disposable 10ml (200Nos/pk) Serological pipettes sterile Disposable Iml (500Nos/pk) Serological pipettes sterile Disposable 25ml (200Nas/pk) Serological pipettes sterile Disposable 5ml (250Nus/pk) Sharp container (Autoclave) 5 Lis Sharp container (Aunclave) phlebotomy collector 1.21. Sheep Blood Agar Plate Sheep Blood Agar Plate Skin Fold Calipers (Thickness Measurements) Slide box-50 place (6Nos/pk) Sodium Chloride Sodium hydroxide pellets Sodium hydroxide pellets Sodium hypochlorite (4% W/V solution) Spatula SS 4" Spatula 88 6" Spatula SS 8 Spatula polystyrene Specimen Container, 1000ML Specimen Container, 500ML Sprit Lamp (Stainless strel) Sputasol Square Cover Glasses No.0 Square pet media bottle (24Nos/Pk) Steel Bowl Steel Forceps (Artery 6" Size) Steel Forceps (Artery 8" Size) Steel Kidney Tray-Small Steel Scissor 5" 12/14 Sterillum 1x100ml Sterilium 1x500ml Surgical Gloves 6,5" Sterile 25 Pair/pk Surgical Gloves 7" Sterile 25 Pair/pk Surgical Hand Scrub Surgical Instrument Washing Solution (Cidex) Surgical Speit Syringe filter 25mm (0.45) pack of 50pk TAQMAN Fast Advanced MMIX TAQMAN Fast Advanced MMIX 5ml TAQMAN MGB Probe 6000 P Moles Test tube stand (4 Nos/ pk) Test Tube Stand-50ml 32mm dia- 12Places (4Nos/Pk) Thermo conductive pack Ice Bucket and tray, 1.3ml tubes and PCR tubes or stripes Thermometer 30 cm, 250°C Thumb Forceps fi" Size Tissue Paper [square type Tissue Paper Roll Tourniquet Tri sodium Citrate Dihydrate Trizol-200ml Trypan blue 0.4% Solution Trypan blue solution Tube Culture media round bottom with PP screw cap and PTFE liner (50Nos pk) Tuberculin Syringe Iml (Disposable) Tygoo Vacuum Tubing (2/16x9/16-3M) Universal Reagent Reservoir 50ml (6Nos/pk) Urine Sample Container- 100ml (280 Nos/ Pk) UV safety Goggles ((Nas/pk) Vacutainer holder Vaccine Carrier-Small Vaccine Carrier- Medium Vazzine Carrier-Melum Vazine Canier-Laage Variable Volume 1-10µl Pipette Variable volume pipettor 100-1000ul-1/pk Variable volume pipettor 10-100 µl-1/pk Variable volume pipettor 20-200 µl-1/p Vortex Wash bottle new type (6 Nos/Pk) Water Proof Round Plaster Weighing Balance 10 Microgram-50 Microgram White Adhesive Surgical Plaster Wide Mouth Bottle-500ml Wide Mouth Cryochill Specimen Vials-15ml Wide Mouth Tips 1000μί (500/1k) Wide mouth Wash bottle 500ml (6 Nos/Pk) X-Ray Lobby LED (Additional) X-Ray Lobby Single Viewer Xylene Counting Chamber, Brightline Superior Germany Diluent for DNA Extraction Distilled water Ultra-pure 5 lira Hemocytometer cover glass (10 pairs/pkt) Iso-Propyl alcohol-70%, 5 its Kimsoft Tissue e Fold 22 x30 cm 5400/σε Kimwipes 11x21, 280/pk, Kimtech pure W4 wipers 29.2x30.4 cm, Potassium Permangmate EMPLU 500 G Spatula SS 10" QuantiFERON TB Gold Plus 2 plate Kit ELISA QueriFERON TB Gold Plus Blood collection Tubes QIAamp Fast DNA Stool Mini Kit (50) 136914100-Lysing Matrix E,2ml tube, 1x100 2ml Tubes 116004510-Ratchet aut for Fast Prep-24 Classic 116005508-Striker bolt for Fast Prep-24 50