Price Registration For The Acquisition Of Dental Use Materials, Intended To Meet The Demand Of Basic Health Units (Ubs) And The Center For Dental Specialties (Ceo) Of The Municipality Of São José Dos Pinhais.. Cotton Medical Use, Cotton Medical Use, Dental Clinical Protector, High Rotation Drill, High Rotation Drill, High Rotation, High Rotation, Drilling Low Rotation, Low Rotation, Low Rotation, Low Rotation, Low Rotation, Low Rotation, Drill Low Rotation, Low Rotation, Low Rotation, Drill Rotation, Dental Cement, Condenser - Dental Use, Condenser - Dental Use, Dental Brush, Endodontic Spacer, Endodontic Spacer, Endodontic Spacer, Absorbable Hemostatic, Radiological Film, Calcium Hydroxide, Dental Ultrasound, Ultrasound Ultrasound, Ultrasound Tip Dental, Cement Of Glass Ionomer, Dental Varnish, Lime Dental Use, Accessories - Dental Use, Dental Track, Dental Track, Paramonochlorofenol Dental Use, Accessories - Dental Use, Clinical Organizer Dental Use, Accessory For Radiology, Dental Pot, Dental Pot, Punch Aortic, Aortic Punch, Aortic Punch, Aortic Punch, Aortic Punch, Sodium Hypocloric, Topical Hemostatic, Dental Cursor, Chlorhexidine Diglucanate, Chlorhexidine Diglucanate, Sucking, Sucking