This Procedure Has As Its Object The Eventual Acquisition Of Working And Pedagogical Materials Observing The Nature Of Expense So As Not To Cause Objects) To Maintain The State School Unit Professor Hamedy Cury Queiroz, In The Municipality Of Nova Olinda To, According To Conditions, Quantities And Requirements Established In This Notice And Its Attachments.. Sewing Pink, White Frame Frame, Penpi Penpi, Cotton Bar, Collate / Pedagogical Toy, Bread Block, Bread Socking, Written Calculator, Electronic Calculator, Charge Pen, Ballgraphic Pen, Water Pen, Cartoline Paper, Clip, Clip, Colip, Stickers General Glue, Glue, Compass, Dictionary, Envelope, Envelope, Square, Stylus, Plate, Tape, Tape, Tape Signal, Stapler, Stapler, Stapler, Stapler Clamp, Styrofoam Sheet, Tape, Color Pencil, Black Pencil, Shape, Formatted Print, Paper Card, Paper, Paper Card Paper, Paper Crepom, Photographic Paper, Photographic Paper, Laminated Paper, Parchment Paper, Folder File, Folder File, Folder File, File Folder, Folder, Folder File, Folder File, Folder File, Piercer, Brush Drawing, Brush, Atomic Brush, Brush White / Magnetic Frame, Brush Paint, Refill, Plastic Packaging, Tnt, Scissors, Scissors, Gouache Paint Ink, Toner Cartridge Hp Printer, School Transfer, Tape, Pedagogical Game / Toy, Pedagogical Game / Toy, Pedagogical Game / Toy, Pedagogical Game / Toy, Pedagogical Game / Toy, Plaid Game, General Toy, Gambling / Pedagogical Toy, Portable Clipboard, Board, Party Balloon, Party Balloon