Expression of Interest are invited for Technical Assistance The twin goals are central to the World Banks (WB) strategy: (1) End extreme poverty: reduce the percentage of people living on less than $1.25 a day to 3 percent by 2030. (2) Promoting Shared Prosperity: Fostering income growth for the bottom 40% of the population in every developing country. Three new World Bank priorities have been added to the original four pillars: renewing the social contract, building the resilience of refugees and internally displaced persons, expanding regional cooperation, and supporting recovery and reconstruction. The three new priorities are: harnessing the regions human capital, leveraging technologies for a new digital economy and developing the private sector by maximizing development finance. In line with these pillars and priorities, in Tunisia, the WB is focusing on the fundamental issues facing the country, namely supporting the creation of economic opportunities in the interior regions, focusing on young people and using technology to address failures in service delivery. The national agency for employment and independent work in Tunisia (ANETI) is responsible for the qualification, orientation and placement of job seekers. This public administration agency has recently proposed to reform its services in accordance with a new strategy entitled "ANETI Vision 2030". One of the goals of this reform is to enhance service provision to both job seekers and employers. The European Union Delegation launched a 60-million-euro program (EU4Youth) to support young people in Tunisia. One of the pillars of this program aims to boost youth inclusion by improving employability, creating decent jobs and supporting entrepreneurship (SO1). Within the context of the EU program, the WBs engagement aims to support results R1.3 and R1.4 of this pillar, namely the governance and quality of the education system have been improved (R1. 3) and the efficiency of intermediation services linked to the labor market has been improved in coordination with private and public actors (R1.4), aligning with "ANETI 2030 Vision". Engagement under R1.4. consist of the following four main sets of activities: :(1) Empowering All Job Seekers: aimed at providing a comprehensive assistance tailored to each job seekers needs; (2) Supporting Enterprises: by offering efficient job offer handling and a range of additional services, the project aims to encourage more enterprises to utilize ANETIs platform to find the right candidates; (3) Embracing Digitalization: Recognizing the power of technology, the project is dedicated to digitalizing ANETIs internal processes and developing innovative online services. This digital transformation will enhance efficiency, accessibility, and convenience for both JSs and employers; (4) Mobilizing and Strengthening the Ecosystem. Under the set of activities (2), Supporting Enterprises, a comprehensive job offer management strategy was recently developed with a structured set of services to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of job offer collection and processing, the design of value-added services for employers, and the proactive engagement of new companies to expand ANETIs business client base and job offers to registered job seekers. In this context, the WB is seeking to hire a firm (or consortium) to build on this newly designed strategy and its services. The selected firm (or consortium) is expected to provide technical assistance in drafting a strategic implementation note, support the capacity building of ANETI staff, and offer advisory services to both the WB and ANETI in defining the requirements for their integration into the new information system. The selected firm (or consortium) will have to work closely with the WB and ANETI teams to ensure relevance and high ownership of the deliverables. The scope of these TORs involves providing technical assistance to the WB and ANETI in: (i) developing a strategic implementation note providing options for how these newly developed services could be implemented; (ii) designing and implementing capacity building sessions for ANETIs Trainers of Trainers to ensure ownership of these services by ANETI; (iii) providing recommendations for the functionalities and requirements of the Information System (IS) related to the new process of job offers collection; (iv) providing recommendations for the functionalities and requirements of the Customer Relationship Management tool (CRM) related to the new process of job offers collection; (v) providing recommendations for the functionalities and requirements of the IS related to the new prospection strategy of firms; (vi) providing recommendations for the functionalities and requirements of the CRM tool for the new prospection strategy of firms. 1. OBJECTIVE OF THESE TERMS OF REFERENCES (TORs) Based on the above-mentioned objectives, the scope of these TORs involves providing technical assistance to the WB and ANETI in: (i) developing a strategic implementation note providing options for how these newly developed services could be implemented; (ii) designing and implementing capacity building sessions for ANETIs Trainers of Trainers to ensure ownership of these services by ANETI; (iii) providing recommendations for the functionalities and requirements of the Information System (IS) related to the new process of job offers collection; (iv) providing recommendations for the functionalities and requirements of the Customer Relationship Management tool (CRM) related to the new process of job offers collection; (v) providing recommendations for the functionalities and requirements of the IS related to the new prospection strategy of firms; (vi) providing recommendations for the functionalities and requirements of the CRM tool for the new prospection strategy of firms. The technical assistance the WB will provide to ANETI will consist of advising the government/client on the basis of global best practices, providing models and precedents, bringing together experts, providing technical inputs and providing feedback. Technical assistance does not include implementation of government/client activities. The consultant will assist the WB in providing technical assistance to the client. Deliverables must be provided in French and/or Arabic (Tunisian). The presence in Tunisia of the key experts will be preferred (eg training, coordination) - although some experts may be based abroad. Tender Link :
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