Tenders are invited for Supply of 4,035 Tons of Uic 60 e1 Rails (18m Long Bars). Payment of One Hundred Thousand Dinars (100,000.00 DA) to the account in Dinars EPE-INFRAFER, BNA Hamiz No. 00 100 647 0300 016 001, or Five Hundred Euros (500.00 ) to the foreign currency account EPEINFRAFER, CPA Lakhdaria No. 004 00196 4570217186 / 67 for foreign bidders. PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ALGERIA Ministry of Public Works and Basic Infrastructures National Railway Infrastructure Agency Public Economic Enterprise for Railway Works EPE INFRAFER SPA / Capital: 3,000,000,000.00 DA LEADER IN RAILWAY WORKS [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : http://infrafer.com/category/appels-offres/
Contact Information
Epe-Infrafer Spa Procurement Office 15, Rue Colonel Amirouche, Rouïba, Algiers 5, Rue Colonel Amirouche BP 208 Rouiba Alger. Tél: +213 (0)
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