Pct Wood Language Back With 100 Units., Universal Adapter For Bottle Or Transfer Bag/ Serum. Physiological: Device That Allows Access To Containers Of Closed -System Parenteral Solutions For Irrigation, Dressings, And Values Procedures With Solutions. Reg. Anvisa: 80288090076,? Oxygenated Water 10 Volumes 1L., Disposal Needle 13X0, 45 Mm Trifaceted Bevel, Siliconized Canhao. Box With 100 Discortion Hypodial Units, Stainless Steel Body, Plus -Made, Protective, Sterilized To Ethylene, Packed Individually, Externally Appearing The Identification And Proceedings, And Re -Shaped In 100 Pe? Integrity., Needle 40 X 12 Mm Cannh? Needle 40 X 12 Old Box With 100 Hypodic Units Disposal, 24/03/2025, Spinal Needle 27Gx3? ? Procare Or Similar. 27Gx3 - 1/2 Specific. Di? Needle Metro 0, 35Mm. Gray Color. Spinal Needle. Quincke Tip. The Stainless Steel. Informations With A Translocated And Entirely Cidical Translocation Display. Mandril Metant And Annatpiece Fitting. It Has A Needle Protective Cover., Needle For Spinal Anesthesia/Raque, Disposal N? 25G X 3? (0, 5X90mm). Procare/Lamedids Spinal Anesthesia Needles? The Devices Used In The Punishment Of Spinal Space For Anecal Injections Or Collection Of L? Quor. They Have A Mandrel That Prevents Tailing Of Fabric Or Fat In The Null Of The Needle, Up? That It Reaches The Indicated Place Of The Procedure. Quincke Type Bevel, With Bisosis And Anat? Mica, Coded By Color. Canh? The Luer Lock With A Translocated Viewer And Entirely. Specific - Bevel Type Quincke - Sterilized By Ethylene Xido - Canh? O Luer Lock Translin And Entirely Cyan - Size 25G X 3?. Siliconized Sterile, Packaged Individually In Surgical Grade, Blister Type, With Opening In Petala, Containing N? Lot Date Of 100 Units Cashier. Box With 100 Discortion Hypodial Units, Capable Of Maintaining Its Integrity, 8Mm Cannon, Squiet. Box With 100 Units Of Disposal, Disposal Epidural Needle 17G X 3 1/2., Epidural Needle Disposal 18G X 3 1/2., Needle For Insulin Application With Pen. Length 4Mm (5/32 ??), Caliber 0, 23Mm (32G), 16Gx3 1/2 Peridura Needle. With Bevel Ponta Lanceta (Quinke). Sterilized By Ethylene Xido.Com Thin Walls And Luer Lock Translocated And Entirely Cido. Cutting Free, Side Origin, Thin -Wall Cannula, Canhao Luer Look, With Translucent And Internally Conical Display (Similar To Or Higher Than Innisis), Alcohol 92, 8% 1000 Ml. Alcohol 92, 8% Bottle 1 Liter Containing In Your Composition M? Nima Alcohol Et? Hydrated Lico. In The Packaging Owe? The Date Of Product Factory And Validity Of The Product Is Not In The Registration Of The Ministry Of And Inmetro, Absolute Alcohol 99, 5% 1000 Ml.