Plastic Slim, Standard Size For White Frame, Box 1.0 Unit, Adhesive Tape, Smooth Kraft And Resin And Rubber Base Adhesive, Wood Paper, 36 Mm X 50 M, Gomada Type, Roll 1.0 Unit, Refill Refill For White Frame, Package 10.0 Unit, White Frame Brush, Minimum 20 Ml, Packaging Of The Manufacturer, Date Brand Manufacturing, Validity, Packaging 1.0 Unit, Stamp Pillow, Plastic Case No. 03, In Fabric, Packaging Containing Identification, Proceedings And Expiration Date, 03/24/2025, Scissors, Stainless Steel, +/- 20 Cm, Paper, Verge, A4 Format 180G/M2, Color To Define, Dimensions 210 X 297Mm, Packaging With Identification Product, Package 50.0 Leaf Package, White Straight Brush, Rechargable, Understandable Felt Tip, Without Residues When Deleting, Medical Help 10 Cm, Varied Colors, Recorded In The Manufacturer Brand, Single 1.0 Unit, Fine Burning Pen, Transparent Plastic Material Body 140Mm, Plastic Tube Load 130 Mm, Variation +/- 10%, Tungstenic, Box Polyonda, Polyethylene, Dimensions 360X250x135mm Variation 10%, Tape Type, 4, 2 Mm X 12 M, Envelope, A4, White Color, 210X297mm Variation +/- 2Mm, Box 100.0 Units, Polypropylene, Resin-Based Adhesive, Transparent, 48Mm X 50M, Loose 1.0 Roll, Stapler, Stem Plate, Metallic, Minimum Capacity To Staple 25 Sheets Of Paper 75G/M², Rail Paper, Antioxidant, Bindinger, Box With Product Identification, Box 50.0 Unit, School Clipboard, Acrylic, Size A4, Packaging Containing Identification And Procedure Data, Document Folder, Tab And Elastic, Dimensions 340X250x40mm, Variation +/- 5%, Tab With Elastic, Dimensions 340X240x20mm, Variation +/- 5%, Smoke, 40 Kg, Block, Post It, Small Yellow, 100 Leaves, 38X50mm, 4.0 Units, Pistol Type, 106/6, 106/8 X A: 150 X 20 75Mm, High Resistance, Pistol, Warm Glue, Glue, Hot Glue, Semi Transparent, Packet 1.0 Kilogram, White, Paper, Ceramic, Tissue And Craft, Pipe -Based Pipe, Plastic Pipe, 90.0 Grass Pipe, Wide, Plastic Pipe, Lamina, Lock, Lock, Pipe 22Mm Thickness, White Liquid, Water -Based, Non -Toxic, Fast Drying, 18.0 Milliliters, Binding Spiral, Independent Plastic, 12Mm, 100.0 Units, 100.0 Units, Informable Plastic, 9Mm, 07 Mm, Binding Cover, Plastic, Plastic Dimensions, Plastic, Plastic, Plastic, Plastic Black Color, Cellophane, 80X80cm, Loose 1.0 Sheet, Decorative Items, E.V.A Sheet, Rubber, Various Colors, 95 X 40 Cm, 2 Cm Thickness, 1Mm 1Mm Paper, Highlighted Leaves, Design, Block 50.0 Leaf, Keychain, Pvc Keys Identifier, Identification Label, Package 100.0 Unit, Sticker, Contact Type, 45 Cm X 25 M, Regua, Colorless, Plastic Material, Graded, Dimension 50 Cm, Subdivision In Mm, Decorative Tape, 15 Mm, Roll 30.0 Meters, Letter, 11, 0X16, 0Cm, Variation +/- 2 Cm