Laboratory Reagents - Laboratory Reactive Framework Agreement. 100 % Compatible Hematology Reagents Or Equivalent To The Automatic Hematology Analyzer 5 Dif Mindray Bc 5390 Crp,100% Compatible Reagents Or Equivalent To The Mindray Cl-960I Immunology Analyzer,100% Compatible Reagents Or Equivalent To Edan I15 Equipment,100% Compatible Reagents Or Equivalent To Wesail Equipment,100% Compatible Reagents Or Equivalent To The Bs480 Biochemistry Apparatus,100% Compatible Reagents Or Equivalent To Thrombotimer 4 Equipped,100% Compatible Reagents Or Equivalent To The 2 @ Ursed 3Pro Libummer,100% Compatible Reagents Or Equivalent To The Automatic Hplc H50p Analyzer,100% Compatible Reagents With The Automatic 3D Bactalert Bactalert Analyzer,100% Compatible Reagents And Consumables With The Automatic 2 Compact Automatic Analyzer,100 % Compatible Reagents And Consumables With The Automatic Vitek Ms Prime Analyzer.,100% Compatible Reagents With The Automatic Vitek Reveal System In Equipment
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