Supply Of Laboratory Equipment To Nrupathunga University, Bangalore - Lifeeqp--1 Monochromator based microplate reader 2 Fluorescence microscope 3 Gel Documentation system 4 UV-Vis spectrophotometer double beam 5 Trinocular microscope with camera and camera adaptor set. 6 UV-Vis spectrophotometer Single beam 7 Lyophilizer 8 PCR machine 9 High Speed Refrigerated Centrifuge 10 Incubator and Oven Dual Mode 11 PLANT TISSUE CULTURE WORKSTATION SINGLE DOOR 12 Nano drop UV -VIS spectrophotometer 13 BOD incubator 14 Laminar air flow system 15 Binocular microscopes-Magnus 16 Deep freezer -20 17 Stereo microscope 18 Shaker incubator 19 Soxhlet and Clevanger appartus 20 Solvent Filtration Apparatus with pump 21 Rotatory evoparaotor including cold water circulating water pump and vaccum pump along with required glassware 22 Digital Water bath made of Transparent engineering plastic body. 23 Distillation Unit 24 Electroporator Group :2 - Physics, Item Code: PEQP001, Item Name: Phys_EQP Sl No Equipment 1 UV-VIS-NIR Spectrophotometer 2 Hall coefficient expt. 3 Electrochemical workstation 4 Electrochemical cell 5 Photoluminescence spectrometer 6 Diffuse reflectance spectrometer 7 Spin coating unit 8 Chemical wet bench 9 Hydraulic pellet press 10 Muffle furnace 11 Impedance Tube Group :3 - Electronics, Item Code: EEQP01, Item Name: Electronics_EQP Sl No Name of the Equipment 1 Optical Fiber Communication Kits.ST2502 OR equivalent. 2 OFC Power Meter. ST 2551 or equivalent 3 8051 Microcontroller Interfacing Kits (5 x10 =50) 4 Photo Diode/ Transistor Experimental set up – full set 5 Solar Cell Characteristics Experimental set up – full set 6 LDR Characteristics Experimental set up – full set 7 IoT Trainer Kit Group :4 - Comp Science, Item Code: CSEQP01, Item Name: CS_EQP Sl No Name of the Equipment 1 All-in-One Desktop 2 Laptop_01 3 Laptop_02 4 All in one Ink Tank Printer (Print, Copy, Scan, fax, color) 5 Interactive Whiteboard 6 3D Printer 7 Wireless Microphone 8 Wireless HDMI Adapter 9 Digital Visualizer Group :5 - Chemistry, Item Code: CEQP01, Item Name: CHEM_EQP Sl No Equipment 1 Rotary Vacuum Evaporator 2 Laminar air flow 3 Spectrophotometer 4 Ultracentrifuge cooling 5 HPLC 6 Electrophoresis unit 7 Trans iluminator 8 UV Chamber 9 Magnetic stirrer with hot plate and rmp control 10 Iodin chamber (Indiamart) 11 UV Sonicator 12 Electrochemical Analyse 13 Plate reader for MTT assay. 14 Deep freezer 15 Fraction collector
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