Tender For Sport Equipment For Rnt Medical College, Udaipur - Cricket (Leather) Balls (5G/SS) Stumps (SG Test) Bat (SG/SS) Batting Pads (SG/SS) Batting gloves (SG/SS) Helmet (56/55) L-Guard (SG/55) Keepers gloves (SG/SS) Keeper's Pads (56/55) Keeping inner gloves (56/55) Batting thigh guards (56/55) Kit Bag (SG/SS) Cricket (Tennis ball) Tennis cricket bat (SG/SS) Tennis balls (nivia) Cricket (fun) Tennis balls (nivia) wicket (Plastic wickets) Football Balls (nivia) No.5 Goal Nets Keeper Gloves Whistles Corner flags Badminton Shuttles (yonex Mavis) (350) net (vixin) Table tennis Ball (Stag) (3 Star) Net Volleyball Ball (Nivia) Net (Nivia) Net Poles Basketball Ball (coso) No-6 Ball (coso) No-7 Track n Field Finishing Ribbon Baton Clapping Mechanism. Ribbon Poles High jump Poles Cushions Level Pole Long jump Inch Tape (20 meter) Javelin throw Inch Tape 1100 meter Javellin (800) Javellin Discuss throw Inch Tape (50 meter) Discuss (2) Discuss (1Kg Shot put Shotput (16 Pound) Shotput 18.82 Pound) Chess Chess Board Watch Timers Arm Wrestling Arm Wrestling Table Weight lifting Plates 25 kg Plates 15kg Plates 10kg Plates 5 kg Plates 2.5kg Rod/Bar Weight Locks Push ups Yoga Mat Timer
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Dr. Vipin Mathur
RNT MEDICAL COLLEGE UDAIPUR, PRINCIPAL AND CONTROLLER RNT MEDICAL COLLEGE UDAIPUR, Udaipur, (Udaipur), PIN:313001, Landline No.:02942418258, Fax No.:02942418258
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