Tender For Special Repair Work Of Agra Shamshabad Rajakhera Road In District Agra - Construction of dry lean cement concrete Sub- base over a prepared sub-grade with coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS: 383, the size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, aggregate cement ratio not to exceed 15:1, aggregate gradation after blending to be as per table 600-1, optimum moisture content to be determined during trial length construction, concrete strength not to be less than 10 Mpa at 7 days, mixed in a batching plant, transported to site, laid with a paver with electronic sensor, compacting with 8-10 tonnes vibratory roller, finishing and curing. MORT&H 601 (6.01) 2 Construction of un-reinforced, dowel jointed, plain cement concrete pavement over a prepared sub base with approve grade cement, coarse and fine aggregate conforming to IS 383, maximum size of coarse aggregate not exceeding 25 mm, mixed in a batching and mixing plant as per approved mix design, transported to site, laid with a fixed form or slip form paver, spread, compacted and finished in a continuous operation including provision of contraction, expansion, construction and longitudinal joints, joint filler, separation membrane, sealant primer, joint sealant, debonding strip, dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures as approved, curing compound, finishing to lines and grades as per drawing. (Not Less Then M-40) 3 Construction of embankment/Patri with approved material obtained from borrow pits with all lifts and leads, transporting to site, spreading, grading to required slope and compacting to meet requirement of table 300-2. as per MoRT&H clause 305 (3.16) & as directed by Engineer Incharge including all machinery charges & including all labour, T&P etc required for proper completion of the work. (Cartage Earth) 4 Excavation in foundation in ordinary soil (Loam, Clay or Sand) Including lift upto 1.50 m and lead upto 30m and including filling watering and ramming of excavated earth into the trenches or into the space between the building and the sides of foundation trenches or into the plinth and removal and disposal of surplus earth as directed by the Engineer In-charge upto a distance of 30m from the foundation trenches. (Small work) 5 Providing and laying cement concrete in 1:4:8 (1 Cement : 4 coarse sand : 8 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) and curing complete, Including cost of form work. in Foundation and floors. 6 Class-150 (Non Modular) brick work in 1:4 cement and Coarse sandmortar in foundation and plinth including supply of all materials, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work 7 Providing and Laying and Fixing of NP-3 Hume Pipe 350mm dia Proper Position as directed 8 Flush Pointing on brick work with cement mortar 1:3 (1Cement : 3 Coarse Sand) 9 Providing and laying cement concrete in 1:2:4 (1 Cement : 2 coarse sand : 4 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size) and curing complete, Including cost of form work. In Foundation and floors. 10 12mm Cement plaster with cement mortar in proportion of 1:4 cement & coarse sand ofsingle coat for interior plastering upto floor two level including internal rounded angles chamfers, and rounded angles not exceeding 80mm. In girth and finished even and smooth. 11 Note - 1- Rates are inclusive of all taxes but excluding GST which shall be paid extra as applicable2- Labour cess @ 1% will be deducted from contractor"s bill at the time of payment