Tender For 7.5 Hp Tubewell Installation Work In Ward No. 30 Madanpur North - Drilling Of 300 Mm Dia Longweld ... in India
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Tender For 7.5 Hp Tubewell Installation Work In Ward No. 30 Madanpur North - Drilling Of 300 Mm Dia Longwelding Fell Owing Drilling Maching 0-48 2 Drilling Of 200 Mm Dia Longwelding Fell Owing Drilling Maching.48-100 3 Development Of Bore With Long Ai
Tender For 7.5 Hp Tubewell Installation Work In Ward No. 30 Madanpur North - Drilling of 300 mm dia longwelding fell owing drilling maching 0-48 2 Drilling of 200 mm dia longwelding fell owing drilling maching.48-100 3 Development of bore with long air compressorP.S.I. including cartege aftar completion of work. 4 Transportaion changes suchas pipe upto sit and drilling maching including all complete. 5 Associate for boringa. End cap 6 b. Socket GI 7 c. Clamp 8 SIF of MS pipe of 200 mm mm dayaand thickness4.85/c class including cutting threading cartage upto sist with all complete. 9 SIF of MS pipe160 mm dayaand thickness4.85/c class including cutting threading cartage upto sist with all complete. 10 (a) Cost of 7.50 HP 500 LMP. KSB 27.00 m Head and submersible pump. 11 (b)Colum pipe 90 mm GI pipe B class with flange and nut bolt ail complete. 12 (c). Wilding of flange with colum pipe. 13 (d) Supply and fixing of main starter with wooden board 4×3 feet with bulb and kit katt all complete. 14 Wiring charges. 15 S/F 10 mm cable 4 core. 16 3 core flat submersibale copper wire 17 supply of reflex valve gate valvesluice valve. 18 Lowering of pump including fillingclamp pressure gauge with all complete. 19 T bent flange and Nipple etc. fitting with all complete. 20 Extra head load of all material. 21 Welding of 8’’ Housing pipe. 22 S/F Pea.gravels 23 Bentonite Powder 24 Cleaing of Site 25 Construction work Chamber and RCC Covering all Complete. 26 Supply of fixing of Bord/Silapat including all materials etc.
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