Work Detail
Tender For Lab Reagents &Amp Chemicals - 1 Hb (N/10 HCL Saliution) 2 ESR Graduated Disposable pipette with Vacuum plug 3 BT (filter paper) 4 CT (glass capillary) 5 PBF (A) Field's stain A & PBF B (B) Leishman's stain 6 CBC 3 PART Horiba 1.ABX Diluent 20 Litter (Horiba) 2.ABX Cleaner 1 Litter (Horiba) 3.ABX Lyse Bio 1 Litter (Horiba) 4.ABX Minoclair 500ML(Horiba) CBC 5 PART Dyanacount 5D 1. Dyanacount SD Diluent 20 Litter 2. Dyanacount 5D Diff Lyse 500 ml 3. Dyanacount 5D LH-Lyse 200 ml 4. Dyanacount 5 D Probe Cleaner CBC 5 PART Mindray M-52 1.M-52 Diluent for 20 Litter (BC-5130) 2 M-52 Diluent Diff Lyse 500ml (BC-5130) 3 M-52 LH-Lyse -100 ml (BC-5130) 4 M-52 Probe Cleaner 50ML 1.Quality Control Low (horiba 3 part) 2. Quality Control Medium (horiba 3 part) 3. Quality Control High (horiba 3 part) 7 Blood Group 8 Coomb's test Direct 9 Coomb's test indirect 10 (A) PT,INR (B) APTT 11 Semen analysis dilutin fluid 12 Blood sugar R1:4 40ML +R2:2*20ML 13 Blood urea R1:4*35ML+R2:2*18ML 14 5.Creatinine R1:2*27ML +R2:1*18ML 15 S. Bilirubin(T) R1:4*20ML +R2:1^ * 20ML 16 S. Bilirubin (D) R1:4^ * 20ML +R2:1^ * 20ML 17 SGOT R1:4 35ML+R2:2*18ML 18 SGPT R1:4^ * 35ML *R2:2^ * 18ML 19 5. Alkaline phosphates R1:4^ * 35ML +R2:2^ * 18ML 20 protein R:4*40 ML 21 S. Albumin R:d^ * 40ML 22 S.Calcium R:4^ * 40ML 23 5. LDH R1:4*35ML+R2:2*18ML 24 S. Uric acid R1:4^ * 4OML +R2:2^ * 2OML 25 S. To Cholesterol R:4*40 ML 26 5. Triglyceride R-4*40 ML 27 S. HDL R:4*40 ML 28 S. CK-NAC 29 S. CK-MB R1:4*35ML+R2:2*18ML 30 5. Amylase 31 (A)Rheumatoid Factor(RA) Mindray R1:1*40ML+ R2:1*11 ML+Calibrator: 5*0.5 ML (B) Rheumatoid Factor(RA) SPINREACT R1:1*40ML+ R2:1*10ML+Calibrator: 1*2 ML 32 33 ASLO R1:1*40ML+ R2:1*40ML+Calibrator: (A)S.CRP Mindray R1:1*40ML+ R2:1*10ML+Calibrator: 1*2 ML (B) S.CRP SPINREACT R1:1*40ML+ R2:1*10ML+Calibrator:1*2ml 34 CD-80 35 Control-Low 36 Control-Normal 37 Control-High 38 Calibrators Spinchem MINDRAY 39 Spirfchem 1 Control 40 Spinchem 2 Control 41 Mindray Control 42 Spinchem CRP Control 43 Spintrol "H" Calibrator 44 Lamp (BS 240) 45 Reaction Cuvettes(BS 240) 46 Sample Probe (BS 240) S.N Clinical Pathology 47 Blood sugar System Pack 48 Blood urea System Pack 49 S.Creatinine System Pack 50 S. Bilirubin(T) System Pack 51 S. Bilirubin (D) System Pack 52 SGOT System Pack 53 SGPT System Pack 54 S. Alkaline phosphates System Pack 55 S Total protein 56 S. Albumin System Pack 57 S.Calcium System Pack 58 S.CK NAC System Pack 59 S.CK-MB System Pack 60 S. LDH System Pack 61 S. Amylase System Pack 62 S. Uric acid System Pack 63 S. Total Cholesterol System Pack 64 S. Triglyceride System Pack 65 S. HDL Cholesterol with calibrator System Pack 66 LDL Cholesterol with calibrator System Pack 67 Rheumatoid factor (RA) with Calibrator System Pack 68 ASLO with Calibrator System Pack 69 S.CRP with Calibrator System Pack 70 XL-ASO-TURBILATEX With Calibrator (ITA) 71 NL-RF- TURBILATEX With Calibrator (ITA) 72 XL-CRP-TURBILATEX With Calibrator (ITA) 73 PM Kit of EM-360 74 75 Erba Auto Wash Kit Erba Path Kit 76 Erba Norm Kit 77 XL Multical 78 Sample Cup 79 XL-AUTOWASH AC/AL KIT 80 4 channel ISE Cleaning Solution-5421 81 4 channel ISE MODULE Reagent Pack 82 HIV Tridot 1 & 2 Rapid test 83 VDRL Rapid Test 84 Widal antigen slide and tube test 85 Dengue Rapid test 86 Malaria by card test (Antigen) 87 HBSAg Rapid test 88. Urine strip Albumin Sugar 2 parameter 89 Urine multi parameter strip (10 parameter) (Machine Mission) 90 HCG Test/UPT Test 91 Blood Sugar Strip (SD Code free) 92 158 1 & 2 Staining Liquid Solution 93 CBC Print Roll 94 95 CBC K3 EDTA Vial Lavender 96 Red Top Clot Activator Vial Light Blue Sodium Citrate 3.2% Vial 97 Grey Top Vial (Sodium fiuoride) 98 Black Top Sodium Citrate 3.8% Vial 99 Ria Vial (Plastic plain vial) 100 Tissue Roll 101 Test Tube Stand (Racks) 102 Auto Micropipette Stand 103 Iron ESR Stand 104 Glass Clearing Solution 105 Glass test tube 2 inch 106 Glass test tube 3 inch 107 Glass Cover slips for New bar chamber 108 Glass Cover slips 109 Disposable needle 26 N 110 Disposable needle 24 N 112 Liquid paraffin 112 Cedar-wood oil for an oil immersion lens) 113 Yellow Tips 114 Yellow Tips 115 Blue Tips 116 Blue Tips 117 Auto Micropipette 0-20 ul 118 Auto Micropipette 0-100 ul 119 Auto Micropipette 100-1000 ul 120 Liquid Hand Wash Pack 100 M 500 MI 121 Dropping Bottle in measuring 60-100 ML 122 Dropping Bottle in measuring 100-250 ML 123 Tourniquet 124 Squire Hb Glass Tube 125 Hb Pippete 126 Distile Water (D/HD) 127 Sodium Hypochlorite solution (CINO) 128 Sterile Lancet 129 Sterile Urine container for Single Pack 130 Falcon tube stand 131 Coplin 10 slide staining jar with cover 132 Plastic staining jar with rack 20 slide 133 Microscopy Glass slide 134 11 & 1 Stain (hematoxylin and eosin satin) Pack size 125 ML 135 Reticulocyte count stain 125 MI 136 Gimsa satin 100 ML 137 Methanol 09,90 500 ML 138 Ethyal Alcohol 99,9 500 ML. 139 Ethenol 99,9% 500 ML 140 Papanicolaou's Stain (PAP) 125 141 DPX mounting solution 100 ML 142 Disposable PAP Smear Kit 143 Lugol's iodine Solution 125 MI 144 Digital Temperature and Humidity Inducater with Cable 145 Improved Newbauer Counting Chamber 146 Methyal Alcohol 99.9% 500 ML 147 Control H(ASO/RF/CRP) System Pack 148 Control L (ASO/RF/CRP) System Pack 149 5% acetic acid 100M1 Pack
Contact Information
Contact Person
Dr. Atal Bhaskar
CHC LAXMANGARH SIKAR, CHC LAXMANGARH SIKAR, Lachhmangrah, (Sikar), PIN:332311, Landline No.:0157322280, Fax No.:
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