Tender For Lab Reagents - HB (Strip) TLC DLC Platelet count CBC (Reagent) ESR ABORH (Antien) PBF RETICULOCYTE COUNT ABSOLUTE EOSINOPHIL COUNT BT & CT (Micro Capalari Tube, Tishu Paper) SICKLING TEST FOR SICKLE CELL ANEMA Qunatitative test G6PD defi-ciency MP SLIDE/Malaria rapid test PT APTT URINE FOR HCG URINE test for PH, SG, TLC, GLU, BIL, URO, KETONE, PRO-TIN, NITRITE URINE MICROSCOPY (Micro Scopy Cover Glass) URINE MICROALBUMIN URINE FOR ACR 24 HOUR URINARY PROTIEN STOOL for OVA and CYST STOOL for Occult Blood Test FOR DENGUE (Rapid card. test) RPR/VDRL test for s philis (Ra id test) HIV 1+2 test (Rapid test) HBSAG (Rapid test) Anti HCV (Rapid test) SPUTUM for AFB (Tishu Pa-per) Typhoib test IGM/WIDAL BLOOD SUGAR GTT BIL-Total BIL-Direct & indirect S-Creatine Burea Uric Acid SGPT SGOT ALKP04 TOTAL PROTEIN ALBUMIN AND AG RATIO TOTAL CHOLESTROL S.TG S.VLDL S.HDL S.LDL 5.NA S.K S.CAL Acid Phosphate SMEAR FOR RTI/STD GRAM STAINING for Clinical Specimen THORAT SWAP FOR DIPHTTHERIA Visual Inspection Acetic Acid स. सामग्री का नाम RK 39 for kala Azar Rapid Card test Smear for Filaria TB-MANTOUX ■RA QUANTITATIVE CRP QUANTITATIVE ASLO QUANTITATIVE TSH URINE for C/S PAP SEMEAR KOH Mount for Fungal Test Semi Auto Analyzer ■Urine Analyzer 11 parameter
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