Tenders are invited for Rehabilitation of the Kalabaydh Borehole, Construction of a 40m3 Elevated Concrete Water Tank, Construction of Three Water Kiosks, and Extension of the Water Pipeline by 4 Kilometers. Tender Documents and Bid Delivery: All tender documents are available in the below link. The financial and technical proposal with sealed and stamped envelope will be delivered by hand and drop into ALIGHT Tender box in Laas-Anod office on or before 06th April 2025 Time: 04:00PM. The envelope will be clearly marked with the precise reference of the invitation to which it is a response and the name of the applicant. Tenders delivered after the specified date & time will not be accepted. Any queries related the bids can be directed either in writing to: smprocurement- kis@wearealight.org or Telephone +252 618911122/+252634333585. General Conditions for Tender 1. Scope: ALIGHT formerly known as American Refugee Committee (ARC International) invites tenders for the supplies/works described and summarized in accordance with procedures, conditions and contract terms, as prescribed in the tender documents. ALIGHT reserve the right to vary the quantity of work/materials/supplies specified in the Tender Documents without any changes in unit price or other terms and conditions and to accept or reject any, all, or part of submitted offers. 2. Language: As determined by ALIGHT, the working language of this tender is English. Other languages will not be accepted. 3. Qualifying and Conditions: The main criteria for admission to the tender are as follows: a) Official Quotation with companys letter head, stamp and signed in the attached BOQ provided no revisions allowed after submitted. b) Delivery lead time c) Fill completely including all attached forms. d) Certificate of Registration with the relevant Government certifying Authority. e) Company profile f) Good track-record and references from previous clients (similar tasks) with telephone contacts and emails of at least three referees. g) Proof of the above must be provided at least three contracts. h) Submission of the latest certified bank statement of the applying entity for at least last 6 months. i) Tender Basis: Submission of Tax compliance certificate Tender Link : https://somalijobs.com/tenders
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Tel: +252 618911122/+252634333585
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