Acquisition Of Hospital Inputs In Favor Of The Operations Accepted.. Hypodermal Needle, Hypodermic Needle, Hypodermic Needle, Hypodermic Needle, Hypodermic Needle, Hypodermic Needle, Ethyl Alcohol, Wet Scarf, Diagnostic / Therapeutic Apparatus, Manual Aspirator, Bandage, Hospital Dress, Cannula Oropharyngeal Cannula, Orophangea Cannula Guedel, Cannula Oropharyngea Guedel, Cannula Oropharyngea Guedel, Cannula Oropharyngea Guedel, Cannula Oropharyngeal Guedel, Cannula Oropharyngea Guedel, Tracheal Aspiration Cateter, Tracheal Aspiration Catheter, Tracheal Aspiration, Tracheal Cateter, Cateter, Cateter Tracheal Aspiration, Tracheal Aspiration Catheter, Tracheal Aspiration, Oxygen Nasal Catheter, Oxygen Nasal Catheter, Peripheral Catheter, Peripheral Catheter, Peripheral Catheter, Peripheral Catheter, Peripheral Catheter, Peripheral Catheter, Peripheral, Medical Use Belt, Medical Use Belt, Immobilization, Collector Of Service. Health, Health Service Waste Collector, Health Service Waste Collector, Gaze Compress, Compresso Operative Field, Operating Field, External Defibrillator, Gravitational Venous Infusion, Gravitational Venous Infusion, Sphigmomanometer, Spottail Meter, Medical Use, Space Use Physician, Stethoscope, Stethoscope, Hose Medical Use, Vascular Infusion Extensor, Needled Suturing Suture, Needled Suturing Suturing Wire, Needled Suture Wire, Needled Suture, Tape, Hospital Tape, Hospital Tape, Vial - Almotolia Type, Hospital Cap, Tracheal Intubation Guide Sodium, Immobilizer (Splint), Rescue Stretcher, Lancet, Disposable Sheet Hospital Use, Surgical Glove, Surgical Glove, Surgical Glove, Non -Surgical Health Procedure W/ Anvisa, Non -Surgical Health Procedure, Non -Surgical Health Procedure, Non -Surgical Health Procedure W/ Anvisa, Non -Surgical Health Procedure W/ Anvisa, Non -Surgical Health Procedure With Anvisa, Gasotherapy Mask, Gasotherapy Mask, Surgical Mask, Otcope, Defibrillator, Hospital Material, Male Condoms, Plastic Bag Waste, Plastic Bag, Syringe, Syringe, Syringe, Syringe