Acquisition Of Hospital Medical Materials (Mmh) Aiming To Meet The Demands Of Dsei Mrsa.. Demand Language, Essential Fatty Acids, Distilled Water, Hypodermic Needle, Hypodermic Needle, Ethyl Alcohol, Ethyl Alcohol, Cotton Medical Use, Bandage, Packaging, Peripheral Catheter, Peripheral Catheter, Peripheral Catheter, Peripheral Catheter, Peripheral Catheter, Gauze Compress, Gauze Compress, Gauze For Joint Pap Smear, Set For Pap Smear, Distilled Water, Set For Pap Smear, Dye, Dye, Dye, Dye, Sterilization Packaging, Sterilization Package, Gravitational Venous Infusion Equipment, Gravitational Venous Infusion, Hospital Tape, Hospital Tape, Disposable Diaper, Disposable Diaper, Disposable Diaper, Diaper, Diaper Disposable, Disposable Diaper, Vial - Almotolia Type, Reservoir For Biological Sample Collection, Iodopovido (Pvpi), Iodopovidone (Pvpi), Lab Coat, Scalpel Blade, Halogen Lamp, Lancet, Surgical Glove, Surgical Glove, Non -Surgical Health Procedure W/ Anvisa, Non -Surgical Health Procedure With Anvisa, Non -Surgical Health Procedure W/ Anvisa, Hospital Material, Portable Monitor, Immersion Oil, Reagent For Clinical Diagnosis 5, Reagent For Clinical Diagnosis, Reagent For Clinical Diagnosis 6, Syringe, Syringe, Syringe, Syringe, Syringe, Syringe, Syringe, Clinical Thermometer, Hospital Cap, Gel For Medical Examination, Chlorhexidine Diglucanato, Stethoscope, Sphigmomanometer, Non -Rechargeable Battery, Nebulizer, Anthropometric Measurements, Device For Anthropometric Measurements, Measurements For Measurements Anthropometric, Device For Anthropometric Measurements, Fetal Detector, Needled Suture Suture, Needled Suture, Needled Suture Wire, Needled Suture, Glutaraldehyde, Needled Suture, Surgical Mask, Resp Protection Mask. W/ Anvisa, Device For Anthropometric Measurements, Device For Anthropometric Measurements, Scale Weighing People