Tenders are invited for Signalized Intersection Construction Work in Various Sections on Sakarya Metropolitan Municipality Metrobus Line. Nature, type and quantity: 12 intersection controller supply, 320 signal transmitter supply, 350 menhol supply and installation, 270 signal transmitter pole installation, 40.200 meters cable supply, 34,000 meters cable shoot and assembly, 13.000 meters of corrude pipe supply and laying, 550 cubic meters of excavation and other various other various works specified in the ruler Tender and Bid Opening Date: 14.04.2025 10:00 Type of Ad: Tender [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : https://www.ilan.gov.tr/ilan/1728678/ihale-duyurulari-yapim-ve-insaat-ihaleleri-sinyalize-kavsak-yapilacaktir
Contact Information
Küpçüler Mahallesi 1192. Sokak 54200 Erenler/Sakarya Tel: +90-2642745020 Fax: +90-2649991618
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