Galvanized Work School - Health Ministry Standard - 1, 50X3, 00M, Conventional Work Rental, Through Potoled Running Tabuas Template Every 1, 50M, Plywide Wooden Plate Siding, Inc. Painting - In Front Alignment, Mechanized Land Cleansing W/Backhoe (Low Vegetation) Including Load And Transport - Dmt Up To 1Km, Install/Provisional Bond Low Tension For Work Work, M3- Key 100A Load 3Kwh, 20Cv Excls Meter, 21/03/2025, Sewage Connection, Provisional Must, Provisional Binding Connection, Provisional Or Definitive, With Supply Of Material, Including Wall And Hydrometer, Dn Rede 50Mm - Rev 03_10/2022, Open Warehouse For Workshop And Works Shop, Wood, Wooden Schedule Bathroom, 4 Mm Fiber Ceiling, Included Hydro -Sanitary And Electric Installations, Manual Ditches Or Foundations+Closure Ditch/Cava With Reused Material - Foundation, Loading And Discharge Mechanized In Tilting Truck, 6 M3 Tilting Truck Transport, Paved Highway, Ceramic Tile, Wall -Backed Ceramic Tile, Excluding Wooden Pitch, Polycarbonate Topping, Inc. Metallic Structure, Ridge With Ceramic Tile Pessed With 1: 2: 8 (Cement, Lime And Sand) Ceramic Tile, Galvanized Accepted Sheet, Ruffles, Counter-Ruffs, Galvanized Sheet Water, Concrete Drill, 20Cm Diameter, Manual Shell-Lagged Excavation. Af_05/2020, Armação Ca-50, Diam. 6, 3 (1/4) To 12, 5Mm (1/2) - Supply/ Cut (10%Loss)/ Fold/ Placement, Skinny Concrete For Ballash, Draw 1: 4, 5: 4, 5 (In Dry Cement/ Medium Sand/ Great 1) - Mechanical Preparation With Concrete 400 L. Af_05/ 2021, Common Wood For Foundations, Ca -60 Diam Foundations. 3, 4 To 6, 0Mm - Supply/ Cut (With 10%Loss)/ Fold/ Placement, Concrete Fck = 25Mp, Trace 1: 2, 2: 2, 5 (In Drooping Cement/ Medium Sand/ Rolled Pebble) - Mechanical Preparation With Concrete 400 L. Af_05/ 2021, Shape For Concrete Structures (Pillar, Beam And Slab) 10 X 2, 20, Thickness = 12 Mm, 05 Uses. (Manufacture, Assembly And Disassembly), Reinforced Concrete Fck = 30, 0Mp, Machined, Pumped, Adensed And Launched, For General Use, 12Mm Resinable Shapes 12Mm (05 Uses), Pre-Molded Slab, Including Drainage, Concrete And Complementary Armor, Lintel, 10X10cm, Fck = 20 Concrete Concrete) Steel Ca60, Thin Gauge, Including 3A Table Shapes, Masonry In Brick Brick Broken 10X20x20cm, 1/2 Time, Seated In Mortar 1: 2: 8 (Cement, Joints 12Mm, (Walls) Brick Wall Pierced 10X20x20cm, Included Foundation And Contour - Rainwater, Masonry Waters Concrete Block Seal 9X19x39cm, E = 0, 09M, With T5 Trait Mortar - 1: 2: 8 (Cement/Cal/Sand), 1, 0Cm - Rev.06 Joint, Molded Molded Lash Belt Using Channel Blocks, * 10 * Cm. Betuminous (Baldrames), Waterproofing With Asphalt Blanket 3Mm - Slabs, Mechanical Protection With Mortar 1: 3 (Cement And Sand), Thickness 2 Cm - Slabs, Counterpiece In Mortar 1: 4 (Cement And Sand), 7Cm Thickness, Manual Preparation), Regular