Paper Towel, 100% Cell Fibers, Minimum Measurements 22X19 Cm, Minimum 60 Towels Each Roll, White Color, Packed Double Sheet, Covered With 70%, Product Technical Record, Microbiological Testing Report Emitted By Laboratory, Package 2.0 Rollers, Squeegee, Rubber Base 30 Cm, Cable 1, 20 M, Plasticized Metal, Plastic Brim. Rosqueavel, Label Or Body Recorded With Product Identification And Manufacturer Brand, Single 1.0 Unit, Smooth Type, 02 Folds, Simple Sheet, Interfoliated, Disposable, Minimum 22X23 Cm, Variation +/- 0, 5 Cm, Packaging With Product Identification, Manufacturer Brand, Packaging 1000.0 Sheets, Disinfectant, Liquid, Disinfection And Octor Sanitarios, Paredes E Pisos, A Base De Cloreto De Alquil Dimetil Benzil Amonio, Tensoativos Nao Ionicos, Solubilizantes, Sequestrante, Espessante, Corante, Essencia E Agua, Diluicao 1 Para 20 Litros De Agua, Fragrancia Lavanda, Floral Ou Limao, Apresentar Ficha Tecnica Do Produto, Rotulo Legivel Com Descricao Do Produto, Lote, Prazo De Validade, Volume, Responsavel Technical And Registration At Anvisa/Ms, 1.0 Liter Packaging, Garbage Bag, Plastic, Class I, Virgin Or Recycled Thermoplastic Resin, Black Color, 100 Liters, 20 Kg, Nbr 9191, Packaging With Product Identification And Brand Brand, 100.0 Units, 21/03/2025, Air Deodor, Aerosol Purifying, Fragrance, Fragrance Several, Not Containing Cfc Chlorofluorcarbon, Product Notified In Anvisa, Manufacturing Date, Packaging 360.0 Milliliters, Flannel, 100% Cotton, Dimensions Minimal 38 X 58 Cm, Weight Minimum 30 Gr, Overlocked Edges, General Use, Glove, 100% Latex 233/2008/Inmetro, Identification Product Brand Of Manufacturer, Flowered Yellow, Lined With Cotton, Non -Slip Palm, Multipurpose, 30 Cm Length, Large, Packaging 1.0 Pair, Alcohol, Ethyl, Diluted, 46 ° Inpm, General Domestic Use, 1000.0 Milliliters, Gel, Colorless Color, Characteristic Odor, Minimal Viscosity: 600, 00, Ph: Ph: Ph: Ph: Ph 6, 5 To 7, 5, Active Content: 70%Alcohol, Composition: Carbomer, Glyceryn, Aqua, Alcohol. Active: 70%Alcohol, Registration Or Notification In Anvisa, Bombona 5.0 Liters, Soap, Anti-Septic, Cleaning And Disinfectation Of The Hands, Composition: Lauryl Ether Sulfate Sulfate Aniononic And Triclosan, Minimum Viscosity 600 Cp, Ph 5, 5-6, Characteristic/Odor Odor, Cosmetic Registration In Anvisa, Laud Antimicrobial