Stationary items Related Tender - Stationery material - Bag, Pad, Momento big, Momento small, Diary 100 pages, Diary 200 pages, White paper, Carbon, File cover, Glue, Camel, Tags, Pins, File cover, Register two pack, four pack, six pack, Langot, Folding file, Incoming and Outgoing mail register, Peon book, Stamp pad, PL form, Travel bill form, Challan form, Envelopes big and small, Stapler small and big, Cash book, Full size Attendance register, General staff, Safai Karamchari lock book, FBC bill form (GFR 108), M.B. Notice board 2.5x3, 4x5 etc. Gaud file, Pages, Marker, Pilot pen, White board 2x4, 2x3