Supply Of Essential And Stationary Items For Store Department At The Central Office Of Chandernagore Municipal Corporation- 1 Ruled Register No8(96pages) Local As per Sample 2 Ruled Register No6 (72pages) Local As per Sample 3 Ruled Register No4 (48pages) Local As per Sample 4 Excercise Book No.8 (Rulled Pioneer brand 5 Excercise Book No.6 (Rulled Pioneer brand 6 Excercise Book No.4 (Rulled Pioneer brand 7 Peon Book No -4 C.M.C Printing as per sample (100 page) 8 Envelope (C.M.C Printing) 10 x 4 (white) 9 Carbon Paper (double sided ) 210mm x 330mm (kores) 352/Iiblue 10 Pencil Carbon 210mm X 330mm (4kores) blue 11 Adhesive Paste (Gum) 700ml camel brand 12 Adhesive Paste (Gum) 150ml camel brand 13 Cover File (Four fold) Big Ambassador Brand (Super Quality) 14 Flat File Big (Big Ambassador Brand) (Super Qualit) 15 Flat File Small Big Ambassador Brand (Super Qualit 16 CMC File with printing 18"X14" (White) As per sample 17 Flap With Tape (4" X22") (As per Sample) 18 Pin Cushion(As per sample) 19 Tag with Cotton 12" (As per Sample) 20 Thread Ball 100gm (Konarak) 21 Correction Pen (Faber castell) 7ml 22 Envelope Small (As per Sample) 23 Stamp pad Medium violet size 110mm x 69mm faber castell 24 Pin (Bell 100 grms) 25 Gems clip (Bell 26mm bell) 26 Rulled Paper(4.6 kgs) 34.5 x 21.5cm (Pioneer) 27 D.F.C Paper (8.6 kgs, Andhra) 28 Demai Paper (7.4 kgs,Andhra) 29 Jute (cotton) for dusting, 24” 24”sizeAs per sample 30 Paper weight(As per sample) 31 Reffiles (small size) Blue(ok deluxe) 32 Reffiles (small size) Black(ok deluxe) 33 Reffiles (small size) Red (ok deluxe) 34 Stapler (gold 10)Kangaro Brand 35 Stapler Pin(no-10)Kangaro Brand 36 Wood Pencil (Camlin) 37 Arch file &ora index file (Big) 38 Eraser 39 Rubber Band (garder) 40 Stamp pad (small size 88mm x 44mm 41 Guard file (special)110 flap in each file (four colours) as per samp 42 Life buoy soap (120gm) Hindustan Pvt Ltd. 43 Bar Soap (501)As per sample) 44 Full Jharu As per sample 45 Lock & Key (7 lever) big, As per sample 46 Mesaurment book, camel brand as per sample. 47 National Flag (60cm x 40cm) As per sample 48 National Flag(27cm x 18cm)As per sample 49 Punching Machine (Max)As per sample 50 Towel Big(best quality) As per sample 51 Vim powder(1 kgpacket) 52 Naptholine(Bengal chemical) 53 Waste Bucket (plastic) As per sample 54 Battery1.5volt small everedy 55 Remote Battery1.5volt,1012 AAA R03/1 small everedy 56 Calculator 8/10 digit (citizen/casio) 57 Calculator scientific ( citizen/casio) 58 DotPen (twin-blue-red) 59 Duster (Big & small)As per sample 60 Store Requisition Sllip pad (with printing) As per sample 61 Envelop C.M.C printing 12” x 9”(white) 62 Envelop C.M.C printing12” x 6” ( white ) 63 Envelop C.M.C printing 12”x 8” (white) 64 Envelop C.M.C printing 10” x 4.5”(white) 65 Copier Paper(A-4size) copy power brand (75gsm) 66 Copier Paper(Legal) copy power brand (75gsm) 67 Copier Paper( A-3 ) copy power brand (75gsm) 68 CMC File Yellow (As per sample) 69 CMC File Blue (As per sample) 70 Highlighter Pen 71 Marker Pen 72 Sticky Note 73 Cello Tape 74 Brown Tape 75 Room Freshner 76 Ink (Stamp Pad) 77 WaterBottie steel 0ne Ltr 78 Glass(As per sample) 79 Cup (As per sample) 80 Plate(As per sample) 81 CMOS Battery 82 Pencil Sharpner 83 Binder Clip 84 Cloth Duster 85 Blue Pen use and throw 86 Black Pen use and throw 87 RedPen use and throw 88 Miscellaneous challan(As per sample) 89 Four Fold File(As per sample) 90 KeyBoard 91 Mouse
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