Tender For Addn/Altn To Toilet At Old Voi At Hq Eac (U) Af; 1 Taking down chowkhats with shutters (without taking off shutters from the frames) & removing from site area n.exc 1.5 Sqm each complete all as directed. 2 Taking down chowkhats orframe with shutters (without taking off shutters from frame)each exceeding1.50 Sqm but not exceeding 4.00 Sqm each complete all as specified and directed. 3 Demolition of Precast concrete block/ Brickwork or stone/boulder masonry, laid with cement morter complete all as directed. 4 Cutting openings, through brick walls built in cement mortarfor door, window and other openings or enlarging existing openings. converting window into door openings, etc. or cutting out defective brick work for under-pinning, including providing, fixing and removing shoring, cleaning and stacking bricks, removing surplus serviceable bricks, hard-core, etc.. to store and rubbish not exc. 50m 5 Dismantling boarding, any description, fixed in any position with nails complete all as directed. 6 Taking down cement plaster on brick or stone walls, etc. including raking out joints, hacking for key, scrubbing down with water, etc. complete all as specified. 7 Dismantling floor, hearth or wall tiling including cement mortar bedding (but not backing), removing serviceable tiles to store and rubbish off the premises all as directed by Engr- In- Charge. 8 Taking up or down steel tubing and connections, including cleaning for re-fixing or removal to store 15 mm dia 9 Taking up or down steel tubing and connections, including cleaning for re-fixing or removal to store 20 mm dia 10 Material and labour for Brickwork with sub- class ‘B’ bricks straight or curved on plan exc 6 m mean radius built in cement mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and directed. 11 Material and labour for Brickwork with subclass ‘B’ bricks, straight or curved on plan to any radius in half brick thick walls built in cement mortar 1:4 complete all as specified and directed. 12 Material and labour for Use and waste of flat formwork to sides and soffits of floor or roof beams, beam haunchings, girders, bressummers, lintels, cantilevers, shelves including supports, overhangs, etc. also splays between floors and beams, etc. for rough finished surfaces of concrete complete all as specified and directed. 13 Material and labour Reinforced cement concretetype B-1 1:2:4 (using 20mmgraded stone aggregate) as in beams, cantilever, bressummers, lintels over 1.5 m span complete all as specified and directed . 14 Material and labour for TMT bars 10 mm dia and over, cut to length, bent to shape required, including cranking, bending spirally for hooping for columns, hooking ends and binding with and including mild steel wire (annealed) not less than 0.9 mm dia or securing with clips,complete all as specified and directed. 15 Material and labour for TMT bars 5 mm dia and over upto and including 10 mm dia in stirrups, spacers & binders,cut to length, bent to shapes required, including cranking, bending spirally for hooping for columns, hooking ends and binding with and including mild steel wire (annealed) not less than 0.9mm dia or securing with clips complete all as specified and directed. 16 Material and labour for rendering 15 mm thickin cement mortar 1:6 on fair faces of brick masonry/ concrete surface, finished even and smooth without using extra cement complete all as specified and directed. 17 Material and labour for rendering 5 mm thickin cement mortar 1:3 on concrete surface of ceiling, finished even and smooth without using extra cement complete all as specified and directed. 18 Material and labour for 20mm thick rendering in CM 1:4 on stone masonry surfaces or on other than fair faces of brick masonry surfaces mixed with WPC and finished even and smooth without using extra cement complete all as specified and directed. (Note :- Supply only WPC shall be measured and paid separately) 19 Material and labour for Non skid ceramic coloured tiles 7 to 8 mm thick (Square or Rectangular) area of each tile exc 0.11 Sqm but not exc 0.18 Sqm as in floors set and jointed and pointed in white or colour cement to match existing surfaces laid over 20 mm thick screed bed in cement mortar 1:4 complete all as specified. 20 Material and labour for Glazed ceramic tiles in vertical surface 350x 250x 7mm/ 450X 300X 7mm thick set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or colour cement to match the shade of tiles over 10 mm thick rendering in cement mortar 1:3 complete all as specified and directed. 21 Material and labour for Virified Ceramic tiles light shade 10 mm thick (square/ rectangular) polished, area of each tiles not exceeding 0.36 sqm, as in floors etc. set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match the surface of tile laid over 20 mm thick screed bed in cement mortar 1:4 complete all as specified. 22 Material and labour for joint free, Virified Ceramic tiles light shade 10 mm thick (square/ rectangular) polished, area of each tiles not exceeding 0.36 sqm, as on vertical surfaces such as skirting or dado set and jointed in neat cement slurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match the surface of tile over 10 mm thick rendering in cement mortar 1:3 complete all as specified and directed. 23 Cutting chases, pinning in making good to facings where required and pointing in cement mortar 1:3 to ends or edges of landings, steps, cills, sunshades, shelves, lintels, etc.; and cutting chases for concealed water tubing or concealed conduit wiring, etc., and making good, cutting notexc 10 cm girth complete all as specified. 24 Supplying and laying of CPVC pipes of 20mm outer dia SDR 11 & Plain CPVC SDR 11 fittings on walls/ceiling or laying in floors complete all as specified. complete all as specified. 25 Supplying and laying of CPVC pipes of 25mm outer dia SDR 11 & Plain CPVC SDR 11 fittings on walls/ceiling or laying in floors complete all as specified. complete all as specified. 26 Excavating in trenches, n exc 1.5 m wide and n exc 1.5 m in depth; for foundation, etc. or for shafts, wells, cesspits, manholes, pier holes, etc. nexc 10 sq m on plan and n exc 1.5 m in depth and getting out complete all as specified and as directed . 27 Supply and fix 110mm dia PVC (SWR) pipes single socketed in any length with rubber ringjoints, laid in trenches or in floors complete all as specified and directed. 28 Supply and fix 75mm dia PVC (SWR) pipes single socketed in any length with rubber ringjoints, laid in trenches or in floors complete all as specified and directed. 29 Material and labour for concrete bed to drain pipes 100mm dia in cement concrete 1:3:6 type C2 including packing under, and haunching against thesides of pipes after they are laid and tested complete all as specified and directed. 30 Supply and fix 110 mm dia PVC (SWR) junction single, (Single T) equal or unequalcomplete all as specified and directed. 31 Supply and fix 110mm dia PVC (SWR) pipes single socketed in any length with rubber ring joints fixed to walls complete all as specified and directed 32 Supply and fix 110mm dia PVC (SWR) vent cowl complete all as specified and directed. 33 Supply and fix 75mm dia PVC (SWR) floor trap, plain with gratings including jointing with solvent cement complete all as specified and directed. 34 Supply and fix One Piece Vitreous China wash down water closet pan floor mounted, whiteincludingfixing bolts, 10 ltr capacity flushing cistern,flush pipe plastic water closet seat white including jet spray, closed pattern with flat bottom, and cover and mild steel chromium plated or aluminised hinging devices and also including "P" or "S" trap complete all as per manufacturer 35 Supply and fix One piece Wash Basin with Pedestal, white, size-560 x 415 x 820 mm including 32mm dia waste pipe and fitting accessaries complete all as specified and directed. 36 Supply and fix vitreous china wash down water closet pan (pedestal pattern) with seat and cover closed pattern flat bottom, and mild steel chromium plated or aluminised hinging devicewhite colour with "P" or "S" trap including connection to drains (or outgoing pipes) and to the flushing pipes, complete all as per manufacturer instruction 37 Supply and fix 10 ltrs capacity PVC valveless syphonic action type, low level flushing cistern, white with inlet, ball valve float and handle including brackets and 32 mm dia PVC low or high density flush pipe complete all as per manufacturer instruction 38 Supply and fix Vitreous China Urinal, Half stall type, white (excluding flushing cistern, flush pipe and waste pipe) Vitreous China urinals, bowl type (back or corner wall type), complete including providing and fixing plugs, bedding urinal against wall in cement mortar 1:2, securing urinal to plugs with and including 60mm long brass screws, pointing around urinal back in cement; fixing automatic flushing cistern with brackets, flush pipe, grating and Union for discharge pipe. (Exclusive of fixing supply pipe to flushing cistern, trap and waste pipe) 32mm bore Waste coupling of PTMT (half or full threaded) .suitable for urinals, (Minimum weight 32mm-45gms 39 Supply and fix15mm bore central hole Basin mixturefor mixing hot and cold water chromium plated fancy type without popup waste system with 450mm long barided hoses complete all as specified and as directed. 40 Supply and fix PVC connections 15 mm size with PTMT nuts of length 450 mm,complete all as specified. 41 Supply and fix 450mm long SS connection tube with brass nuts on both ends for fixing to pipe or other fittings complete all as specified. (Product Code & Make :- Cat Part No GBCT-103S (450mm)of Prayag or equivalent ) 42 Supply and fix PVCCollapsiblewaste pipe premium size (31X32X950mm) as specified and directed (Product Code & Make :- Cat Part No 3274of Prayag or equivalent ) 43 Supply and fix 15 mm dia cast copper alloy chromium plated two way Bib cock with wall flange concealed type screwed down for iron pipe or for unions complete all as specified and directed.(Product Code & Make :- Cat Part No-P6812 of Make Prayag or equivalent model of other makes listed in list of makes). 44 Supply and fix CP health faucet with tube and wall hook including all fittings as per manufacturer instruction.Make: Parryware Cat No T9961A1/ Jaquar Cat No ALD-579 / Johnson Cat No S0826C 45 Supply and fix toilet paper holder as per manufacturer instruction.Make:- Jaquar Cat No AKP-35755PS/ Parryware Cat No T6005A1/ Cera Cat No F5006109 46 Supply and fix 15 mm dia Brass CP, wall mixer 3 in 1 system with provision for both hand and overhead shower complete with 115 mm long bend pipe, connecting legs and wall flange (without Hand and overhead shower) (Concealed type) screwed both ends for iron pipe or for unions complete all as specified and as directed.(Product Code & Make :- Cat Part No-P6880 of Make Prayag or equivalent model of other makes listed in list of makes). 47 Supply and fix ABS over head shower round 125mm with brass arm 225mm with flange and fixed complete all as specified and directed. (Product Code & Make :- Cat Part No GBs-766 of Prayag or equivalent ) 48 Supply and fixABS hand shower with SS shower tube 1.5 Mtr length and fixed complete all as specified and directed. (Product Code & Make :- Cat Part No GBH-706 of Prayag or equivalent ) 49 Supply and fix 15 mm dia cast copper alloy chromium plated Angle valves, with wall flange concealed type screwed down for iron pipe of for unions complete all as specified and directed. Make :- ParrywareCat No T3907A1/ Cera Cat No F1016201/ Johnson Cat No T5310C 50 Supply and fix corner glass shelf of size 300 mm radius (with brass chromium plated brackets) fixed in wall with necessary screws etc. complete all as per directed by Engineer-In-Charge. 51 Supply and fix as Sheet glass shelf assembly consisting of 5.5 mm thick sheet glass shelf 12 cm wide with chromium plated bracket guard and railing 60 cm long complete all as specified. 52 Supply and fix 600 mm x 450 mm bevelled edge mirror of selected quality glass, mounted on 6mm thick AC building board or commercial plywood and fixed to wooden plugs with chromium plated brass screws and cup washers complete all as specified. 53 Supply and fix 20 mm dia chromium plated tubular towel rack and 600 mm long with brackets, complete all as specified.Make:-Jaquar Cat No ACN-1181S/ Parryware Cat No T6008A1/ Cera Cat No F5003101 54 Supply & Fix Lookingmirror of selected quality glass size 100cm x 60cmwith 40mm wide hardwood beading all aroundwith wood polish and fixed to wooden plugs with chromium platedscrews complete all as specified and directed. 55 Supply & Fix inStainless steel hook rack wall mounted, heavy duty hook rail (set of 6 prongs ) suitable for bathroom, kitchen etc 56 Supply fabrication and fixing powder coated (Thickness of powder coating not less than 50 micron) anodized aluminium frame for doors, windows, ventilators with one or more rebates including jointing cleats for fixing etc complete all as specified and directed. 57 Supply and fix Powder coated aluminium door shutters with powder coating of any colour (Thickness or powder coating not less than 50 micron), aluminium section weighing not less than 0.55 kg/ m including necessary joining cleats, glazing clips, ruber neoprene packing, handles 2 Nos in each door, hinges, anodised aluminum snap beading screws and 4 lever mortice lock etc. complete all as specified 58 Supply and fix powder coatedaluminium window and ventilator shutters, fixed type without sash bar, aluminium section weighing 0.55 kg/m including necessary joining cleats, glazing clips, rubber packing, anodised aluminium snap beading, screws etc. complete all as specified 59 Supply and fix anodised aluminium window and ventilator shutters powder coating of any colour (Thickness or powder coating not less than 50 micron), side hung type without sash bars, aluminium sections weighing not less than 0.55 kg/m including necessary joining cleats, glazing clips, rubber packing, anodised aluminium snap beading, screws, anodised aluminium fittings such as peg stays 150mm long (1 no.). hinges type B-21 100mm long (2 no.) suitable handle (1 no.) complete all as specified 60 Supply and fix anodised aluminium grill (anodised transparent or dyed to required shade according to IS: 1868 with minimum anodic coating of grade AC 15) of approved design/pattern, with approved standard section and fixed to the existing window frame with C.P. brass/ stainless steel screws @ 200 mm centre to centre, including cutting the grill to proper opening size for fixing and operation of handles and fixing approved anodised aluminium standard section around the opening, all complete as per requirement and direction of Engineer-in-charge. 61 Material and labour for 9 mm thick Prelaminated particle board, exterior grade,prelaminated both side with decorative choice lamination fixed with screws totimber frame work complete all as specified and directed. 62 Supply and fix 4.8 mm thick sheet glass ,ordinary quality and glazing with oil putty in square not exceeding 0.5 sqm in each panecomplete all as specified. 63 Supply and fix 4.0 mm thick sheet glass ,ordinary quality and glazing with oil putty in square exceeding 0.5 sqm in each panecomplete all as specified. 64 Supply and fix Stainless steel wire cloth, 0.36 mm nominal dia of wire and average width of aperture 1.40 mm and fixed with tinned tacks, or stainless steel wire staples complete all as specified. 65 Supply and fix Solar control film 25 micron reflective type sticked to glass panes as per instructions of manufacturers complete all as specified and directed. 66 Material and labour for 10mm thick Toughned glass as in hinged doors, partitions automatic doors and similar work including cutting to shape, drilling holes required, fixed with Stainless steel screw etc complete as specified and directed. 67 Supply and fix Double action floor spring hydraulically regulated made up of minimum 1.25 mm thick aluminium alloy sheet foundation box, main bodywith stainless steel cover, governing pivot made of brass, other parts made of mild steel heavy duty and fixed complete all as specified and directed. 68 Supply and fix Decorative type stainless steel door handle size 12" long 22mm dia fixedin in toughned glass as per manufacturer instructioncomplete all as specified and directed. 69 Supply and fix floor door stopper 140mm of aluminium alloy body and tongue, anodised with hard drawn steel spring fixed in floor 70 Supply and fix aluminium (die Cast) body door closer hydraulically regulated designation No-3 universal type suitable for door shutters of 851 to 1000 mm and of weight between 61 to 80 kg complete all as specified and directed. 71 Supply and fix Solid PVC Door Frame of size 50mm x 47mm made out of 5mm thick plain colour PVC sheet reinforced with mild steel square tube, In opening complete all as per specifications and drawings as applicable to item 08095 given in SSR Part – II (2010). 72 Supply and fix for Factory made solid panel PVC door shutter 30 mm thick (style) consisting of frame made out of M.S. tubes for top & bottom rails mild steel frame shall be covered with heat moulded plain colour PVC ‘C’ channel having a PVC sheet strip of 20mm width stuck inside with solvent cement for stiles and plain colour PVC sheets for top rail, lock rail & bottom rail on either side & as gap insert for top rail & bottom rail; panelling of plain colour PVC sheet to be fitted in the M.S. frame welded / sealed to the stiles & rails with suitable PVC sheet beading, and joined together with solvent cement, suppy and fixing in the frame at site complete all as per specifications and drawings as applicable to item 08080 given in SSR Part–II. 73 Supply and fix 75mm butt hinges, medium weight, colled rolled mild steel & ISI marked complete all as specified and directed. 74 Supply and fix 125 mm size extruded aluminium alloy handles, fabricated type, anodised, ISI marked complete all as specified and directed. 75 Supply and fix 100mm long aluminium anodized barrel tower bolt of extruded section ISI marked complete all as specified and directed. 76 Disconnecting existing tanks of Capacity exceeding 250 ltr but not exceeding 500 ltr, setting aside (or lowering if required) for repairs, cleaning, etc. and hoisting if required reconnecting and re-fixing in position including cleaning repairing, etc.as directed. 77 Disconnecting existing tanks of Capacity exceeding 500 ltr but not exceeding 1000 ltr, setting aside (or lowering if required) for repairs, cleaning, etc. and hoisting if required reconnecting and re-fixing in position including cleaning repairing, etc.as directed. 78 Supply and fix Rotational moulded polyethylene water storage overhead tanks (cylindrical vertical with closed top) multi layered 1000 ltr capacity hoisted and fixed in position including20 mm dia Ball brass valves high pressure with polythene float and flynut complete, screwed for iron pipe or brass ferrule and fixed complete all as specified. 79 Material and labour for Framed work such as grills, gratings, etc.. with ends of bars shouldered and/or riveted, or forged into spikes; framed guard bars; barred iron doors; ladders; framed balusters; walk ways; railings; framework ofwater tanks and similar work conforming to Fe.290.Gde-E-165 complete all as specified and directed. 80 Taking down existing roof tretment, removing complete layer of bitumen, cleaning the surface and removing demolished material outside MD land complete all as specified and directed. 81 Demolition of cement concrete of any description and in any position not otherwise specifically provided for complete all as specified. 82 Material and labour for 25mm thick cement concrete 1:2:4 type B0 using 12.50 mm graded stone aggregates as in levelling course/roof padding complete all as specified and directed. 83 Material and labour for 15mm thick rendering in CM 1:4 on fair faces of brick masonry/concrete surfaces mixed with WPC @200 ml per 50 Kg bag of cement and finished even and smooth without using extra cement complete all as specified and directed. (Note :- Supply only WPC shall be measured and paid separately) 84 Supply only Liquid water proofing compound ISI marked as approved. 85 (a) Preparation of roof/slab surfaces and wall surfaces for removing all loose particles and sharp projection (b) Apply a coat of compatable primer blown bitumen of grade 85/25 @ 1.2 Kg per Sqm (c) Provide APP based polymeric membrance 3mm thick and weighting 3 Kg/Sqm reinforced with polyester one wove fabric (weight not less than 150 gms/Sqm) laid on primed surface by forced application with overlap 15 cms on joints and torching the joints ) completed all as specified and directed. 86 Material and labour for preparation of newly plastered surfaces of walls over 10cm in width or girth including cleaning of any mortar drops, fungus efflorescent salts etc and preparation of old plastered surfaces and applying two coats ofacrylic plastic emulsion paint over 1mm thick of wall care putty complete all as specified and directed. 87 Material and labour for complete removal of existing treatment onwalls over 10cm in width or girth including cleaning of any mortar drops, fungus efflorescent salts etc and preparation of old plastered surfaces and applying two coats ofacrylic plastic emulsion paint over 1mm thickof wall care putty complete all as specified and directed. 88 Material and labour for preparation of newly plastered surfaces of Ceiling over 10cm in width or girth including cleaning of any mortar drops, fungus efflorescent salts etc and preparation of old plastered surfaces and applying two coats ofacrylic plastic emulsion paint over 1mm thickof wall care putty complete all as specified and directed. 89 Material and labour for complete removal of existing treatment on Ceiling over 10cm in width or girth including cleaning of any mortar drops, fungus efflorescent salts etc and preparation of old plastered surfaces and applying two coats ofacrylic plastic emulsion paint over 1mm thick of wall care putty complete all as specified and directed. 90 Material and labour for preparation of newly plastered surfaces of wall and applying two coat of acrylic antifungal exterior emulsion painting on walls complete all as specified and directed. 91 Material and labour for preparation of old painted concrete/plastered walls, chajjas etc surfacesincluding cleaning the surfaces by wire brushes and washing and applying one coat of acrylic antifungal exterior emulsion painting on walls complete all as specified and directed. 92 Material and labour for preparation new steel surfaces of any description over 10 cm width or girth and applying two coats of synthetic enamel paint of 1st grade quality over and including one coatof red oxide zinc chrome primer complete all as specified anddirected. 93 Returning filling in including spreading, levelling, watering and well ramming in layers notexceeding 25cm thick,complete, all as specified and directed. 94 Removal of excavated surplus soil to a distance n.exc 50m and depositing where directed at level not exceeding 1.5 m above the starting point,complete, all as specified and directed . 95 Cutting into 150mm dia existing manholes for connecting new drains, making good to pipe and rendering, cutting out existing benching for and forming branch channel (1/2 round or 3/4 section) in cement concrete 1:2:4 type B-1 smooth finished, and reforming benching as required complete 96 Supply and fix Saunas Screne-1750x1200x2100mm (3-4 person), consisting of wood finish hemlock, stove heater 4.5 KV with frame, on heater control panel, white light with cover, Chromotheraphy, Bluetooth music system, thermometer, 2 Pcs S shape bracket, Sandglass timer ete all as specified and as directed.(Product Code & Make :- Cat Part No JSA-NAW-S004175 of Jaquar or equivalent ) 97 Supply and fix Enclosure for Steam Cubicle of size H:2200 mmW : 2401-2800 mm, Corner model for steam solution with one fixed glass and one door & a side panel in 10mm thick glass . Roof of polycarbonate sheet to cover from top with all necessary connectors.Finish : Chromeall as specified and as directed.(Product Code & Make :- Cat Part No JSE-CHR-140ST2428H22X of Jaquar or equivalent ) 98 Demolition of cement Concrete (unreinforced) in ground floors and pavings n exc 15 cm thickness (below or above ground level) complete all as directed. 99 Material and labour for 50mm thick PCC type C2, 1:3:6 using 40mm graded crushed stone aggregates as in sub floor, sub bases etc complete all as specified and directed. 100 Material and labour for Pavement floor vitrified tiles of size exc 0.09 Sqm but not exc 0.36 Sqm 10mm thick (Endura tiles of Johnson or equivalent makes listed in List of Makes) over screed bed or bedding layer of mortar20mm thick in CM 1:4 for laying floor finishes set & jointed in neat cementslurry and pointed in white or coloured cement to match the surface of tile complete all as specified and directed. 101 Taking down carefully aluminium/copper point wiring (light,fan,socket or power) of any type complete, including fixtures and fittings such as switches,ceiling roses,pendants,regulators sockets, light fittings etc. removing materials to stores for keeping in safe custody or for taking credit (credit for above items should be made as per conditions separately) and making good disturbed surfaces of walls,floors,ceiling etc.,all as directed 102 Demolition/Taking down main switch/DB’s including MCB’s with board andfixture of any description and making good disturbed surface of walls etc complete all as directed. 103 Demolition/Taking down old unserviceable tube light fittings/light fittings/security lights any type and removal from site and making good disturbed surfaces of walls, ceiling etc complete all as specified and directedto match with existing surfaces. 104 Demolition/Taking down the existing unserviceable submain/service connection wiring any size and any description including conduits all as directed. 105 Taking down the existing unserviceable lt ug cabe of size 10/16 /25 sqmm 2/3.5 core any size and any description including conduits all as directed. 106 Material and labour for point wiring with 1.50 Sqmm PVC insulatedun sheatned multi stranded copper conductor cable (FRLSH) 1100 volts grade two single core conforming to IS-694-1990 and one run of continious earth wire with 1.50 Sqmm PVC insulated unsheatned stranded copper conductor cable (FRLSH) draw in and including heavy duty 20 mm dia PVCconduit(ISI marked) in concealed with all necessaryfittings and fixures concealed in wall/ceiling/floors with GI sunken boxes with earth dolly and 3 mm laminated cover sheet suitable for fixing switch, socket, regulator, fan point, exhaust fan point etc. including making good disturbed surface with CM (1:4) to match with the existing surface complete all as specified for the following :- Note:-(a) Red coloured cable shall be used for live connection, black coloured cable shall be used for neutral connection and green coloured cable shall be used for earthing.Separate cable for earthing and neutral to be used for each individual circuit from the distribution board.(b) Quoted rates shall be deemed for conduit,metal steel box of suitable module, cutting chases of wall, making good disturbed wall. 107 One light/ fan point/ call bell controlled by one, one way switch 108 One 5 pin 6 Amps switch socket outlet point controlled by one switch on same board with other switches 109 One 5 pin 6 Amps switch socket outlet point controlled by one switch on independent board. 110 Material and labour for point wiring for 15 Amps socket outlet with 4.0 Sqmm PVC insulatedun sheatned multi stranded copper conductor cable (FRLSH) 1100 volts grade two single core conforming to IS-694-1990 and one run of continious earth wire with 4.0 Sqmm PVC insulated unsheatned stranded copper conductor cable (FRLSH) drawin and including heavy duty 25 mm dia PVCconduit(ISI marked) in concealed with with all necessaryfittings and fixures concealed in wall/ceiling/floors with GI sunken boxes with earth dolly and 3 mm laminated cover sheet suitable for mounting switchs, socket, including 4.0 Sqmm multistranded copper conductor with green PVC FRLSH insulated unsheathed earth continuity conductor to common earth & connecting to earth dollyincluding making good disturbed surface with CM (1:4) to match with the existing surface complete all as specified for the following :- Note:-(i) Quoted rates shall be deemed for conduit,steel metal boxof suitable module, cutting chases of wall, making good disturbed wall.(ii)For gyser/AC point wiring socket shall be provided near Gyser/AC and switch shall be provided near gate or any other location as directed. 111 Supply and fix Modular type Switch piano, flush type single pole one way 6 Amps 240V complete all as specified and directed. 112 Supply and fix Modular socket outlet , 2/3 pin 6 Amps, 2 module, 240 V flush type complete all as specified and directed. 113 Supply and fix Modular switch socket combination outlet , 6 pin 5 Amps and 16 Amps, 2 module 240 V flush type multipurpose complete all as specified and directed. 114 Supply and fix cover plate with frame 3 module complete all as specified and directed. 115 Supply and fix cover plate with frame 6 module complete all as specified and directed. 116 Supply and fix ceiling rose three terminals, PVC/Poly carbonate isolated body 240 V complete all as specified and directed. 117 Supply and fix lamp Angular holder PVC/Polycarbonate type with back plate suitable for angle fittings complete all as specified and directed. 118 Supply and fix LED tube light fitting, 18 Watt 230 V, 50 Hz with with all standard fittings etc pre-wired including LED tube and connecting the fitting from ceiling rose/connector using copper flexible cord of size 1.5sqmm, 3 core of suitable length complete all as specified and directed. 119 Supply and fix LED tube light fitting, baton integrated LED channel 10 Watt 230 V, 50 Hz with with all standard fittings etc pre-wired including LED tube, colour temperature neutral white and connecting the fitting from ceiling rose/connector using copper flexible cord of size 1.5sqmm, 3 core of suitable length complete all as specified and directed. 120 Supply and fix surafce mounted luminarie with uniform illumination,long life & maintenace free 18 W ,1X1 ft size cpmplete with all accessories complete all as specified and directed. 121 Supply and fix 6 W round / square shape high performance low height downlighter with aluminium housing and high translucent foasted plastic diffuser with all connected accessories complete all as specified and directed. 122 Supply and fix decorative Metalic light with opaque glass shade,chrome finish,colour Matt gold, 7.5/10 W wall mounted light fitting with suitable bulb complete all as specified and directed. 123 Supply and fix MCCB V TPN DB 04 waySuitable for Flush Mounting and Surface MountingWith 250 A Copper Busbar for each phase with 2 Neutral bar, 2 Earthbar and Cable ties for Cable management Fully insulated busbar & shrouded Neutral bars improved Pan assembly for ease of installationPrefitted masking sheet Reversible Door IP 54 DB"s With provision for DPX³ 160 MCCB as incomer andSP/DP MCB"s as outgoing complete all as specified and directed. 124 Supply and fix MCB SP 6 to 32 amps "C" series, breaking capacity 10 Ka,240 volts, 50 Hz including necessary incoming and out going electric connection with suitable size of copper lugs etc complete all as specified and directed. 125 Supply and fix MCCBFP of cap 100 A,16 KA Suitable for Flush Mounting and Surface Mounting as incomer complete all as specified and directed. 126 Supply and fix for submain wiring with 2 single core PVC insulated & PVC unsheathed FRLS-H cable 1100 Volt grade with 10 Sqmm copper multistranded conductor drawn through and including PVC conduit 25mm boreconcealed in walls/ceiling/floors including 10 Sqmm single core multistranded copper conductor 1100 volts grade PVC insulated and unsheathed FRLS-H cable as earth continuity conductor to common earth and connecting to earth dolly complete all as specified and directed.Note: - Two runs of main cable, one run of earth continuity conductor and one run of conduit will be measured and paid as one length only.(ii) The rate quoted shall deemed to include for cutting chases for concealing PVC conduit and making good disturbed surfaces. 127 Supply and fix for submain wiring with 2 single core PVC insulated & PVC unsheathed FRLS-H cable 1100 Volt grade with 06 Sqmm copper multistranded conductor drawn through and including PVC conduit 25mm boreconcealed in walls/ceiling/floors including 6 Sqmm single core multistranded copper conductor 1100 volts grade PVC insulated and unsheathed FRLS-H cable as earth continuity conductor to common earth and connecting to earth dolly complete all as specified and directed.Note: - Two runs of main cable, one run of earth continuity conductor and one run of conduit will be measured and paid as one length only.(ii) The rate quoted shall deemed to include for cutting chases for concealing PVC conduit and making good disturbed surfaces. 128 Supply and laying, connecting, testing, commissioning LT UG cable XLPE Insulated,armoured,electric powercables (heavy duty) 1100 Volts grade conforming to IS 7098 pf Cross sectional area 35 Sqmm, 3.5 core withaluminium conductor multi-strand laid in trenches / ducts/ inside protection pipe including cable glands, lugs and suitable size of MS saddle clips etc complete all as specified and directed.Note:-(a) Excavation, sand cushioning, bricks shall be measured and paid separately 129 Supply and filling for dry sand in cable protection trenches before and after the cables are laid, for sand cushioning to cables complete all as specified and directed. NOTE : thickness after punning of sand shall be (minimum as specified in SSR) measured and paid in this item. 130 Material and labour for brick protection for UG XLPE cable with burnt clay old size sub class "B" bricks laid dry and flat abutting each other with gaps between adjacent brick not more than 10mm and width equal to length of brick in trenches across the cable complete all as specified and directed. 131 Supply and fix40mm bore tubing "light grade" galvanised with all fittings laid in trenches of complete all as specified and directed.Note :- Excavation & earth work shall be measured and paid separately under respective items of this schedule 132 Supply, installation & testing electric water storage heater (Geyser) of capacity 25 litre, vertical mounting type, (BEE Five star rated) rated power input 1000 W/2000 W/ 3000 W for Eco mode, Smart mode & Turbo mode respectively, Incoloy glass coated heating element, anode rod, suitable for 230V Single Phase 50 Hz AC supply, 0.8Mpa high working pressure withstanding capacity, IPX-4 protection, Class-I, with & including Thermostat with Thermal Cutout, heating indicator, Multi functional valve (acts as pressure release valve, non-return valve, expansion valve and vacuum release valve), fixed all as per manufacturer’s instructions, fixed with & including ‘Anchor’ type /fastener type bolts & nuts (Set of 4 bolts of 10mm dia 150mm long with nuts & washers) into the wall grouted properly to hold the geyser and making good the disturbed surface as original, complete all as specified & directed. 133 Supply and fix Steam generator (9 KW) with control plates suitable for cubicle dimension 1800x1200 MM , with advance steam nozzle,heating element,fully automatic with Touch button display of IP 67 rating ,temperature control setting,auto water inlet,auto drain system,stainless steel body,with all over heat and shock protection complete with all fitting accessories complete all as specified & directed. Make Jaquar Cat No: JSG WHT NMID90 & JSG WHT CPSQUARE. 134 Supply and fixSingle pole and neutral enclosure with a two pin and earth plug and socket complete with one single pole MCB of rating 20 Amps complete with all fitting and accessories complete all as specified & directed. 135 M & L for earthing complete with galvanised earth plate 60 cm X 60 cm X 6.00 mm thick buried vertically in ground to depth not less than 2.25 metres deep below ground level, with top edge of earth plate not less than 1.5 m below ground level, connected to connected to galvanised earth lead wire 4.0mm dia by means by means of bolts, nuts, check nuts and washers of galvanized iron or steel besides welding at all joints as shown in drawing and including excavation and earth work, GI pipe light grade 40mm bore for protection of earth wire and connected to continous earth lead on pole/test point, supplying and laying charcoal dust common salt PCC 1:2:4 type B1, chamber and MS angle iron frame 40x40x3mm and RCC cover 40mm thick (1:2:4) type B1 using 20mm graded stone aggregate reinforced with 6mm dia round bars @ 75mm C/C both ways with MS handle 12mm dia, PGI/CI funnel and wire mesh, 20mm dia GI pipe medium grade for watering all as shown in electrical plate No 5 on srl page No 497 of SSR Part I (2009)drawing and connection to earth test point including testing and including dismantling and taking out old earthing complete all as specified and directed.Note : (i) The cost of earth lead /strip and GI pipe for protection of earth lead/strip upto 7.5m is included in the quoted rate.(ii)The cost of excavation, earth work is included in the quoted rate. 136 Supply and fixexhaust fan made of sturdy Engineering plastic complete with louvers shutter, voltage 230V, 50 Hz, RPM 1200, Copper winding of sweep 250 MM complete complete all as specified and directed.