Fabrication, Erection& installation of shed at WTP of Kamalnagar Surface Based water supply scheme under CMD, PHE DTE.- 1 Cost of defixing, dismatling & dismounting the temporary shed at Purbasthali WTP as perdirection of EIC. 2 Cost of foundation of coloum of size (1.2 X 1.2 X 1.5)Mtr. 3 Cost of materials of joist, square section pipe, plate etc. 4 Cost offabrication of coloum, truss, top & side purlen. 5 Cost of erection of coloum truss top & side purlen with the help of hydra. 6 Cost of painting of complete shed applying two layer of prima coating & two layer of synthetic enamel of approved shed. 7 Supply & delivery of the following items. 8 a) Colouron plus blue colour coated sheet.( 18" X 3.6" X 0.45mm.) MAKE- JSW/ TATA 9 b) JWS Colouron plus blue colour coated sheet.( 12" X 3.6" X 0.45mm. )MAKE- JSW/ TATA 10 c) JWS Colouron plus blue colour coated sheet.( 6" X 3.6" X 0.45mm. )MAKE- JSW/ TATA 11 d) JWS Colouron plus blue colour coated sheet.( 10" X 3.6" X 0.45mm. ) MAKE- JSW/ TATA 12 e) JWS Colouron plus blue colour coated sheet. ( Motka ) ( 10" X 2" X 0.45mm. ) MAKE- JSW/ TATA 13 f) JWS Colouron plus blue colour coated sheet. ( Flasing )( 10" X 8" X 0.45mm. )MAKE- JSW/ TATA 14 g)Fastners 55mm. ( Make-HP ). 15 h)Fastners 30mm. ( Make-HP ). 16 i) Chain pully block capacity 5 ton.Make -Indef. 17 j) Lifting chain (as per sample). 18 k) Nut bolt washer and clamp etc. as per reqd. 19 l) Extra chain for horizontal pully.(as per sample) 20 m) 5 ton capacity travelling block pulley Make- Indef. 21 Fitting fixing the Colouron plus blue colour coated sheet on top, bottom, front & back side. 22 Asemble thesupplied item of S.L. NO.-7( i.e:- i-m) in mounting on lifting mechanism and compl. Mechanical connection and testing as per direction to compleate the job. 23 Add GST @ 18% 24 Add Cess @ 1%
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