Tenders are invited for Audit Services Amal Healing and Advocacy Center (AHAC) Fiscal Year 2024 Closing Date: 27 Mar 2025 Type: Consultancy Amal Healing and Advocacy Center (AHAC) is a women-led, refugee-focused organization dedicated to supporting marginalized women and survivors of violence by providing legal, psychological, and social assistance. AHAC operates in Türkiye, with offices in Antalya and Gaziantep. Objective of the Audit: AHAC seeks a registered and experienced audit firm to conduct an independent audit for the fiscal year 2024. The objective is to express a professional opinion on AHACs financial statements, assess internal control systems, and verify compliance with applicable financial reporting standards. Scope of the Audit: C. Scope of the Audit The audit shall include an examination of the financial statements, internal control systems, and relevant records and documentation of the audited entity. The objective is to verify that the accounts present a true and fair view of the projects financial position and that funds have been utilized in accordance with the agreed-upon aims and objectives as outlined in the contract between the respective parties. The audit should also ensure compliance with the specified reporting formats. The audit will be conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (ISA) and will include necessary tests and verification procedures as deemed appropriate by the auditor. The auditor shall verify that the funds have been used in compliance with the established rules and regulations of AHAC and exclusively for the intended purposes for which they were provided. Additional assignment for the following areas: In addition to the general audit scope, the auditor shall perform the following specific assignments: 1. Salary Costs Verification o Assess whether salary costs charged to the project/program are systematically recorded throughout the year. o Verify that salary expenses are supported by adequate and sufficient documentation. 2. Financial Reporting Compliance o Examine whether the financial report accurately reflects all expenses incurred. o Ensure that reported expenses align with AHACs approved budget. 3. Verification of Supporting Documentation o Based on materiality and risk assessment, verify that all incurred costs are supported by appropriate documentation. 4. Compliance with Tax and Social Security Regulations o Assess AHACs adherence to relevant tax laws and regulations. o Verify compliance with social security fee obligations. 5. Procurement Policy Compliance o Review whether AHAC has followed its established procurement policy in financial transactions. 6. Reconciliation of Account Balances o Ensure that the outgoing balance from the previous period matches the incoming balance of the current period. 7. Cash Management & Internal Controls o Evaluate whether AHAC has adequate policies and procedures in place for cash management, including: Regular verification of physical cash balances. Proper recording of cash withdrawals in the accounting system. Reasonable cash holding limits. Adequate controls and documentation for cash payments. o Assess whether cash transactions are handled in accordance with established policies. D. Reporting 1- Audit Report & Scope The audit report shall clearly state the scope of the audit and describe the methodology used. The report must be signed by the responsible auditor (not just the audit firm). 2- Auditors Deliverables The auditor shall provide: o An Independent Auditors Report, including a clearly stated audit opinion. o A Management Letter outlining: Audit findings and identified weaknesses. Recommendations for improvement, prioritized based on risk and feasibility. Measures taken by the organization to address weaknesses from previous audits. 3- Audit Findings & Compliance Assessment The auditor shall quantify costs lacking sufficient supporting documentation, regardless of materiality. If the audit opinion is qualified, adverse, or a disclaimer, the report must include: o The type of opinion issued. o A detailed explanation of the findings and their financial impact. The audit report shall also assess compliance with tax, procurement, and financial procedures, including internal controls to detect material misstatements due to errors or fraud. E. Periods covered and Annual Financial Amount The reports on this audit should cover the following: o Beginning and Ending Date of The Annual Financial: 01-01-2024 Until 31-Dec 2024 o Annual Financial 2024 = 370.000 USD F. Audit Duration: The audit work shall be completed within Tow week from the date of commencement of the audit and report issued as soon as possible. G. Deliverables: The Auditors on completion of the assignment will submit Tow original copies of the Audit Report appended to the Financial Statements along with the reports to AHAC Director. Provided reports should be mainly in English language, any additional Arabic versions is highly appreciated. The very final report should be submitted no later than March 31st, 2025. H. Qualification of the Audit Firm: All registered audit firms based in Türkiye or outside Türkiye and having affiliation/membership with internationally reputable auditing/accounting bodies are eligible to apply. The company must be licensed, have an active bank account, and be able to issue an electronic invoice (E-fatura). I. Audit Fees: Audit fees are based on the audit fees and the value provided in the quotation, and AHAC can be added cost if AHAC requests additional tasks. Payment will be made to the companys bank account in Turkish currency based on the actual exchange rate from the TCMB website on the day of the payment date How to apply Interested audit firms should submit their application via email with the subject line AUDIT OFFER FOR AHAC to: info@amals-ac.org Tender Link : https://reliefweb.int/job/4140804/call-audit-services-amal-healing-and-advocacy-center-ahac-fiscal-year-2024
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Antakya, Turkey
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