Quotation are invited for JASC Liquid Fuel Check Valve 361A2943-P001 (101161-1) and Purge Air Check Valve 362A1331-P002 (101265-1). LIQUID CHECK VALVESCOPE OF WORKS:DISASSEMBLY, CLEANING OF COMPONENTS, REPLACEMENT OF SOFTCOMPONENTS AS PER JASC SEAL KIT # RFB-10116 1-2 (RETAINER &SEAT ONLY; SEE ATTACHED DRG), ASSEMBLY, CLEANING & TESTING OFVALVES AS PER JASC ATP.EXCLUSION :REPLACEMENT OF PARTS O THER THAN THE PARTS IN JASC REFURBISHMENTKIT # RFB-101161-2. ON COMPLETION OF INSPECTION AND EVALUATION,YOU WILL SEND US QUOTE FOR S UCH ADDITIONAL PARTS NOT COVEREDUNDER STANDARD SCOPE. WE WILL THEN SEND AN AMENDED WORKORDER TO COVER THIS ADDITIONAL COST.LIQUID PU RGE VALVESCOPE OF WORKS:DISASSEMBLY, CLEANING OF COMPONENTS, REPLACEMENT OF SOFTCOMPONENTS AS PER JASC PURGE AIR CHECK VALVE SEAL KI T # RFB-101164-1 (POPPET ASSLY; SEE ATTACHED DRG), ASSEMBLY, CLEANING &TESTING OF VALVES AS PER JASC ATP.EXCLUSION :REPLACEMENT OF P ARTS OTHER THAN THE PARTS IN JASC PURGE AIRCHECK VALVE SEAL KIT # RFB-101164-1. ON COMPLETION OFINSPECTION AND EVALUATION, YOU WILL SEND US QUOTE FOR SUCHADDITIONAL PARTS NOT COVERED UNDER STANDARD SCOPE. WE WILL THENSEND AN AMENDED WORK ORDER TO COVER THIS ADDITI ONAL COST.REPAIR AND OVERHAUL SERVICE FOR THESE VALVES WITH A WARRANTY FREE OFDEFECTS INMATERIAL AND WORKMANSHIP FOR 1 YEAR FROM THE DATE OF OVERHAUL.THIS OVERHAUL IS A COMPLETE REFURBISHMENT WHERE EACH UNIT ISEXTENSIVELY CLEANED, SEALS ARE CHANGED, WORN OR DAMAGE D PARTS AREREPLACED.AFTER ASSEMBLY, EACH CHECK VALVE IS 100% BENCH TESTED TO ACCEPTANCETEST PROCEDURE SHOULD BE PROVIDE Qty: 14 JASC Liquid fuel check valve 361A2943-P001 (101161-1); and Purge air check valve 362A1331-P002 (101265-1); SERVICING FOR Frame 9e Gasturbine Bidders should Provide Test Certificate, without Certifed Doccuments, Offer are not acceptble.for Further Details, Please Contact Asm Mynuddin (0503620814) mynuddin.hossain@dewa.gov.ae /Marwan Al Mheiri (0501136322) (MARWAN.ALMHEIRI@DEWA.GOV.AE) STANDARD TERMS & CONDITIONS 1) Prices should be DDP delivery duty paid at DEWA stores. 2) Quotation to be submitted only in local currency U.A.E Dirhams 3) DEWA Standard payment terms is 30 days credit from the date of acceptance of material 4) No DEWA staff or his or her relatives up to third degree should have ownership or partnership in your company, and your participation in DEWA tenders / RFQs should not constitute a Conflict or perceived Conflict of Interest. Supplier Registration: https://srm.dewa.gov.ae/irj/portal/anonymous/regis Tender Link : https://srm.dewa.gov.ae/sap/opu/odata/sap/ZSRM_RFX_REG_BID_SRV/AttachmentSet(2332500760)/$value
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