Expression of Interest For Construction Work On Capture, Treatment, Storage, Supply And Distribution Network ... in Togo
Tender Notice
Tender Brief
Expression of Interest For Construction Work On Capture, Treatment, Storage, Supply And Distribution Networks And Related Works For The Benefit Of Kara City And The Surroundings Areas
Expression of Interest for Construction Work on Capture, Treatment, Storage, Supply and Distribution Networks and Related Works for the Benefit of Kara City and the Surroundings Areas. 3. Interested candidates may obtain information from the Société de Patrimoine Eau et Assainissement en Milieux Urbain et Semi Urbain (SP-EAU) at the following address: 88 ABV rue Doufelgou; Tokoin Casablanca; Telephone: 22 22 89 54, and consult the prequalification file at the same address on working days from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (local time) 4. The qualification requirements are: For community companies (UEMOA) 1. Valid tax registration card; 2. Extract from the trade and personal property register; 3. Certificate of non-bankruptcy dated less than three (03) months; 4. Tax clearance certificate dated less than one (01) year or tax compliance certificate dated less than three (03) months; 5. Certificate from the labor and social laws inspection (ITLS) dated less than three (03) months; 6. Social Clearance certificate dated less than six (06) months; 7. Certificate of payment of the regulatory parafiscal tax; For foreign companies 1. Extract from the trade and personal property register; 2. Certificate of non-bankruptcy dated less than three (03) months; 3. Certificate of payment of parafiscal tax on previous contracts (from September 2011) Tender Link :
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