Tenders are invited for Flood Protection Construction will be Made Nature, type and quantity: 80.100 m3 excavation, 150 m3 C16/20, 31.840 m3 C25/30, 2,000 m3 c30/37, 150 tons S420A iron, 100,000 kg various iron works, 15,000 kg of steel pedestrian bridge (2m-25m openness) (including 25m), 110,000 kg steel pedestrian bridge construction (25m) project fee (comprehension). Tender and Bid Opening Date: 10.04.2025 10:00 Type of Ad: Tender [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : https://www.ilan.gov.tr/ilan/1728503/ihale-duyurulari-yapim-ve-insaat-ihaleleri-taskin-koruma-insaati-yaptirilacaktir
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Devlet Su Isleri Çoruh Projeleri 26. Bölge Müdürlügü - Salkimli Köyü Yukari Tolgum Mevkii - 08100 Artvin Merkez/Artvin Tel: +90-4662382502 Fax: +90-4662382437
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