(L1) 8906.1262-Milk Creame, Type: Traditional, Ingredients: Sour Cream, Stabilizer And Phosphate Disodium, Fat Content: Maximum 25%, Additional Characteristics: Substances, Any Substances Foreign To Their Nature And Not Contain Gluten, Packaging: 300G Can. Measurement: Unit, (L1) 8906.1510-Condensed, Consistency: Creamy, Texture: Homogeneous, Without Granulation, Ingredients: Whole Milk, Sugar And Lactose, Additional Characteristics: Exempt From Dirt And Any Substances Foreign To Their Nature, Packaging: (L1) 8906.46399-Bed Presentation: Grated, Color: Yellow Straw, Ingredients: Grated Parmesan Cheese, Conservation: Conserved In Sorbic Acid, Strange Materials Of Any Kind And Not Contain Gluten, Packaging: Atoxic Plastic Bag With 100G, (L1) 8906.1512-Leite, Type: Uht, Liquid, Process Manufacturing: Pasteurized, Composition: Cow And Stabilizers, Odor: Odor: Odor: Odor: Odor Characteristic, Flavor: Characteristic, Packaging: Long Life Box, With 1 Liter, (L1) 8907.1360-Vinegar, Type: Alcohol, Ingredients: Fermented Acetic Of Hydrated Alcohol, Water And Conservative Ins 224, Color, Aroma: Acid, Acidity: 4%, Additional Characteristics: Dwarf Exempt, Soils, Foreign Elements And Not Contain Gluten, Packaging: 750Ml Plastic Bottle, With Lid And Safety Seal, 21/03/2025, (L1) 8907.1361-Tomato-Extrate, Type: Simple, Concentrated, Ingredients: Tomatoes, Sugar And Salt, Aspect: Red, Red, Odor: Proper: Proper, Additional Characteristics: Unnatural Substances, Not Containing Gluten, Packaging: Hermetically Closed Tin / Sachet, Minimum Net Weight: 300G, (L1) 8907.1460-Dead, Type: Americana, Appearance: Color: Yellow, Ingredients: Sugar, Vegetable Oil, Glucose, Mustard, Salt, Cornstarch, Preservative, Turmeric, Aroma: Characteristic, Strange Substances And Not Containing Gluten, Packaging: Plastic, Doswear Bottle And Safety Backer, With 190G (Up To 10% Variation), (L1) 8907.1471-Catchup / Ketchup, Non-Spicy, Ingredients: Tomato Pulp Added Spices, Sugar And Other Condiments, Have At Least 35% Dry Waste, Aroma: Own, Packaging: Plastic Flask With Flic Cover Top, Dose Nozzle And Safety Seal, With 400G (Up To 10%Variation), (L1) 8907.1516-Maneise, Appearance: Creamy Emulsion, Ingredients: Vegetable Oil, Water, Eggs, Vinegar, Modified Starch, Lemon Juice, Lactic Acid Acidic, Thickener Xanthan Gum, Conservative, Conservative, Flavorings And Other Substances Elderly Approved, Substances Foreign To Their Nature, Do Not Contain Gluten And Without Added Dyes, Packaging: 500G Plastic, With Threadable Plastic Lid And Sealing Seal, (L1) 8907.1580-Vinegar, Type: Balsamic, Aspect: Dense And Syrup, Ingredients: Red Wine Vinegar, Vegetable Extracts And Other Substances, Color: Color: Color: Color: Color: Color Dark, Flavor: Sweet/Acid, Acidity: 5, 5%, Packaging: Glass Bottle, With Threadable Lid And Safety Seal, Liquid Weight: 500Ml, (L1) 8907.1631-Retaining, With Liquid, Ingredients: Pea, Water And Salt, Not Contain Gluten, Hermetically Closed Can, Minimum Drained Weight: 170G, (L1) (L1) 8907.1636-Sweet Of Milk, Type: Creamy, Ingredients: Milk, Sugar And Other Allowed Substances, Do Not Count